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The next 6-8 weeks are going to suck ass for me and my wife.


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My 10 year old Autistic son broke his leg tonight over my parents house while I was making ribs. He went downstairs like he normally does and went to jump on the recliner and somehow his leg swung over and whacked the couch which has a wooden armrest going down the front of it.


The x-ray showed the front bone of the lower leg (can't remember what it is at the moment) broke clean. He couldn't put any weight on it and since he doesn't really know what's going on it fucking sucks. He thinks by tomorrow he'll be healed up but nope.. 6-8 weeks in the cast. Went down to childrens at 6:30 and got home a little after 10:30ish. I just don't know what to say.. it just plain sucks. He's used to running around the house between his room and the family room and now he can't move at all.. Why couldn't he break his damn arm or something to where he can be mobile? Damnit.



I asked him to smile for me and he did this:






Doped up on morphine.


What really sucks is that he just doesn't understand.. he thinks he hit his knee and it's just a boo-boo. Now we have to pretty much carry him everywhere and we will be getting a wheel chair from medicare this week so if we need to go anywhere we can transport him.


Please no bullshit comments.. I'm not in the mood.

Edited by Buck531
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Thats some cast too, can't even bend his knee. I can't imagine that being comfortable.


I keep telling myself and my wife.. Why couldn't he break is damn arm.. that way he could at last move around. Damn this is going to be rough. It's not like telling him he can't walk around freely and go anywhere.. he's fucking stuck. He won't use crutches (doesn't understand)... :no:

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That sucks man anything that happen to our children is bad. But it will heal and u can always chop it up to life experiance. And there is always far worse things that can happen. I don't wish what ur going through on anyone but it will get better!
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Ihop in Columbus? lol. naa. He's sleeping now upstairs on the couch and Lori is on the love seat sleeping.


I'm not sure what would make him happy now. His diet is limited to chips, peanut butter crackers, cereal and hot dogs.


I wish I could just give him morphine for the next 8 weeks. This is only the first night. hopefully the weeks to come will be better.

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Ihop in Columbus? lol. naa. He's sleeping now upstairs on the couch and Lori is on the love seat sleeping.


I'm not sure what would make him happy now. His diet is limited to chips, peanut butter crackers, cereal and hot dogs.


I wish I could just give him morphine for the next 8 weeks. This is only the first night. hopefully the weeks to come will be better.


LOL. I meant iHop, like I hop. Seeings how he can't really walk right now. As in, he might only be able to hop. hahaha

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sucks dude. my brother is at childrens, so he may have seen your boy--don't know if he was on call this weekend. good thing about kids is that they heal fast, and you'll be amazed at how well kids (even with disabilities) adapt to having body parts casted. good luck
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Not trying to be funny (especially since i dont know exactly how autistic kids are), but would he catch on if you told him every day that its coming off "tomorrow"? Sucks about the leg though...i broke my wrist in 2 spots in july, was in surgery 4 days after the break, and a post-surgery splint for not even a full 3 weeks, and after it came off, trying to move my wrist more than 10 degrees either way sucked...i couldnt imagine 2-3x that long
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Within the last 1/2 hour he's finally sleeping. Every 1-2 minutes from last night until now he would scream . I don't think he's IN that much pain.. but the fact that he has a cast on and knows something is wrong is making him "think" theres going to be pain when we move him or he moves.


Thanks for the kind words. I hoping after this week things will get better.

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