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Where would you move?


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So, I've got two job offers on the table and I'm having a tough time deciding between the two.


I'm extremely unhappy with my current position and I'm also underpayed based upon national averages (Application Developer)


Option A) Sr. Unix Administrator in Nevada, I know the hiring managers and have helped lined up a few other resources already (friends also). So there is a relationship that has already been built with those people and I know that we all work very well together.


Option B) "Advisor" for an Application Support team.

This is very close to what I do now minus the development side of things. The benefits of this option is the fact that it is 100% remote, so much so that they are closing the physical offices in most locations, I would also be able to move south (Myrtle Beach area) near my parents who retired there a few years back (they're also kind of freaking out about Option A)


I'm having a hell of a time deciding on this, Option A would definitely be fun and they're already talking of lining me up for more of a management role which would get me to the path I am working towards and it would also be more in line with what I want to do functionally (more infrastructure, OS level stuff). Both of the jobs would be more than enough of a pay increase to relocate for. Any advice?

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I would like to live near my family, but Option A sounds like the better career move. I would end up moving to Myrtle in your shoes, or somewhere around Charleston - I like that area. Nevada is full of weirdos.


This, except I can't speak on Nevada since I've never been there.

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Thanks guys I'm really leaning toward the myrtle beach area, just waiting on their official offer. I think it'd be a better option financially too. I can get a nice mobile/modular on an acre or so for well under 100k there vs 250k for an equivalent house in Las Vegas.


As cheap as housing is I'd be able to pay something nice off in MB in 5-10 years and have enough room to build a 40x60 or so dream garage. Land in Vegas is insane, 500k minimum for a nice plot and thats without a house

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A lot of things to consider here. First and foremost is where ould you be happiest? Next consider cost of living compared to salary. Also have to consider career progression. Is there upward mobility in Carolina as you said there was in Nevada? A lot to consider. Good luck with your decision.
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Surely not Vegas or South Carolina. But I'm not you. ;)


Really what I'm trying to get at is I went through some thought of moving a few years ago when I was about to start a job search. I decided not to, but if I had moved it would be for a good job in a great place (for me), not a great job in a place I don't care about. I could get tons of jobs around the Detroit area, but I'd rather not live around there.

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I vote option A


Maybe its just the paranoid self in side of me but why close most of the physical offices if you arent planning to grow the company big enough to need offices? I see the point of it being 100% remote but Idk thats just odd to me.

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Steven - I am an infrastructure manager and having developer skills is a real plus. Do what you like and travel or have retirees come to you. They will have all the time in the world.


I know a couple people that WFH and they are cranky and fat (No need to move around).


Advisor sounds a little temporary (Scary to you??)


GL with the decision

Edited by Second Gen
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If you're going to uproot your life and move, make sure it's for the right reasons. At the end of the day, where are you going to have the best work/life balance and be happy?


Not sure how close you are to your parents or if you have a family with grandchildren, but think about the time you would get to spend with your family too.


Only you can ultimately decide, but go where your gut tells you and where you'll be happiest....don't just follow the money and hype. Things can change at a moments notice.


Good luck with your decision.

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Steven - I am an infrastructure manager and having developer skills is a real plus. Do what you like and travel or have retirees come to you. They will have all the time in the world.


I know a couple people that WFH and they are cranky and fat (No need to move around).


Advisor sounds a little temporary (Scary to you??)


GL with the decision


Their terminology is a bit odd, it's definitely not a temporary position. It is a senior level/lead position. I declined them the first time when their HR department told me the pay was between 50-65k (it was initially a junior level role). Their hiring manager got a hold of my resume and after a few discussions & interviews they've decided they can definitely raise that (double the salary ranges they were looking at)


I actually work from home currently. I work Friday-Sunday 9am-9pm, in the office 4 hours or so on Fridays for meetings.


If you're going to uproot your life and move, make sure it's for the right reasons. At the end of the day, where are you going to have the best work/life balance and be happy?


Not sure how close you are to your parents or if you have a family with grandchildren, but think about the time you would get to spend with your family too.


Only you can ultimately decide, but go where your gut tells you and where you'll be happiest....don't just follow the money and hype. Things can change at a moments notice.


Good luck with your decision.


Very close with my parents, weren't so much so before but after my sister passed away we've become extremely close. The rest of my family is in Ohio and those I have absolutely no interest in even speaking to. My extended family (not including my parents and one of aunt & uncles). They're all a bunch of goodie too shoes who think they're better than everyone and I was always the black sheep of the family being as I dropped out of high school and never persued education outside of that (yet I'm making more money than most of them, who's laughing now shit-family?) I personally have no family of my own, single, 26 year old bachelor.


Work/Life balance currently is pretty much zero. I work at JPMorgan Chase for their largest middleware system (and I'm essentially doing two jobs, middleware app support & app development) We've had a few people move outside the bank so I've been working on average 65-70 hours a week not including on call coverage that I've had to take on.


I vote option A


Maybe its just the paranoid self in side of me but why close most of the physical offices if you arent planning to grow the company big enough to need offices? I see the point of it being 100% remote but Idk thats just odd to me.


The company definitely isn't going anywhere (It's Dell, a subsidiary of Dell actually called SecureWorks) Dell bought out SecureWorks who previously bought out a few different companies and subsidiaries including one of VeriSigns companies (MSS) Growth was actually a huge discussion in my second interview, in the past year they've grown two-fold and are projected to do the same over the next two fiscal years. Remote work is becoming a big part of the field I work in, I've ran across dozens of 100% remote positions recently.

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Option A.


IMO, you only MOVE if you MOVING UP. As for option B, A lateral move to a company going full remote (see-easy to fire someone you don't interact with) and labels as an "Advisor" IE-temporary is sketchy to me. Family is a factor you can measure (different for everyone), so its not factored into my option

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Option A.


IMO, you only MOVE if you MOVING UP. As for option B, A lateral move to a company going full remote (see-easy to fire someone you don't interact with) and labels as an "Advisor" IE-temporary is sketchy to me. Family is a factor you can measure (different for everyone), so its not factored into my option


So there is no option to move somewhere because you want to?

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B, no Brainer.


Nevada is terrible.


Your Nuts.


Incline Village/Lake Tahoe area is some of the most beautiful land in the Country. Couple that with stupid low or no taxes, driving distance to Vegas/San Fran. Win-Win for anyone making decent money.



But the "where" in Nevada is very important.

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Your Nuts.


Incline Village/Lake Tahoe area is some of the most beautiful land in the Country. Couple that with stupid low or no taxes, driving distance to Vegas/San Fran. Win-Win for anyone making decent money.



But the "where" in Nevada is very important.



90% of Nevada is terrible, I stand corrected.

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I know nothing about your field but it sounds like your motivation is either family or career. Tough spot. Personally I would choose whichever job is best for you to progress in your career. JP was right, if you're going to move, move up. A lateral move would be a waste of time.


Something else to keep in mind is how old are your parents? Are they 'elderly', healthy, can they care for themselves? I only ask this b/c my mother's health in recent years has declined and i couldn't imagine being on the other side of the country when she is in the hospital or something happens.


I have a close friend who recently went 100% remote and he loves it, hes either in chicago for a concert, or hiking some national forest in idaho. So it obviously complements his lifestyle.

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