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Daytons first Sunday ride of '09?


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I might...depending on what I get done on my side projects from now until then.

I might even bring a couple of guys I ride with if that's OK.

And for the record....I hate to lead....and hate having guys behind me most of the time...so I almost always volunteer to take up the rear.

Heck yeah man, bring'em. As long as they don't wear mohawks on their helmets and are safe riders.;) As for your last sentence ...I won't comment. :lol::p J/K, J/K:cheers:

(We always make sure everyone is with us, and we always wait at stop signs for everyone. You have nothing to worry about brother, nothing. Also, I'm 1down,2up on my 14, so I normally need fuel by 95-100miles. We fill up at our meeting spot, then fill up at the 2nd stop after we leave and that's all the gas you need.)

Edited by NinjaNick
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R6warpspeeds comment make it sound bad, but it's not. If we do speed a little it's out in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing around. I promise you...NOTHING. It all depends what you yourself wants to do, we pressure nobody into doing anything.

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I will highly consider coming....and I too am -1/+3.....and I have a lot of mods and a healthy tune....my Bike is a Gas Hog.

I get a whopping 29-33 MPG....and although Honda says I have a 4.8Gal tank....They lie.

I can only get about 100miles out of a tank....and thats after the gas lights been on for a while....LOL!

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As for your last sentence ...I won't comment. :lol::p J/K, J/K:cheers:
I will highly consider coming....and I too am -1/+3.....and I have a lot of mods and a healthy tune....my Bike is a Gas Hog.

I get a whopping 29-33 MPG....and although Honda says I have a 4.8Gal tank....They lie.

I can only get about 100miles out of a tank....and thats after the gas lights been on for a while....LOL!

ah ha! so you don't deny it then? I don't know about you riding my rear end

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I said I bring up the rear.....Not Give or take it up the rear.

Soo many funny guys here....you're all comedians.

I knew there would be comments as soon as I typed it....but I hit "Submit Reply" anyway just to let the hillarity ensue!

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I am one of the slower ones in the group and have never been left behind. Isnt anyone going to make fun of you for riding smart and in your own limits and if they do they shouldnt be riding with anyone except themselves. I would love to be up there carving the corners with nick and brad and them but I just not there yet no one gives me a bit of flack about it. I do got made funny of for having a dirty bike but thats what I am known for.

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I'm thinkin about comin over to Dayton from Cbus, as I grew up in Vandalia/Troy. Don't know what the route is or anything but if I can make the time, I'll come. I'd be one of the slower ones. I've been riding since I got my motorcycle temps at 15 1/2 (so 8 years) but all casual to-and-from-work riding. Never been on a group ride bigger than 3 people and nothing curvy...:o

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I am not soo concerned with the stops..but I refuse to ride outside of my abilities...and I feel I might fall quite a bit behind and make it not a fun time for others....This is the reason I dont go on a lot of group outings...and not to mention...riding with guys you dont know can spell disater if there are a lot of them....since each other are not familiar with the others riding habits.

I dunno...I would love to go...but at the same time....I always worry about outings like this.

OK Matt, you can keep me company toward the rear of the pack, then?? (please? LOL!) I am definitely what you would call a conservative rider. I don't even know why I have a sport bike, because I'm more a cruiser!

I would hope that if there's a group, then there are going to be several types of riders in the mix, more aggressive, more laid back and a bunch in the middle? I don't know, I almost always ride solo or with one other person. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

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well, if this other Matt goes, then maybe I'll go too, since I'm always too slow for the Nick-led Sunday rides by myself.....

Even the flashy little F4i can hand me my ass now, so you guys worried about slower riders don't need to be concerned if I'm going. My job in life is to make sure that you're always faster than at least one person in the group....

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to all riders thinking about coming I think I can speak for the whole group when I say just come out and see what its like. No one will get left behind or made fun of. Me and jarvis went riding with xtreme and fusion one sunday and they are way quicker than us they would kinda lose on some of the stretchs but would always be waiting at the next turn off or stop.

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couple more weeks and i'll be good as new ready to tear it up....you need all the practice you can get Nick ha ha ha

LMAO. KC I would love to see you show Nick how much better a Honda is than his all mighty 14

Even the flashy little F4i can hand me my ass now....

Looks can be deceiving. Dont judge a book by its cover. And Jarvis, we like to have you around to make us laugh. Oh and for the record, when I get done with my bike early this summer, I am hoping my dyno #'s will be eaual or better than yours..... stay tuned.....

Yeah but you can cut cross country to catch up with those mad off road skills.

LMFAO!!!!!! We saw that one comming....

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Jarvis you forgot the topo...Weren't there a bunch of whoops in there too?

To those hesitant to ride...You'll find in the bigger groups I drop back and forth through the entire pack just to keep an eye on the front group to the back group. I've been known to be last in line and at the next stop be in the front. That way if anyone falls way behind there's someone around to catch ya up or if there is any separation you'll find the next turn.

Show up, ride at your own discretion, and have a blast. We're on the streets not the track. We're just out to have a good time and rack up some miles.

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