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What makes your call on a parts store?


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Sounds like this is more becoming a question of the people behind the sale versus the sale itself. Which is a good thing for those of us working on getting the right people in place :) Product quality I can certainly understand though, when you buy a part especially something with a Lifetime warranty you expect it to last unfortunately not all products are created(or remanned) equal!


Geeesammy - I can certainly feel your pain. I can't tell you how many times a customer will come in for a light bulb not even knowing the year or manu of their vehicle. The "do you have it here? If so lets take a look real quick" can be a life saver but ... we all eventually run low on patience :) I'm sure you have also had an untold number of "you install these for me, right?" ranging for everything from headlights and tail lights to alternators and everything else. Makes you wonder sometimes why they think shops charge for everything we do and we would just give away such a service huh?


Cordell - The uniform is definitely a double edged sword...if you can come in rattle off a couple part numbers and get what you need great. As long as the person behind the counter can follow simple instructions. Unfortunately a lot of our "parts people" in the major retailers don't have the wrench knowledge but will sometimes pony up and try to talk shop as if they do. :( I'm sure we have all seen that issue in action. Personally I love seeing techs in my store...you typically know what you want, have done some research on availability and price, and are FAR less likely to return the part...as long as we give you the right one :)


Most of the big box parts guys have local hubs/warehouses/DCs that they can get parts from pretty quickly..usually same day. If they aren't going out of their way to earn your business that's their problem, there are always other part suppliers who will treat you better. Hell, I've sent drivers all over this city for parts as simple as a lug nut or wheel stud for people. If I take care of you on the small stuff and treat you fairly, I know where you will come for the big stuff!

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Knowledgeable staff, best pricing, and best warranty.


At my store, you'll find that all of our managers are very knowledgeable in parts and repair. Most of our counter people are also very knowledgeable. I'm able to beat any pricing except internet pricing from wholesalers and AutoZone's warranty is probably the best in the business. Lifetime warranty on most parts and it's interchangeable at any store in the USA and internationally. Unlike some other stores that you have to go to the specific store that you purchased the part.


Let me know what you need.

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I live near the adv near 71 and 161. I rarely go in there even for oil or stuff I don't need help with because their service is bad. To me price is a big factor so I shop around or order from someplace like Rock. But when a store's customer service is downright bad, I'll drive out of my way not to go there. Customer service is huge. If an employee does not know something he or she needs to keep a smile on their face and admit it. Then find someone who does. Don't sell someone the wrong part or have a bad attitude.


Disclaimer- it's been a very long time since I was there, if its changed feel free to correct me.

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Dharris89 - I know that store has gone through a lot of crazy restaffing/expansion over the last couple of years and now have a mini warehouse in the back of their store so at the very least their parts availability is pretty awesome. It's not going to be on par with the actual distro center that NAPA has, but still pretty dern good. What really got me thinking about this the other day was a the large amount of parts ordering I know going through online retailers with no storefront or onhand inventory, just a site an email address and an 800 number. I've done very little online shopping in my life, and I'm in the age group that came up during he true birth of the internet and worked at several of the largest ecommerce companies in the country...I don't know to me I would rather buy from people than from a screen and a click.


Unfortunately as many of you have said even that can be ruined by a smart ass or know it all behind the counter. Are car part stores "hang outs" like they used to be? Or is that something anyone even wants any more? I've been into tuing/customizing my own cars for 15+ years but things were much different...back in my day. That and people had more money to "invest" in projects

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Unfortunately as many of you have said even that can be ruined by a smart ass or know it all behind the counter. Are car part stores "hang outs" like they used to be? Or is that something anyone even wants any more? I've been into tuing/customizing my own cars for 15+ years but things were much different...back in my day. That and people had more money to "invest" in projects


