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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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Enough of the crap, I feel bad about your situation and this forum has been no help at all.

I think the best thing for you would be to join the forum Yellowbullet.com There is a section called trash or be trashed. Start a new thread there exactly like the one you posted here. They can be very helpful over there, I feel as though you would get a much better response,,,,,,,,,,

Trust me



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why is ray posting, isnt jeapordy or wheel of fortine on? matlock? anything you senior citizens watch? cant believe the retirement home has internet....


















































im jealous of his awesomeness so i use his age to make me feel better about myself.

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When you are looking for a tax payer settlement through courts full well knowing the guy has nothing to take and let the court deal with collecting nothing while you skate with the money. Yeah it's all I need to hear to judge his financial situation. We all know that will not happen. But he was hoping it might.


Sell the Vette you can't afford it. He's driving a Vette looking for welfare. Gotta love entitlement.

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When you are looking for a tax payer settlement through courts full well knowing the guy has nothing to take and let the court deal with collecting nothing while you skate with the money. Yeah it's all I need to hear to judge his financial situation. We all know that will not happen. But he was hoping it might.


Sell the Vette you can't afford it. He's driving a Vette looking for welfare. Gotta love entitlement.


ok i agree hes attempting to use the system yes. no one is going to turn down an extra dollar though, and if you could get money out of someone for damages caused then he should go for it. ( it wont happen but atleast he tried) im not defending him as he cannot be defended, but in a general aspect, him having a vett and wanting more money is no idication that he cant afford the car. he isnt asking for " welfare" and he didnt say he is setting his car on fire to collect insurance. with that said, hes still a tool and i laugh at his misery and pain. i just wished they would have really beat his ass instead of him running.

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I wouldn't Phil. I'm not looking for tax payer money. I can pay my own way, and I'm responsible for my choices and actions. He wasn't looking for money from the individual, he wanted it from the court, then let the court try to get the money back because he KNOWS the guy has NO money. Fuck people scamming taxpayer money, scum. Be a fucking man and make your way.


So I thought the court will pay me but he would have to pay the court back? I never been in this kinda of situation. The guy is going to due some time for the other shit he's done


Ray said it best:


So your looking for help to get some kind of welfare bail out.

You want to profit from a situation that you put yourself in due your own stupidity?


I'm curious to know if he goes to school on a gov't grant.

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When you are looking for a tax payer settlement through courts full well knowing the guy has nothing to take and let the court deal with collecting nothing while you skate with the money. Yeah it's all I need to hear to judge his financial situation. We all know that will not happen. But he was hoping it might.


Sell the Vette you can't afford it. He's driving a Vette looking for welfare. Gotta love entitlement.


Don't worry mate. One day you will be able to afford a c6.. Just some of us are able to have one before their mid life crisses. Why would I need to sell something that I own out right? If anything sell my truck because I still owe a nice chunk on it. Your not getting to my issue. I want the guy to pay for all the cash I had to spend to replace every damn lock and a iPhone 3GS 32gb. I'm not relying on it to happen. Was just curious because I never dealt with this before. If it does then I'll upgrade my turbos though. Not a big deal, so I'm not worried. I can still make some decent power with these Chinese knock offs 58's

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I wouldn't Phil. I'm not looking for tax payer money. I can pay my own way, and I'm responsible for my choices and actions.


by no means will i disagree with you, but if someone was to assualt you, cost you money that wasnt your fault, dont say you wouldnt be looking for a legal way to be reimburst, or seaking some type of justice. everyone is a high horse hero online, but let something happen to you irl and watch how different you react.

