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How much do you tip?

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Not quite, go back to a math class.


well lets see Genious......Double the Tax Rate...If its 7.5% (not sure what it is on Food, if they consider different, but that's my "SALES TAX" here in my county) would be 15%....No Doubt about that. SO lets see.....Ill pick a randome number to do this math with that I don't understand.....Lets say the total is $15.23....sound good? Now, is This is "PRE TAX" ...some would call this the sub-total just so we are clear.....Now lets say its the actual Grand Total.....Sound Good?


SO lets see what the tax is, or does it really matter? Lets Say it does, and the Sub total was 14.17 and the Grand Total with 7.5% tax is what? Yes, its $15.23 and that's $1.06 in Tax.

SO if you double that. its $2.12


SO he said $15.23, plus double the Tax or $2.12, (if youre adding that's $17.35) and then round to the next whole dollar, so lets add that $.65 for a total of $18.00 handed to the poor pizza man. Now...What Percentage was that TIp.....Don't get your calculator out....I already did the math for you.


Its Roughly 18%.....I was rounding to a nice even Number for demonstration purposes when I said 20%.


SO now...about my math.

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I tip the drivers here in Polaris pretty well, normally 5 or 6 bucks on a one pizza order. An extra 2 or 3 bucks never kills me and I hate traffic, people and waiting so 5 bucks is justified for me. I know they hate their jobs so anything I can do to make someones day a little better is worth it.
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Just ordered pizza tonight. I tip by how fast the driver gets here. Pizza hut is pretty good saying they'll be here in 45 minutes and show up in like 20.


I got Papa Johns last tonight and gave the guy 3 bucks. 1 Pizza and some chicken poppers. 23 bucks. Was on time and decent.


A month ago I ordered from Donatos. I never order there.. Just figured that time I would.


Ordered at 5:30 online. Said 30 minute delivery. Driver showed up at 6:35 or so. What the fuck? I look at the receipt. Order LEFT the building at 5:45. So my pizza spent 45 minutes in a fucking Honda.




Driver said "yeah man we got slammed right when my order came in". Good job.


Called the store and talked to the manager who sounded younger than my son. Instead of him saying yeah ok sorry we'll take that off your bill I had to ask him for some type of compensation. Hell, we had to heat our pizza back up in the microwave. Finally ended up with a free pizza.


And for the record, I worked more than a few delivery jobs in my day. I know how it works.

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I would tip more, but that Damn delivery fee pisses me off so I only tip $2-3. I know it's not the drivers fault, but it's coming out of my pocket to that business regardless. If I delivered pizza, I'd either argue for a slightly higher wage (which most likely won't happen), or find a new job that paid like $10/hour like retail.
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I used to drive full time when i was 18-19...i've been doing it the last couple months part time after work for some extra cash since cycling season is over, and i cant ride after work with it dark at 530...better than sitting at home all night doing nothing


those of you @ $5, much appreciated.


people like tim, i would definitely bring your shit last. areas are small enough and i usually deal with the same customers...(i've seen some 3-4x in the 2 months i've been at the store). we definitely remember who is who. yeah, they do charge a fee, but of the $2.50 where i'm at, we see $1, and its factored into our wage...they pay $6/hr, so as long as you're taking 2/hr, it covers whatever minimum is...$7.80?...anything more, is extra.


if its a $10 order, i don't expect $5. couple bucks is fine if you're close. if i'm gonna go to the edge of our area and you give me 50 cents, fuck you, and keep your money. you obviously need it more. if you're too lazy to drive to get it yourself, don't be a cheap ass. with gas at $3.50/gal, and the fact that you don't even have to put on your shoes, a buck and change is pretty crap.


Lewis Center has been pretty decent for me though. when i figure up average for each night, i usually find that i average $3.50-4 per delivery. you'll get some that are $1-2, usually $3 is the most common i see, and the $5-7 on the bigger orders or regulars will make up for the Tims.


coming from doing it for a long time when i was younger, i rarely have something delivered...nothing preventing me from going to get it myself except laziness...since i bought my house 5 years ago, i've probably had delivery 2-3x, and usually just a single pizza. always $5


^^^ THIS^^^ I generally tip $5-10, it depends on the service, the weather etc., I don't care if someone chose that job or it chose them, they have to buy a car, insurance, gas, maintenance on that car. Etc., furthermore, I have had drivers tell me that the brought my orders first because I take care of them, so a 45 minute wait went to 15-20, and I didn't have to go get it.


