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Computer peeps, question for you.


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Going through my computer, clearing things out and reorganizing. I noticed the memory/HD was more full than I figured it would be. Started clicking on the properties of each of folder, and the desk top shows 254 gigs. I only have 3 copies of my resume that I'm working on, on the desk top, and the trash can that's empty. I like to keep it clear.


Only thing I can think is when I was copying movies from a friends external HD, I may have dropped them by accident outside what I see on the desk top. I had done that once before a long time ago with a single file and was able to search the file and then move it. Now, I don't see anything. I don't know what I'm looking for.


How do I find this 254gigs?


Thanks in advance.

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This program is pretty good, and free.




Not showing 254 gigs on desk top with that program. Just shows the files I see.


show hidden files? also make sure there aren't any hidden folders on your desktop that might have a bunch of files in it.


Checked. Nothing.

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I usually am ha! :)


Sounds like that is the case thigh I do know people who use the desktop as a repository, I hate those people!


Yeah I love going up to troubleshoot some old lady's shit and I see a wall of icons overtop some gay ass family pic that is tiled on the desktop.

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