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Makes you think


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Last summer i requested to be transferred to another Task Force that was leaving sooner and was supposed to have a better mission than the unit i was with. In August i MOB'd out of Camp Shelby MS and got to Afghanistan in early November. Turns out our mission got changed and we got shafted anyways, go figure. In Jan, the rest of our Battalion (my original Task Force) arrived in Afghanistan, including my old Company. This past Wednesday, my company was hit by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle. It killed 3 soldiers and wounded many others. I heard of 2 of the KIAs (not releasing names) and knew one of them. Its not like we were best friends but i knew him, seen him around on drill weekends etc. Now the part that realy gets to me is, there medic, who just arrived a month or two before deploying, was injured in the attack. Again, i knew of him but wasnt buddy buddy or anything. Anyways, it had me thinking that it could have easily been me in his boots. Had i not transferred, that could have been me that got injured/killed. I dont know yet how bad his injuries are or who the others are that were injured/killed, but it just kind of makes your skin tingle when you think that it could have been you. I feel weird about the whole thing and find myself wondering what if. I guess all i can do is thank God that things worked out the way they did and i was spared in a way. Im not trying to turn this into something about me, im just feeling fortunate yet guilty in a way. It could have very easily been one of the other medics out here that got switched too, but just knowing that one of us medics could have switched spots kind of opens your eyes a bit.

Either way i pary for a speedy recovery for those injured and RIP to those who made the ultimate sacrafice.

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Anthony, your thoughts are none to feel guilty about. You do your job. Do it the best you can and let that be your focus. You help people and that's exactly what you would have done had you been there. Edited by Mojoe
Long read decided to PM instead
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Do you happen to know Dylan Ulis? He is a friend of mine and told me about this yesterday. He said this was his old squad. Sad to hear. RIP


No i dont know that guy. And thanks everyone for the thoughts.

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That's the sick reality of existing in a combat zone. The close calls and what ifs will happen and always do. Don't dwell on these situations, for it never helps the present situation. I know the exact feeling of this. Push it out of your mind and don't let it affect your present situation, but keep it as a reminder.
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