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Any of you ever created a trust?


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So I am going to do this with a Quiken program or something. I know it needs to notarized once done and witnessed. Do I need to send a copy somewhere to make it official or once I have it completed simply placing in a safe makes it official?

What if I did something wrong which would make it invalid, but I carry on like it's valid. I ask because ignorance isn't an excuse to break the law.




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I know attorneys can file them. You can consult with someone regarding the issue, usually an attorney will consult for free. You can call the Columbus bar and they can make a recommendation, or someone on here like Tim or Clay with an attorney wife can recommend too.
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If it's wrong and you go back to put something in it and they see it's wrong then there is a big problem.


I hear you can get one done by a lawyer for a bout 200. I've looked into it for firearms and I'm going to be doing one soon. I'll probably pay a lawyer that's familiar with NFA laws just so I know it's done right and I don't have to mess around with it again.

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Shoot me a PM...I have trusts for real estate, personal assets that I set up when my daughter was born. It's also good for keeping shit out of probate in case something happens to you.


My wife doesn't practice elder law, but if you need that I've got a fella that can help!

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The purpose of this trust is for firearms. In order for me to have an SBR or anything fancy, I would need to fill out Form 1 or 4 in addition to having a CLEO sign off. To get around that I am going to do the trust. I am going to try and create one myself and if I feel uncertain about it, I guess I could have an attorney look it over. That would be cheaper than having them create it. It's already $200 per form.
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Any errors in your trust and you will be subjected to all the consequences of having an unlicensed NFA firearm. Big fines and I believe up to 10 years prison time, and loss of ever owning any firearm again! I would really consider not doing it yourself, there are lawyers you can contact that specialize in nfa gun trust. Last time I looked into getting one it was around $250
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So what I was just told is the ATF verifies the integrity of your trust when you submit a form. He said you send a copy of your trust with Form 1/4, if it's no good, it gets sent back. Granted that probably a waste of 6 months, but if it gets approved, your trust is golden. He said 80% of the people he knows that have them were first timers using estate or will software.
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Trust created, new AR lower assigned to it. Form 1 to be completed and mailed out on Monday. SBR project underway. Suppressor research going on now to quiet her down a bit....YES PLEASE!!!!!




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Yes and I got it notarized and all. Only thing now is to send the form in. Thing about this is the BATF does not want a copy of it. Only docs you send them is the Certification of Trust (Says that a trust exists) it's notarized as well. A cert of compliance form, Form 1/4, depending on what you are doing and a $200 check
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