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The cars you have


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When I see this it just made me think, when is it going to be enough? When will I think its right?

When you put an ls1 in it :lolguy:



but I thought I would never sell my turbo transam, but priorities change, id rather have a family, and own part of a business that would bring me revenue without doing anything.

sure I put so much work and am bonded to the car, but its just a car. Now i wonder if I can sell it for half of what I put in it. Id probably sell it or keep it, no biggie either way.

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I still like my Stealth, and I'm in the same boat as many others as far as sentimental value and having way more in it than it's worth. I probably won't sell it any time soon, but I can't say I'll have it forever.


It's not fast with its 240ish hp, but it still entertains me most days. Being fwd, it has made me decide that I want my next car to be rwd, and lighter, not 3300 lbs and fwd.

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I too have had cars come and go. Some I was glad to see them go, others I regret selling and would consider buying them back if the opportunity arose.


The '94 Impala SS was probably the first car I ever fell in love with. I remember first seeing a picture of it in my dads Popular Mechanics. GM took out a 2 page spread in the center of the mag. About the closest thing to a centerfold you're going to find in Popular Mechanics. The add was a blue sunburst background with the text, "Lord Vader, your car is ready". When I bought the car I had to go and track down a print of that add.


The Camaro kind of fell into my lap. I bought it from a coworker who wasn't driving it and wanted it gone. I'll keep it till one of us dies. I've got more money invested in it than it will ever be worth, so I may as well. Plans for it continue to evolve, so where it's going from here I don't know.

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I bought my Trans Am 6 years ago and thought I'd have it for a long time. I put 10K miles on it over the past 6 years. I have been remodeling my house the past 4 years, so all my money has been going to it instead of the car. Things change, priorities change, life happens. I realized I'm not going to have extra money to put into the car for a long time, so I sold it 2 weekends ago for $500 less than I paid for it. In the end, it's just a car. I suppose I'll get something else in a few years, but for now, I have to focus on my house.
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Like Andy, I've always had my car purchases planned out pretty far ahead of time, so I tend to keep them for quite a while. Also, while I love cars, I've grown to hate car payments so that keeps my field of possible purchases pretty low.


As my family grows my M3 will eventually go away and I'll get a more suitable daily. I'd like to keep my FD forever, but we all know that sometimes life priorities change and get in the way. As for now, I'm going to enjoy it while I've got it and not worry about much else.


I do know that in the future at some point I want a Model-A roadster which I would also keep for quite some time once I get it.

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I've owned my 300ZX for a little over 16 years and don't see it going anywhere in the near future. It was one of my dream cars back in the early 90's but it was out of reach for me.


I can not think of another car within the same budget parameters that I would enjoy as much. Based on family and work priorities, I don't get to enjoy it as much as I would like at times but it still fills the void of a car that is more than transportation from point a to point b.


I hope to get another toy at some point but it will be an addition instead of a replacement.

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I have owned my Jeep for 3 years now and still love the shit out of it its not fast or smooth or refined but thats what I really like about it is has everything you need nothing you don't. Honestly hope to keep it forever would like to be able to teach my boys how to drive with it.
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As of right now the only vehicles that aren't going anywhere are the FD and the GL1000. I have too much time and blood in the bike. The FD is just so cool and unique that I could never see it out of my possession.


The Si COULD be let go, but I highly doubt it any time soon. It's just a riot to drive on a daily basis. However, if someone gave me enough for it I would likely sell it. As of right now though, the plan is to continue daily driving it until I get a decent job and it will be tin-canned and made into a track car.


The Jeep and the Bronco could be sold without a care though. The nice thing is that the Jeep is worth about 8-9k right now. I am seriously considering selling it just to have the extra cash because I NEVER drive it. The Bronco gets driven fairly often, but I have no major attachment to it.

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I would have to say the FD. I have no intentions of selling it anytime soon and consider it a life car. I was actually just going through it the other day, wiping the dust and cleaning the windows while it just sits in my garage waiting for me to start working on it again. I could care less about my truck or daily. There isnt much time spent or thought prep put into how it should drive or function.