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Don't worry mate. One day you will be able to afford a c6.. Just some of us are able to have one before their mid life crisses. Why would I need to sell something that I own out right? If anything sell my truck because I still owe a nice chunk on it. Your not getting to my issue. I want the guy to pay for all the cash I had to spend to replace every damn lock and a iPhone 3GS 32gb. I'm not relying on it to happen. Was just curious because I never dealt with this before. If it does then I'll upgrade my turbos though. Not a big deal, so I'm not worried. I can still make some decent power with these Chinese knock offs 58's



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I wouldn't Phil. I'm not looking for tax payer money. I can pay my own way, and I'm responsible for my choices and actions. He wasn't looking for money from the individual, he wanted it from the court, then let the court try to get the money back because he KNOWS the guy has NO money. Fuck people scamming taxpayer money, scum. Be a fucking man and make your way.




Ray said it best:




I'm curious to know if he goes to school on a gov't grant.


If it helps the gov will be giving me 1,500$ a month for bah and paying my entire school fees and shit. Not including the cash I will get for va. But you have to serve the military for that boss man. I did my fair share for this country.

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He gets money for college from gi bill and gets disability from the military as well. Not hard to figure out. Who gives a shit if he'd rather live in a smaller house so that he can own a nice vehicle. You work in a fucking bookstore but somehow afford a newer sti and a new house. You're 1 step away from being a stay at home dad faggot with your balls tucked up your asshole. Either your wife has an amazing job and you dangle from her money or you have magical money trees in your back yard.


P.S. Don't ever ride a motorcycle again ya fucking squidbilly. People don't want to worry about some nellie bottom eating shit beside them because they wanted to look cool riding a bike while having no clue what they're doing.

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Don't worry mate. One day you will be able to afford a c6.. Just some of us are able to have one before their mid life crisses. Why would I need to sell something that I own out right? If anything sell my truck because I still owe a nice chunk on it. Your not getting to my issue. I want the guy to pay for all the cash I had to spend to replace every damn lock and a iPhone 3GS 32gb. I'm not relying on it to happen. Was just curious because I never dealt with this before. If it does then I'll upgrade my turbos though. Not a big deal, so I'm not worried. I can still make some decent power with these Chinese knock offs 58's


The point he is getting at is your looking to get more than your entitled to.

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Don't worry mate. One day you will be able to afford a c6.. Just some of us are able to have one before their mid life crisses.


LOL, he has a 40k car that is damn near paid of and he just built a baller house. Besides isn't you Vette a salvaged car?

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Don't worry mate. One day you will be able to afford a c6.. Just some of us are able to have one before their mid life crisses. Why would I need to sell something that I own out right? If anything sell my truck because I still owe a nice chunk on it. Your not getting to my issue. I want the guy to pay for all the cash I had to spend to replace every damn lock and a iPhone 3GS 32gb. I'm not relying on it to happen. Was just curious because I never dealt with this before. If it does then I'll upgrade my turbos though. Not a big deal, so I'm not worried. I can still make some decent power with these Chinese knock offs 58's


It's a fucking totaled C6, so quit tooting your horn acting like you are some 30k millionaire

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If it helps the gov will be giving me 1,500$ a month for bah and paying my entire school fees and shit. Not including the cash I will get for va. But you have to serve the military for that boss man. I did my fair share for this country.


I'm slightly confused, you've said before you were a combat vet, but I wasn't aware that a bulk fuel specialist was a combat based MOS? Obviously the 03's are combat and a select few outside of that (Combat Engineers, MP's in some cases, etc.)


But maybe I'm wrong, I've always considered and have been told by many freinds and family in the military only certain MOS's and specialties are considered combat based. Not saying you've never seen combat, as most who are deployed see a firefight..

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He gets money for college from gi bill and gets disability from the military as well. Not hard to figure out. Who gives a shit if he'd rather live in a smaller house so that he can own a nice vehicle. You work in a fucking bookstore but somehow afford a newer sti and a new house. You're 1 step away from being a stay at home dad faggot with your balls tucked up your asshole. Either your wife has an amazing job and you dangle from her money or you have magical money trees in your back yard.


P.S. Don't ever ride a motorcycle again ya fucking squidbilly. People don't want to worry about some nellie bottom eating shit beside them because they wanted to look cool riding a bike while having no clue what they're doing.



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