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What would you do???


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So Monday nite I was at premier at sawmill playing Rball with a friend. My bag was outside the ct and my wallet was inside of it. When I left there wAs only 5 workers there. I woke up tuesday and couldn't find my wallet. I tore my house up looking for it thinking I misplaced it. Fast forward to 11pm last nite cpd calls me letting me know that my wallet was found at a gas station near premier @ sawmill. He said there was no cash but my cc were still in there. So I go to pick it up to tonight and as I'm talking to the clerk we were describing the person who dropped it off and I'm pretty sure I know it was one of the workers from the club. Now the kid I think it was doesn't like me cause a few yrs ago I messed with one of his chicks. The clerk said if I can get a police report I can look at the tape of who dropped off my wallet. If it is who I think it is, do I press charges for a measly $300 bucks which he can say he found the wallet and there was no money in there, or handle it myself? What would you do? Cause obviously it's personal now if it is this guy.
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Police up. See the Vid. Make a Case. Settle.


Then make it personal.







That sounds like an easy answer but how can u build a case against him when the cameras didn't see him take the money? Unless he tried to use the cc to get gas?

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Police up. See the Vid. Make a Case. Settle.


Then make it personal.






That sounds like an easy answer but how can u build a case against him when the cameras didn't see him take the money? Unless he tried to use the cc to get gas?


This guy has the right idea..... get what you can..... then fuck his life up.





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I think its gonna be hard to prove that you had 300 in the wallet. All he has to say is taht he found it outside the gas station and returned it. He has a pretty good case to get out of it since he returned it kind of and didnt use any of your cards.

If it were me I would pull that dude to the side and state that you know he took it and said gas station has it on video. I would then say if you return the 300.00 then I will not fuck you up. I will not call the cops and press charges on you and the issue will die right here. Then after he pays you I would fuck him up and or go to the cops and file a report stating he admitted to it and paid you back. That should be good for a petty theft charge at the very least.

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I just got a truck wanna get some tow chains and kindly remove his axle for him?? :gabe:

seriously though, I would confirm it was in fact him then ask his employer to install hidden cameras to see if they can catch him in the act, if more stuff than just yours is coming up missing and you can prove what you know they may oblige.

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I'd also notify the management at premier.


Im sure they already know.


I have family that has been going there for almost 20 years now and employee theft has been an issue since forever. Old gig was for guys to rob the lockers while patrons were exercising and what not, I think a number of them (employees) actually ended up getting caught/prosecuted.

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Doesn't the place where you were playing racket ball have camera's there? Cant you see who took it in the first place?



^^ This.


First, file a police report, get the vid from the gas station and see who it was. It's likely they have cameras outside too so if he went through it there you might just get lucky on that.


Bring the police report the club and ask them if they have cameras. Chances are they do. I know the Dublin Rec. Ctr does and they even post that you're being watched. If they do, ask to see them or do what you need to in order to make that happen. Even their parking lot cameras


Personally, 1/5 and potentially others doesn't give me a good feeling that you really "know" who did it. I'm all for confronting them, but you have to make sure you know for certain.




Camera's, they are everywhere. Exhaust those possibilities.

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Pursue it. Camera evidence and everything else. Some people on here are saying he will deny it. So what. It would seem pretty coincidental if it were a employee of the gym at a gas station who just so happened to have a wallet that disappeared from the gym he works at that is owned by someone who he's had beef with who lost it at the gym. :megusta:


Fuck the theif's life up, if possible. Theft on your record follows you around like herpes for the rest of your life and an asshole like that needs to be labeled.

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If nothing else I would file a report of the theft. I probably would cancel my credit cards too. They have been out of your possession for enough time to be copied or at least information recorded from them. Also you may have had personal information in your wallet that someone could use for identity theft. If crap comes up in the future at least you'll have a police report to go back to that your wallet was stolen, and possibly a face for the police to investigate.
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If nothing else I would file a report of the theft. I probably would cancel my credit cards too. They have been out of your possession for enough time to be copied or at least information recorded from them. Also you may have had personal information in your wallet that someone could use for identity theft. If crap comes up in the future at least you'll have a police report to go back to that your wallet was stolen, and possibly a face for the police to investigate.


This pretty good points here. You don't know for sure that this is the end of the situation

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Befriend him. Let him know about Jesus. He is obviously a troubled person, and needs your guidance. Take him to church, let him know the lord. Give him more of your money if he needs it. Love him. Hug him often. Let him know he had value, and that you value him. Read the bible with him. Cook for him. Pray with him.
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