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got to bring my daughter home yesterday!


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And im lovin every minute of it. I dont harve any pics uploaded yet since the fiance is hogging the camera lol. Her name is kayley and she was born saturday the 7th. She was 19 inches, 7 pounds 6oz.


Although im sure im probably just over reacting, but the 2 days we were in the hospitol with her, she rarely ever cried. Now that we have been home, it just seems like we cant do anything right to calm her down. I told a lady i work with about it and she mentioned maybe stomach ach bc she has been eating more and more in a short amount of time. Anyone else had this happen?

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Quite possible... remember crying is the only way babies have of saying they're not happy, and it'll take a while to learn the difference between "My tummy hurts," "I'm hungry," "Hold me," "My butt is all warm and squishy," and "I miss the hot tub, please put me back in there." Remember to burp them regardless of whether they're nursing off a bottle or a titty.
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Congrats! We just had our 2nd (7 weeks old now). I know our first would cry when his diaper was just a little wet, no matter what. 2nd one is not as picky, but we always change diaper at every feeding. (right now still every 2hrs or so).


And you know how people say enjoy the time you have with them while they are babies, i know what that really means now. And you will as well. Time really does fly.



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Thanks guys. When we feed her we always give her maybe half, then burb her and give her the rest. When we were at the hospital, they started her out at 1oz per feeding, but by time we left, they said just let her eat till she would regurgitate it when you burbed her.


We tried pretty much everything you said, short of the tub because she still has the ambilical cord still attached and nothing helped lol.

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When we first switched Rhea to the bottle we had problems with her crying so hard it made me cry with her. I called the Dr and and they suggested a lactose intolerance. They suggested we switch from regular formula to lactose free formula and if that didn't help to try soy formula. I already had the soy so we went straight to that and had no problems. I've never heard the feed them till they yak it up method? We were told something like 2 ounces every 3 hours. What formula are you guys using?
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Although im sure im probably just over reacting, but the 2 days we were in the hospitol with her, she rarely ever cried. Now that we have been home, it just seems like we cant do anything right to calm her down. I told a lady i work with about it and she mentioned maybe stomach ach bc she has been eating more and more in a short amount of time. Anyone else had this happen?


Congrats man!


Seeing the above paragraph made me LOL Though :lolguy: The joys of being a parent. I'll say this, it will subside but never forget these things:


It's now all about her, then your wife, then your dog, then the flowers, then you. Just note your place and the fact that the car isn't mentioned.


The noise will subside for a bit, then it will change. In 3-5 years you will always have the sound of a chattering or crying little one somewhere in your home. However, it's all good. Congrats again.


Welcome to parenting 101 newb :gabe:

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Here is some info on feeding if thats whats making her upset.




Many infants "spit up" a small amount after eating or during burping, but a baby should not vomit after feeding. This can be due to overfeeding, but vomiting after every feeding may be a sign of an allergy, digestive problem, or other problem that needs medical attention. If you have concerns that your baby is spitting up too much, call your doctor


Hope this helps a bit. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

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Although im sure im probably just over reacting, but the 2 days we were in the hospitol with her, she rarely ever cried. Now that we have been home, it just seems like we cant do anything right to calm her down. . Anyone else had this happen?



baby crying?? nah, never heard of that problem before.



lol. congrats, and welcome to being a parent. its a great feeling.

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To add to the others, we recently switched from similac to babies r us's gentle formula. It's their equilvalent to enfamil's gentle ease and it's help with gas. Also, if baby is gassy, the Dr. Brown natural flow bottles have been a big help as well.



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Formula or Breast milk? Try to pump if your fiance can, it is way way better! Also, Keep them swaddled tightly. That helped my little boy a lot.. When he was wrapped up he was super happy, With free arms he screamed like no one has ever screamed before. EVER.


Also, (and yeah I may be a hippy) go read books by Dr. Sears. Follow his advice and you are guaranteed to have a happy baby..

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Gas drops in every bottle, + dr browns as already mentioned. You might also need a liquid zantac prescription (no gas drops if you go on that). Did you already have your 5-day doc appt? It then goes to ever 2 weeks or something like that. Check with your doctor before doing any major changes.
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Thanks eveyone. And thanks again for all the help.


George, she doesnt spit much up at all when we burp her. She has similac advance. She is supposed to have her appointment tomorrow but she is trying to get her in today instead. Ill make sure to ask about lactouse intollerance at her appointment, didnt even think of that. Wouldnt you be able to notice something like that pretty quick though?

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Thanks eveyone. And thanks again for all the help.


George, she doesnt spit much up at all when we burp her. She has similac advance. She is supposed to have her appointment tomorrow but she is trying to get her in today instead. Ill make sure to ask about lactouse intollerance at her appointment, didnt even think of that. Wouldnt you be able to notice something like that pretty quick though?


It actually can take up to a few weeks for a baby to adapt to a new formula. So if you do change, it could be instant or up to a few weeks. Just give it time. Hopefully it doesn't take that long. Took our 2nd about a week to adapt. My first didn't have any issues with Similac Advance and that's all he had for the first year.


Best of luck!



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I still can't believe a women let you sleep with them...let alone long enough for you to reproduce... lol


Congrats bud


So Gary, when are you gonna make an honest woman of her??? I hear that question a lot so now is my turn to push it on someone.



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