Having been going to autoparts stores for as long as I can remember with my Dad, likely pre-84 when I was really young, I have never seen the auto parts store as a hangout. I like the idea, but in order for me to be attracted there has to be stuff there thats interesting. In my teenage years of driving I spent lots of time at Pep Boys because they had a lot of stuff in their stores, from rims, to steering wheels, and all kinds of ricer shit. Stores anymore are just places to get maintence items. The parts I'm interested in buying for my cars at this point are usually not even on display at Jeg's (usually not in stock either), let alone any auto parts store. While we're on the topic Jeg's annoys the shit out of me also because they want to know what I'm doing an try to help, again I've figured what I want to do, have an end goal in mind, and don't feel like taking a big portion of my day to explain everything. The only thing I go to Jeg's anymore for is to buy Redline oil, and get nitrous fills, things that are a PITA to ship. I have driven all the way up to Summit to buy something I needed that day rather then even ask Jeg's.

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Maybe it was more of a small town thing, back in my home town one of the better known parts stores often hosted cruise ins and the like. Though I will totally agree with you that scene got taken over by ricers and people who couldnt keep from attracting cops. Diversifying our part supply is actually something I would be more than happy to look into if there is actually a demand for it and I can move the product I'll sell it. Redline Oil I can absolutely stock if there's a need for it. Not sure about the fills but if there are enough people requesting it I'll see what I can do.


And Cordell..if you come in with a shopping list of parts and seem to know what you're talking about, the only thing I'll question you about is the project you are working on. And probably if I can go for a ride once its done. :)

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Autozones dress up section isn't that great. Its mostly peel and stick items and a few lights. We do have catalogs but most of the parts aren't available. As mentioned before the warranty system is our best thing. Like I said in another thread I'm not afraid to ask for input when someone has something I have no clue about.
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Maybe I'll have to give adv another shot. It's sucked having a store less than a mile away and driving up to Polaris or Napa on 161 just to avoid that store. Not saying either is better but my choice was based on the level of customer service.


I used to live near the adv on Bethel about 8 years ago. I knew the whole staff and they knew me. I didn't buy a ton of stuff but i would find reasons to go there because I enjoyed hanging out with the employees. When I moved I went back for a while but eventually the staff changed and there wasn't the reason to drive farther to see strangers.

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Psshh don't listen to Draco he's trying to Hijack my thread for his own bold faced ambition ;) Plus he's on vacation right now so who knows how bad they have become without his leadership right now!


But yes I agree the Sawmill store has a pretty good crew. One of the best around.

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Just giving the scoobie love some grief no hostility intended. Draco and i know each other and have worked together. In the year the sawmill store has been open they have done a great job. Already one of the best in the city. And I'll admit to a little bit of parts envy ;)
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Bah. I'm just your secondary parts inventory; your drivers are here often enough..


Back OT:

Service can vary greatly from store to store, even from eployee to employee in the same store. The only thing to do is to visit your local stores and find out who knows their shit and who is full of hot air. I know that in the stores I've worked in, almost everyone had something to contribute, but often in different areas. It's just tough to find a store/employee combo that works sometimes.


The key, I think, is to have employees that are capable and *willing* to say "I don't know. Let me find someone who does." They need to want to solve the customer's issues, even if they can't.

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^^ Exactly. I worked in sales (non-automotive) for a long time. A customer may not like it that the person helping them does not know an answer but its better to admit it and find someone who does than sell them something wrong or be rude about it. No one will ever know everything about every car. (Although I'm sure someone on here will disagree.) :)
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Mr. DHarris89 you are certainly welcome to come back and visit any time :) I'll make sure to introduce the crew. It's still a bit of a work in progress but I would say we 95% of the time we have a pretty great range of truck/tuner/muscle car folk in the building during most business hours. Sometimes it seems admitting that you DON'T know something has fallen out of fashion, unfortunately its more a sign of good character than lack of knowledge. I totally hear you about the being a place to hang out. That's certainly something I have done in the past myself.


None seem to really host cruise ins anymore I've noticed though? Is that a semi-dead experience or have I just been working too much to notice?


And Draco..yes yes I do. Though sometimes that drive is even longer and more painful than the drive to the ACTUAL warehouse.