The unique aspect of the FD has been the only reason i have kept it around. I know the car inside and out and have upgraded just about every piece on the car. Getting to know a car with that much detail takes too much time.

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Honestly hope to keep it forever would like to be able to teach my boys how to drive with it.


4.0? Yep? Yeah, it'll still be running then. Just the body will rust away and none of the electronics will work :dumb:



My FB is staying around. If the motor ever goes (seems like it's not going to die without sabotage), then it's game on. After buying/selling about 10 cars in the time I got it, it is still the most fun to drive.


I have the car willed also. May have to change that if i have kids.

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Haven't really been attached to any car I've owned yet, my bike I'll never get rid of sans something life altering that would mean I'd have to sell it that is.


I want a Z06 and once I get one I doubt I'll sell it either, I've never been big on modifying cars though so not sure what will end up with that one.

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I love buying cars/trucks but get bored and sell them. Hell I owned my cummins truck for 3 months and sold it again. I like my Cherokee cause I know I can do anything with it and it will still be perfect. I am looking at cars now that I can keep for a while and enjoy as I mod them. c5, fd, 03/04 cobra is what has my fancy now so we will see.
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I have a 1991 Talon TSi AWD (auto). Do I have intentions of getting rid of it...not at this point. My goal is to ALWAYS have a 1Ga AWD in my posession. I would consider acquiring a cleaner shell down here in TX for the right price as this one has rust in places that are not easily seen which drives me nuts, but I have no intention of ever not owning a 1Ga AWD. I have literally changed about everything on that car one way or another, and put lots of blood, sweat, and tears from rust particles in my eyes to ever turn my back on this platform I have come to know so well.
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I love my Daily, My g35 is everything (minus needing another 100whp) I wanetd in a daily driver. It handles well and moves out.


The project a 97 impreza that I swapped in a ej257 sb with 205 heads. I've put allot of suspension work into the car and honesly I'm still not happy with it. I loved my bug eye and everytime i drive the 97 i get out frustrated

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I recently lost attachment to my cars as much as I used to. I see they as depreciating money pits. I thought i would keep my S4 forever but I decided to get into something different. I just use them for daily use/personal use. I've been through 8 cars in the past few years, shows how long I hold onto stuff.
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Yes i'm keeping it, but i really don't see it as a work in progress even though i am always doing something with it. Or repairing it. I have a final goal in mind, the biggest factor being that a much smaller percentage of my time is spent persuing that. But the good part is that the car is already becoming an instrament in which I and the kids use to spend more time together, that's what it's mostly about.
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CLIFFS: 5 years ago, I would've told you I'm a "car-keeper" for life. Now and forseeable future? Not so much. Too many other moving components in my world.


This. What I want in a car hasn't changed much, but my circumstances have changed quite a bit. I had to decide, many years ago, that it was better to have a car that worked and did some of what I wanted, than a car disassembled in my garage that might someday do everything I wanted. I also haven't been able to stick with a DD for more than 3 or 4 years because I kept having kids.

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I regret selling my old 90 GT all the time.


I thought I would be with the Mini for the long haul since I ordered it brand new to spec, but slammed tiny cars are just not good as a primary vehicle.


The FJ is great and I very well may keep it for a very long time. It should at least last as long as I should ever want it to (not being in the rust belt anymore). It is comfortable, fun to drive, and can do anything I need it for, like hauling stuff and people. I am constantly resisting the urge to do any major modifying that would render it unpractical for me, like a big lift, or mud tires....it isnt going to do all that much offroading.

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I usually get bored after about two years with my cars that I buy just for fun. Now with that said my Z06 is the one car that I am not bored with yet and I have owned it for over two years now. I actually put over 10,000 miles on it over the past couple years but that includes two florida trips. For me that is a lot of miles being just a weekend toy.
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