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Any quarries to swim in around here?

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I've gotten into the freediving thing, and I'm looking for clear, deep water to practice in (without having to go to lake Huron).


I know there are some great ones in northwest ohio, but there are a shit-ton of limestone quarries around here, there's got to be one somewhere close. I'm looking for 60ft deep mininum with good visibility.

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I know there are several quarries that have signs advertising diving out 33 between Lancaster and Logan. All of them should be within 30-40 minutes of Columbus.




Lakeview RV Park.


Last summer I got my SCUBA open-water dives done there that is about 40ft deep. Doesn't sound like much, but there is a sunken Frito-Lay box truck, an old twin-engined Beechcraft (complete with skeleton in the pilot's seat), and power boat all lying at about 25-35ft depth. Two days' of diving and definitely had a lot of fun.


I've heard Gilboa is another great dive quarry...

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Maybe see some catfish the size of cadillacs


I swear to god I hear this exact reference at EVERY river town I have ever been to....


"The city sent divers down years ago for (insert random shit reason here), and every one of them came up shaking, and refused to go back in."

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I swear to god I hear this exact reference at EVERY river town I have ever been to....


"The city sent divers down years ago for (insert random shit reason here), and every one of them came up shaking, and refused to go back in."


:masturboy: But have you scubadived on the ohio river down here by wheeling near the dam?

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There's one off 23s behind the Lowes. 23 and 270 on the south side. Came across this riding dirtbikes back there. Was told there's all kinds of cars and stolen shit in it. It's huge. Kinda creepy back in there...burned out cars and shit all over.

Good dirtbike riding and truck mudding though.

Once you are in there, parking at Lowes, you have to cross a decent sized creek/river. On the other side the cement company piled up all kind of shit to keep people from crossing over into the area, but you can easily get around. We did on quads and bikes.

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*dons her paranoid mom hat*

While it sounds cool, please be safe and dont go alone. Last year some high school kids were out diving and two drowned


Thier parents and friends said they were excellent swimmers too.


Learn the signs of actual drowning (not tv drowning) before you dos this.

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*dons her paranoid mom hat*

While it sounds cool, please be safe and dont go alone. Last year some high school kids were out diving and two drowned


Thier parents and friends said they were excellent swimmers too.


Learn the signs of actual drowning (not tv drowning) before you dos this.


Eric is indestructible!

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Thanks all for the tips! The stuff up in NW Ohio, I already knew about, and it looks completely bad ass. I was looking for something a bit closer to my babysitting source, because that will increase my ability to go. Looking for legal stuff, places that have been cleared and aren't creepy as hell.


Anybody want to do a Dive Weekend somewhere? Those places up in the NW have campgrounds.


Learn the signs of actual drowning (not tv drowning) before you dos this.


Many thanks got the concern. I actually have done quite a bit of training to recognize what's going on with my body at various stages of apnea, well past the burning sensation in the lungs, past the belly convulsions, all the way to tingling in my extremeties... in the safety of my livingroom. Personal record for holding is just shy of 4 minutes. Depth record is 50ft, and I'm able to hang out down there. I need a deeper swimmin hole. :)


Here's a vid I took playing in 40ft of water:

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Gilboa is over 100', you better have 5m or better wetsuit because the water at 100 is around 50 degrees.


I've swam in 45deg water with no suit.





For about 5 minutes.


Being that I'm freediving, my total time-per-dive at that depth would only be a few seconds. Cut that in half and I'll be able to hang around for half a minute or so.


I've tried freediving in a full 5mm john-jacket a couple of times and I really hated the way it felt. The act requires much more articulation, and fighting the suit wears you out sooner, requires more oxygen. Plus, 20lb of extra lead to counter the suit makes for a lot more inertia, more extra work, and more O2 consumption...

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Terrible thing, but....


:lol: @ "Hanz Goezinya (OBGYN)"


I've swam at night in near total darkness and I lasted about 30 seconds before I started freaking out: can't see the bottom, can't touch the bottom, can't see what's around you. Water isn't so fun anymore. Can't imagine swimming in a quarry at 2am...gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.


Assuming this woman didn't sustain a head injury, what a terrible way to die. :no:

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I've considered asking permission to swim that quarry, since it's all private land around it. It didn't look clear enough to do what I want to do.


I've also considered diving at night.... but only during a full moon in crystal water, at a place whose bottom I was very familiar with. I wanted to do some photography, but didn't have a buddy to go with me, so I stayed in bed.

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