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Lol nope thats not me. Right company, wrong location. As of about 3 months ago I'm the new GM of the Bethel Rd. Advance Auto Parts store. Feel free to stop in and say Hi, I'm almost always here (Except Sundays). Still working out an appreciation scheme for the CR crowd, but rest assured you WILL be taken care of. That invite of course goes to all of you..even Draco ;)
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Unfortunately I'm not sure how much I'll have access to performance upgrades for many cars since that's something most of us already have a vendor for or get custom fabbed but it's something I will be looking into. As far regular every day parts, pieces for DDs, hell even just fluids and car-care materials I would love to see more CR folk in my parking lot. All of my toys are put away for the snow season but once the sun returns and the white stuff disappears I've always got one parked outside the store :)
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Someone needs to take all the OBD2 scanners out of the part stores and throw them in the trash. I see it time and time again where dumb ass behind the counter sells customer wrong part because of a trouble code stored in the vehicle. 99% of the employees that work in these stores including store managers, their boss, and their bosses boss do not understand why the light could be setting.


I can not count on my hands the number of times I had to stop someome from behind the counter who could possibly be selling someone the wrong part based on a check engine light code. Yes I did spend a number of years working at Auto Zone when I had the dyno in the beginning years. Customers are expecting the parts they are purchasing to fixed their problem. They do not want to come back with a check engine light on after the 10 dollar an hour counter guy told them the part they purchase would fix their problem.


Offering to scan vehicles for a check engine light is a mistake in my opinion on a store level. It may look good to all the bean counters at the top of the food chain when in fact they do not even know what Long Term or Short Term Fuel Trims mean.


Long story short. Please educate your customers that a part is not always going to fixed their check engine light.

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I would honestly love to make a sign to point to in situations like these. Trouble shooting a car is very similar to troubleshooting in IT, you have to trace the symptoms back to the source(s). Unfortunately a lot of sales folk for a number of reasons will give uneducated wisdom or guesses when it comes to codes. This goes back to the earlier comment about not over promising, if you don't know don't stick your neck out! In the days of the internet 99% of customers can do very in depth research on their code before making a decision..heck as long as our store isn't swamped at the time I'll usually assist them right then and there with doing a bit of peeking around.


Would I love to staff my store with mechanics and certified techs from all walks of life and brands of cars ABSOLUTELY.. however you all might start to balk at $25 spark plugs and $250 honda civic batteries :) Talking down a customer who wants to cure a random miss-fire code with a set of $1.69 spark plugs and won't take any other advice is an art...not a science :)

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Would I love to staff my store with mechanics and certified techs from all walks of life and brands of cars ABSOLUTELY.. however you all might start to balk at $25 spark plugs and $250 honda civic batteries :) Talking down a customer who wants to cure a random miss-fire code with a set of $1.69 spark plugs and won't take any other advice is an art...not a science :)


That is why you need to be sure that all your employees understand how to handle a sale when using the OBD2 Scanner.


I am surprised we are not seeing $25.00 spark plugs and $250.00 batteries given the number of Indian Chiefs looking over just a handful of Indians. Micro Managing at its finest.


Maybe Advance is better than Autozone. Autozone wasted more money on six figure salaries when trying to figure out how to save a buck or two within the walls of the store.


Best of luck to your GM position. ;)

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Don't be jumping ahead of me there Mr. Dynoman!! You are picking up my subtle hints and spoiling the supplies! :) But yes that's ultimately where I am going with this. However as I said originally I want to do my homework first and do this right before I stick yee ole neck out. The car show circuit in the works but will be another thread coming up...eventually :) And I guess that clues you in to the PM you'll be getting from me shortly before I post said thread


AAP so far has been one of the best career choices I have ever made. More or less hand picking my crew, ability to run the shop as MY business versus a bunch of out of touch higher ups dictating to me...it's rather refreshing. Well that is as long as I don't give the store away and get my positive atttiude butt canned :)

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