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What kinda riding you do?


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Well im interested to see what the members here like to ride.

Me i like mostly twisty riding,trackdays,deals gap etc.

Not a light to light person but will to ride with friends..

I ride to work alot and thats about as straight as it gets for me but on ocassion ill hit a off ramp to drag the knee...(Yea i know its a squid thing).

Anyhow just wanted to see what others do....

Take care Eagle.

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Workdays: 41 miles in, I70, I270 5:30 A.M.

41+ miles out, various roads in Licking County

Rides to Mid-Ohio when I'm not camping there

Started the year with a 400+ mile jaunt down to NC on 10 in WV. Stupid stupid stupid. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ride with the kids whenever I can.

It's fine to ride just for fun but like writing or playing the guitar or whatever the more you do it the better you are at it.

Face it, sooner or later you are likely to have a moment when being better comes in handy.

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I have mostly ridden to work so far this riding season but I would much rather ride the twisties anytime that I can. I Live in southwest Columbus but love to head Southeast and hit the back roads.

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I like the twisties... I like finding them... I generally just leave town, head in one direction, and get totally lost... then try to figure out my way back. Doesn't really do much for improving my skills as I am hesitant to push hard on roads I am not familiar with, but it's a blast none-the-less.

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Whaaaaaat????? My MENTOR has graced this forum with it's precense???? Holy sheet!!! Everyone please bow down to the rider who helped me overcome my hold up with not being able to drag a knee for an entire year after I started doing track days. :p Happened at Putnam in 2004, he passed me heading into T-6 or something (the long lefty up a slight uphill) draggin' knee so I wanted to be like him so (with all my might) hung off as far as I could to finally hear a skkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (or however you might spell the sound of a knee puck scraping the ground). I was so excited I had to exit the track.

Hi Rod...I'm new around here too and still learning what everyone is like so no one really knows me and vice versa. I don't think I need to tell you the type of riding I like. Hehehehehe...;) But for everyone else I'm a twisty, track, Deals Gap kind of girl. I have my YZF for the street and SV for the track. I ride slow on the street (speed limit mostly) these days and save the fast (or what's fast for me) for the track, unless I really know the road and feel like whipping it up a notch but that's rare. Street riding (now) is more social for me than trying to ride hard and I prefer longer SE Ohio rides (2-300 miles) over anything else and most of the time the bike is parked unless that's what I'm doing.

Oh and I hate 555.

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Whaaaaaat????? My MENTOR has graced this forum with it's precense???? Holy sheet!!! Everyone please bow down to the rider who helped me overcome my hold up with not being able to drag a knee for an entire year after I started doing track days. :p Happened at Putnam in 2004, he passed me heading into T-6 or something (the long lefty up a slight uphill) draggin' knee so I wanted to be like him so (with all my might) hung off as far as I could to finally hear a skkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (or however you might spell the sound of a knee puck scraping the ground). I was so excited I had to exit the track.

Hi Rod...I'm new around here too and still learning what everyone is like so no one really knows me and vice versa. I don't think I need to tell you the type of riding I like. Hehehehehe...;) But for everyone else I'm a twisty, track, Deals Gap kind of girl. I have my YZF for the street and SV for the track. I ride slow on the street (speed limit mostly) these days and save the fast (or what's fast for me) for the track, unless I really know the road and feel like whipping it up a notch but that's rare. Street riding (now) is more social for me than trying to ride hard and I prefer longer SE Ohio rides (2-300 miles) over anything else and most of the time the bike is parked unless that's what I'm doing.

Oh and I hate 555.

See i knew ya missed me!!!!!

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