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Opinion Thread; Why does the world hate us?


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This is from just a few weeks after Sept. 11th, 2001


"People don't sacrifice themselves for any reason. Let's find out what it is. And if we did something wrong (no doubt we did) let's apologize, ask for forgiveness, and then ask how we can do better."


By golly that sounds like a swell time. Since its 2001, lets gather some of our great minds together and carry this out in a adult-like matter. I invite George Bush, Dick Cheney, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, G8, NATO, The UN, Impoverished African Dictators, millions of Americans who think they are getting a good deal on their mortgage, Steve Jobs, all the perfectly healthy people from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, all the standing shacks in Haiti, BP oil pipeline engineers, The CEO of Enron, the CEOs of all the top American banks, the director of the FDIC, and for good measure, the top executives from US health insurance companies. God bless them.

















Fuck that shit. AMERICA.





So I present to you, CR, my as unbiased as possible (LOL JK) review on why people hate America, starring, the last 10 years.


First of all, and I'm speaking directly to many of you, Americans like to think that America is the center of the Universe. We are. Not. I'll be generous and give America an age of 300 years, since we did spank those Brits from the beginning AMIRITE? According to the bible thumpers, this makes America 1/20th as old as Earth. Not bad, pretty good time scale to shift the universe. Too many people have total disregard for current global events. I left out the names of foreign leaders of my intro on purpose, because I'm sure less than 2% of people reading this know who Hu Jintao is (he is the leader of the People’s Republic of China, tell a friend)


Second, our most influential export is culture. We rule the world on culture, but many aren’t looking forward to that. We have done some great things, but no one remembers polio anymore. Just like no one cares about how great you were on your high school football team. Everyone does remember the time you puked in a bush at the prom queen’s party though. Everyone also remembers America for Jerry Springer, the showcase of American obesity, trash, and general inbreeding. Take this kind of repulsive culture to a society that is literally thousands of years old, for example, much of the Middle East. An Abrams tank can put a hole through 4 sandstone houses, but it won’t taint a culture as much as the introduction of American media will. They don’t like us because of our culture, and too many of you fucks can’t accept them for theirs. If they’ve had a society where women have dressed like this for as long as generations can remember, do you think they want their women suddenly parading around like Paris Hiltonesque megawhores shoving pineapples up their cunts? No. There is no dignity in that, not even for Paris Hilton. Okay maybe a little dignity for her, but shes a fucking retard.




CHAPTER 2: Because Europeans are just tiny dicked pussies who are scared of war and trillion dollar deficits


Europe: “Hey America, I hear the Middle East rustled your jim-“


Europe: “Woah okay dude, just don’t drag us into that, we don’t really agree with you going to war with two countries when a handful of secular extremist were the only ones resp-“




Can anyone tell me why we invaded Iraq without using the term “Weapons of Mass Destruction” because Colin Powell (Reminder! Former Secretary of State) knew the whole time there wasn’t any and has since said that his speech regarding Iraq's manufacture of such weapons was “the lowest point” in his life? Got it, moving on.






CHAPTER 3: Because we jump to conclusions like a bunch of…Americans

See: every post in this thread that targets a country in the Middle East. Including this one. This was supposed to be about why the whole world hates us, but I’m betting a lot of people won’t read that and will just jump to hating whichever “third world sand country” is in the news that day.



CHAPTER 4: The South


See title.





I'm bored, I'm going to go masturbate to some good ol' American porn.

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Go to a bar on Friday night. Find the bad ass in the bar. Ask people why they hate him and most responses will be "he walks around like he owns the place" or "He thinks he is such a bad ass". Now drop the bar and add in the world, take the bad ass and replace America in its place and the rest of the land masses are the patrons.



In some respects we are bad ass, in others we are not. Go to England and buy things, I will guarantee you they will charge you more for almost everything. I saw this first hand, but the family I was with got charged less only because they where English. I am sure its the same everywhere else, stereo types may not be right but they are there for a reason most times.

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I am interested to read the replies from Our Vets that have been in the desert fighting as they have seen both sides were as I have only saw one side colored by the biased media so am in no way qualified to say.

So If you are a vet of the war in the middle east either time (since they seem to hate us the most) please state that in your reply

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Go to a bar on Friday night. Find the bad ass in the bar. Ask people why they hate him and most responses will be "he walks around like he owns the place" or "He thinks he is such a bad ass". Now drop the bar and add in the world, take the bad ass and replace America in its place and the rest of the land masses are the patrons.



In some respects we are bad ass, in others we are not. Go to England and buy things, I will guarantee you they will charge you more for almost everything. I saw this first hand, but the family I was with got charged less only because they where English. I am sure its the same everywhere else, stereo types may not be right but they are there for a reason most times.



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Outside of politics, we have the best country around. We have beautiful mountain ranges, fertile farmlands, millions of acres of forest, sandy beaches, rugged ocky shorelines. Every season is represented, from tropical summers to winter wonderlands. Some of the most amazing weather events and geological features the world over can only be found on our land.


From a lifestyle standpoint, we DO have a free and open democratic government, with an acceptible business and personal lifestyle climate. No country on this world is more accepting with just as many opportunities for success.


Though I consider myself to be a moderate Christian, and have been fortunate to travel abroad on numerous occasions, I cannot understand how living in another country could make me happy for the rest of my life.




In short...


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i am a veteran, i spent a year plus (total) in the middle east. oman, saudi arabia, and iraq.


most middle easteners love americans/american culture. they do not our government. they do not like our foreign policy.


there a very small amount of people that REALLY do not like us. those are terrorists and fighters in iraq/afghanistan.

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"Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is, I'm not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism." - K Powers (the real one not the LT1 driving fagget from blacklick)


Do you even know what the fuck your saying retard? The LT1 has been gone for over a year. Get off my ball sack you flaming fag. Everyone hates the USA because you live here.:)

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