My wife and I have a local restaurant that we frequent, we tip well when we go, every year @ Christmas, the servers that have waited on us and the hostess's get a card with cash, what do we get? No reservation seating, 45 minute wait, uhmmm no, our table is ready, it does pay to take care of people, period....

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I delivered for a while in school. Made great money. I remembered who didn't tip, but not really who was a "cheap" tipper. If its just one heat bag of pizzas 2 bucks is great, no matter of the cost. But when you have extras and specific instructions is when more is nice. I didn't care about %, just how easy was it to get the order to you. Do you live very close, hard to find house, long walk from car, or is it snowy out?
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I thought I was a good tipper (15-20% for most services) until I read this thread. Now I realize I'm one of those cheap old people who think a quarter is a treasure.


Some of it might be due to where I live (small town). I've talked to pizza delivery people here and they really appreciate $2 tips and nearly do gymnastic tricks if I tip $5 on a $18 order (which I've done in bad weather when the order came fast). One told me that they are paid nothing from the added "delivery fee." :(


I think I need to up my game a notch.


Not Brian: classic scene! :thumbup:

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I round up, give a dollar for every ten of my total, and add $1. I used to be a delivery driver.


I see the same people in this thread bitching about people too lazy to get jobs. Want a better living? Work harder, get a better job. Then, when people try harder, Fuck You, you chose this job. Why shouldn't they stay home and try to get on gov't assistance, right? YOU are paying their wages, YOU ordered a service, and in this country it's customary for YOU to tip. Don't want to? Go pick your food up yourself.


Tim, if ANYTHING I would think you recognize that tipping after you receive your food in a prompt manner with a friendly driver would earn more than the pitiful shit you leave. Also, after being a delivery driver, if you order from the same place where you tip next to nothing, I wouldn't recommend eating the food.

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Tim, if ANYTHING I would think you recognize that tipping after you receive your food in a prompt manner with a friendly driver would earn more than the pitiful shit you leave. Also, after being a delivery driver, if you order from the same place where you tip next to nothing, I wouldn't recommend eating the food.


$2-3 which is what my method of tipping is not pitiful shit. It's a tip that is all. I'm not over tipping simply because I chose to use their delivery service. I don't believe in tipping based on the cost of MY ORDER when I'm not being served at a sit down restaurant. Again, if they want those wages go get a waiter job at a sit down place. Pretty simple.


In before UPS, FED Ex, US Mail and NAPA delivery drivers go on strike for not being tipped.

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I always go pick up my pizza, but if I have it delivered my tip usually depends on how long it takes them to bring it to me majority of the time I tip $5.00.


I remember back when I was in H.S. I worked for a small town pizza shop for 2 nights and quit(owner was an asshole) he would give us $5 for gas for the entire night after that it was out our pocket, large pizza was $10.95 with no delivery charge, go deliver the pizza and the asshole customers would give me $11.00 and tell me to keep the change, REALLY? on the 2nd night I got so pissed I would pull out a nickel and tape it to their doors

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kind of on the tipping topic, how does everyone feel about tipping other people... aka, door men, barbers, taxi drivers, bell boys for hotels that won't let you use their carts and force you to use their service?


Barber: I pay $20 regardless because the chick that has been cutting my hair is great and always treats me well including a couple rubs on the tig 'ol bitties as she washes my hair.


Taxi: Yellow Cabs, pay cash only so they can't fuck with your cc. 15% usually plus $1-2 per bag if they help.


Bell Boys: $5 per bag maybe $10 per cart. $2-5 to valet my car.

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Lol Evan, you gotta be the biggest faggot on this forum. You bitch when vehicles are driving on the road when you ride your widdle bike. You bitch when people don't tip $10 or more on a $12 order. You gotta be the biggest forever alone mouth breathing neck beard I've ever heard of.
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