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Pro Lens- Vs Pro Body- what to buy first?


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I love this guys Reviews and videos

He makes some very valid points.


I really wish we could embed videos :(


The 24-70 2.8 he uses is my favorite lens. I have used it both on Canon and Nikon. its the lens i am saving up for currently.



I bought my D300 with the 18-200 lens, then bought the pro lens and am still using the D300 body. I'm waiting on the upgrade to the D700 before considering a new body.

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Pro Lens- Vs Pro Body- what to buy first?


My blunt statement, always go with high quality glass first. The body doesn't matter nearly as much.


Not only does contrast and color make a difference but weather seals and build quality do as well. AutoFocus is critical and with most DSLR's the lens will slow down the camera.


Good Optics are key and the reason good glass is expensive. Good optics are priceless though. What you're paying for in good lenses is what you don't get. These are the most common issues with cheap glass.


  • Distortion
  • Spherical Aberrations
  • Chromatic Abberations
  • Light Falloff

The only part of his review I would really question is his comment about lens hoods. Ditch the glass filters of days gone by and use a hood. It serves several purposes, one of which is protection, the other is Image Quality.

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