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I didn't even see Merle in the preview for next week's episode then I saw something later where I did. Definitely don't think it's gonna be him in the woods now. Preview showed him in the vehicle with Andrea and the Governor on their way to Woodbury from the chopper crash site.


Maybe Morgan from episode 1? No one in the group knows who Morgan is except for Rick and I remember a line from the season 3 trailer where Daryl has his crossbow up and aimed at someone and he says "Who the hell are you?" Could be a line from later in the season if Michonne makes her way to the prison but would love to see Morgan come back.


Always wondered what happened to Morgan, would be interesting to see him make a re-appearance.

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The first two episodes were pretty good. I hope they don't slow down and drag out like last year did.


Last season was so boring with looking for the little girl and them being stuck on the highway for ages, hopefully they actually make the prison more interesting, as they have been so far.

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in the comics he lives and shows them all how to grow crops and shit.. some other dude got bit in the foot like that and Rick chopped his leg off, but he ended up dying anyways. So I wonder if they're going to let Herschel live with a peg leg or something?


in the comic it was Dale that got his leg chopped off, then had a peg leg while still banging Andrea, a lot of stuff that goes down in the comics is altered in the show, so I wonder if they'll alter what the Gov. does to Rick?

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I think Herschel's was more like Allen's (not even on the TV show). Both happened as the group explored deeper into the prison, both had their legs hurriedly amputated by Rick (and to some negative responses by the other survivors in the comic IIRC) but the outcome is still TBD. Could easily combine the Allen/Dale amputation experiences into Herschel.


And apparently Kirkman wanted it to be Herschel who lost a leg in the comic originally but decided against it because half his kids had already died (a few more families and sets of children in the comics to start) so he felt bad for him...lol.


And Dale's death in the comics is so much better than the TV show. But it can't be explained here without ruining potential future plot lines.

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I missed the latest season, i've noticed they are getting better and better with the gorey zombies and whatnot. The first season had some pretty cheesy gore


CGI was better last season too, the only annoying thing was the highway which was clearly all CGI and not well done. The whole prison and everything so far this season is much better though

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I'm really hoping that episode was just to set the stage for some action.. Woodbury seems like an incredibly boring place.


Wtf was up with that wall of heads at the end!?


The governor is a twisted fuck.


I saw a few things wrong with the ambush as well. But still better then 100% of reality tv.

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Don't give a fuck about that boring ass community and that dick governer. I'd rather watch Rick evolve into a badass and fight off waves of zombies.


Yeah. The comics roll around in Woodbury for awhile though, so don't expect it to only last a couple episodes :(

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Governor dude, sucks. Shoot soldiers, then picks up a M4 with no rear site and shoots one in the back while he runs away.


I figured this would have more of an effect over here. I discuss the show with some other people on another forum and they're all "The Governor's bad ass!" and "Michonne's being a bitch!" She seemed irrationally paranoid at first but I think the scene with the Governor and his people taking out military for no good reason should have flipped everyone to "Michonne was right not to trust him" pretty quick.


I think they were too eager to get the wall of heads on the show and did it too early. Then they didn't have the line from the comic "Fifty-seven channels and nothing on" that really starts to hammer home how twisted the Governor is.


Like some of us who have read the comics have said before... it will be interested to see how much of the Governor stuff makes it to the show.


And I can see why some of you aren't that interested in Woodbury because of the way it was introduced. The way Woodbury is brought into the story in the comics is very different from what happened in the episode.

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I figured this would have more of an effect over here. I discuss the show with some other people on another forum and they're all "The Governor's bad ass!" and "Michonne's being a bitch!" She seemed irrationally paranoid at first but I think the scene with the Governor and his people taking out military for no good reason should have flipped everyone to "Michonne was right not to trust him" pretty quick.


I think they were too eager to get the wall of heads on the show and did it too early. Then they didn't have the line from the comic "Fifty-seven channels and nothing on" that really starts to hammer home how twisted the Governor is.


Like some of us who have read the comics have said before... it will be interested to see how much of the Governor stuff makes it to the show.


And I can see why some of you aren't that interested in Woodbury because of the way it was introduced. The way Woodbury is brought into the story in the comics is very different from what happened in the episode.



possible "SPOILERS" don't read past this unless you've read the comics or if you wanna know then read on



































in the comics the gov didn't want new people in his community, he just wants what they have, hence why he went after that National Guard unit, we just wanted the supplies they had, and any surviving people were put into an arena vs. walkers for the Woodbury people's entertainment, if the people fighting beat the walkers they fight again, some survivors are fed to his daughter(who was supposed to be locked in that room with those heads at the end of the show), but in the comics it was Rick, Glen, Michonne and someone else(T-Dog I think) who were captured, none of them wood speak so they were tortured, they cut Ricks right hand off, Michonne was raped & beaten non-stop for days by the Gov. all because they were wearing the prison riot gear telling the Gov they have valuable items and a much better secure place that he wants.

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