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Rough day


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Spent the day at james cancer hospital. Wife had surgery and afterwards was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. I had to be the one to tell her when she woke. Its been a rough day for our 3 kids and our families. Luckily she is being strong about it this far. We will see how she feels when the drugs start to wear off. I hope you guys know how much I appreciate the support and prayers that have come our way while dealing with this.
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Echoing what every one else has said, keep your head up and stay strong for her. You've got a lot of friends here willing to listen. (text, PM, open posts, whatever medium) Unfortunately many here have had loved ones in similar situations and know what you're going through.


Thinking of your family and wishing you all the best.

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Father was diagnosed with Stage 3/4 Anal Cancer 6 years ago. Initial outlook was extremely grim. Glad to report that today (with the help of the James) he is 100% cancer free.


A few things that will help you;


As you/others have mentioned, Strength, Stay Positive no matter what. I can't tell you how many "false positives" we had along the way that could have bumped the cancer up to stage 4 (terminal), extremely nerve racking, but staying positive through it all is critical.


Be prepared for false positives, be prepared for Doctors to assume the worst during initial tests.


Ask questions and take thorough notes. You're going to have lots of meetings with various different doctors. Through those meetings you're more or less going to get a crash-course education in Cancer/Cancer treatment. Notes are imperative, not only for making the right decision, but for understanding what exactly is going on.


Best of Luck, Prayers go out to you/wife/family.

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Ask questions and take thorough notes. You're going to have lots of meetings with various different doctors. Through those meetings you're more or less going to get a crash-course education in Cancer/Cancer treatment. Notes are imperative, not only for making the right decision, but for understanding what exactly is going on.


^^ Great advice.


I've been taking care of my father and use a cloud based system to store every note, document, bill, check, etc. Everything. Especially nice if you have a mobile device.


Nothing like being able to pull medical records, mediation, prescription info, etc. in the room with a doctor that might need it or whatever and have it at your fingertips. You'd be surprised at how much you will get and how quickly it will come at you. Especially helpful too if you're keeping articles you will find as you read up on stuff.

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realize that even though she's going through this, so is your kids, and you.


i cannot emphasize enough how important it is have a POSTIVE SUPPORT network. Ify ou have negetive people in your life, get rid of them now. Cancer sucks balls.


There is so much good work out there being done thought in a posive direction when it comes to cancer.


Few things






and did i mention



You have a big network here, family, friends, whatever. Ask for help. You cannot do it all alone.

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You cannot do it all alone.


I did, mainly because i refused to let it (Cancer) take my Dad, however the mental toll it took on me was enormous. In retrospect I wished I would have reached out to other people in my family. HOWEVER, most of those other people were "negative". Negative people in your life (or worse, in your family) + the stress of a loved one undergoing cancer treatment will literally push you to the brink of insanity. +1 on getting a positive network in place asap, while weeding out any negative individuals.

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I know you do not know me, but I wish you and your family the very best. If you find yourself needing help, just pm me and I will do what I can for you, not that I am a doctor or anything, but moral support will soon be of the utmost importance. I'm here for ya.
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Ugh, I really hate to hear that man, I said a prayer for you all. Over the last few years my grandpa had some tumors in his stomach. He lost a lot of weight, constantly told me how he "wasn't gonna be around much longer", just didn't have a good outlook on anything. I'm happy to say that he's 100% cancer free now, put a healthy amount of weight back on, and at Thanksgiving he was just as energetic as I remember him when I was a kid. Don't ever lose hope at any point, always keep fighting!
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Thanks for the kind words everyone. They installed a port into her abdomen during surgery and she should start chemo in a few weeks. Its been difficult to try and explain to people what is going on. My wife told be she doesn't want to die last night and that certainly wasnt easy to hear. She kind of left everyone in the dark about what was possibly happening and I wasn't as prepared for this to be what it is prior to surgery. I am trying to play catch up and its very scary to hear some of the possible scenarios she has already come to grips with. Hopefully we can meet with dr's tomorrow and get some more info.
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