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College Football Thread v7.0


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Satan pays his players the best salaries there is no doubt about that!


My brother in law coaches college football and the whispers about that program are unreal. That and Nicky Poo is pretty much a world class asshole and the only reason he is tolerated there is because he has won a few games.


Every D1 school cheats to a certain level, the SEC is the worst. Everybody who goes to coach there knows the risk of getting caught and being labeled after.


Bama Bandwagon Riders seem to forget how bad they were not to long ago because of this, only a matter of time before old Nicky Poo gets blasted.

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Satan pays his players the best salaries there is no doubt about that!


I am not defending anyone here but even if players are paid, that doesnt make them better players. Perhaps it brings better players to your team, but doesnt make them better as a player.


My brother in law coaches college football and the whispers about that program are unreal. That and Nicky Poo is pretty much a world class asshole and the only reason he is tolerated there is because he has won a few games.


Every D1 school cheats to a certain level, the SEC is the worst. Everybody who goes to coach there knows the risk of getting caught and being labeled after.


Bama Bandwagon Riders seem to forget how bad they were not to long ago because of this, only a matter of time before old Nicky Poo gets blasted.


I saw a thing on 60 minutes some time ago about Saban. He really did come off as a prick. I don't think i saw him smile once during that entire episode.


Just curious, what do you/your brother in law suspect Saban of doing that is against the rules? I could see him offing himself if something came out.

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It's been well known that the SEC has bagman as well as Alabama players showing up to campus in brand new Cadilac's and suits, which by the way a couple years ago the suit store had several autographed pictures of current/past players hanging up. The SEC is also known for over signing big time, they'll take 30-35 kids in a recruiting class, where everyone else is taking 25. Next thing you know, there is 10 current players buried on the depth chart who suddenly have medical issues and are basically released.


Aside from Saban coming off as a dick, I would put Dantonio up there as well. Although with Dantonio I think it's more of a Bill Belichick "I don't wanna speak to reporters" type mannerism.

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I am not defending anyone here but even if players are paid, that doesn't make them better players. Perhaps it brings better players to your team, but doesn't make them better as a player.



Perhaps...It does period. It happens across the country yes, but its obviously more so in the south due to as mentioned over signing.


Look at the U when they were "good" and all the extra circulars happening...They were paying great benefits to players whom were rated really highly, and many of them turned out. In other words you increase your pool from 3-4 stars and make the pool 4-5 star guys, and get more of them by recruiting the "benefits" of X university then obviously your chances go up.


The autograph gate is comical...and shows really how pathetic OSU's admin really are. The amount of players whom "sold" their signature down south is comical, TP got stick for doing what was prevalent and rabid in the south, Ingram and Richardson admitted to as much. Look at what Stephen Garcia said of Clowney and how much he "made" at South Carolina...He claims Clowney and others were making 100k a year there...pretty wild.


It is not exclusive to the south, however it seems they do it "better". Over signing obviously helps them as well, as you tend to minimize your recruiting duds, although OSU is running off a few guys this year as we are slightly over signed...But if you want to play at that level of the sec and there "reloading" it is the only way to compete. It is a shame really when you look at what is does to some kids.


Ole Cardale was practicing yesterday all off by himself...He is motivated, hopefully he turns that into something great this weekend!

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I wouldnt consider the 2 guys who have graduated as being "run off". They have obtained their degrees and OSU fulfilled their 4 year comittments. Like I said before, since many schools started offering 4 year scholarships, I've seen more and more guys leaving their football teams after graduating.
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I wouldnt consider the 2 guys who have graduated as being "run off". They have obtained their degrees and OSU fulfilled their 4 year comittments. Like I said before, since many schools started offering 4 year scholarships, I've seen more and more guys leaving their football teams after graduating.


Exactly. Hell, we had a guy come here from Bama THIS YEAR the same way. He didn't end up playing, due to injury, but it happens.

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Dantonio, Saban, Bellicheck - all come across as gratuitous dicks. Like, I get it, sometimes the media is annoying and you get testy in pressers every now and again, but there's no real excuse for being a dick all of the time. Guys, you're making millions of fucking dollars - quit acting like your job and your life sucks.


Edit: Spurrier is in there too.

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Listening to Mike and Mike earlier and they were discussing how this years playoff system is not much different than the BCS. They had an expert who said, bcs vs playoff, the rankings are within 1. The biggest difference is, Florida State would be left out of the BCS as they are not ranked #1 in any poll and the BCS didn't really give any credit for conference championships.
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Listening to Mike and Mike earlier and they were discussing how this years playoff system is not much different than the BCS. They had an expert who said, bcs vs playoff, the rankings are within 1. The biggest difference is, Florida State would be left out of the BCS as they are not ranked #1 in any poll and the BCS didn't really give any credit for conference championships.


IF this were still the BCS era, FSU WOULD be ranked in the top 2. You are a fool if you think otherwise.

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The BCS sucked on the balls of many low creatures. Never speak of it again. This 4 team format is light years better. An eventual 6 or 8 team would be orders of magnitude better still, since you could guarantee each conference champ a spot, thus maintaining the sanctity of the regular season, and leaving human bias out save for at large spot(s).
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The BCS sucked on the balls of many low creatures. Never speak of it again. This 4 team format is light years better. An eventual 6 or 8 team would be orders of magnitude better still, since you could guarantee each conference champ a spot, thus maintaining the sanctity of the regular season, and leaving human bias out save for at large spot(s).


How is it magnitudes better? You have 5 teams with 1 loss each, fighting for basically 3 spots. I don't think that it's a much better system than what there was before, there is still going to be at least 2 teams left out, who can argue that they were screwed, barring any upsets.


Tress was just quoted 2 weeks ago saying he doesn't even watch football and that he has only watched a few quarters of OSU since leaving. He has a nice comfy job as college president, I don't see him leaving that to go play in the cornfields of Nebraska with a subpar team. I am surprised Jon Grudens name hasn't been mentioned for that job or maybe Bill Cowher, they seem to have their names tossed out for any job opening available ever.

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"And thats the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so."


I cannot believe this article is on ESPN.....


*mind blown*

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Just relaying the info spouted lol. Their expert seemed to think FSU would be undefeated and on the outside looking in. FWIW after watching a lot of football this year, I wouldn't say FSU is a top 2 team, would you?


No, I wouldn't either, but because there were only 2 spots that mattered in the BCS, how good that team is doesn't really matter. NO BCS was going to leave out the ONLY undefeated team in the country, who is also a power 5 champ, for a 1 loss anyone. Even if it's the 85 Bears.


Also, I would love/hate Tress coaching at TTUN. Love, because that rivalry would be legit again RIGHT NOW. Hate, because, well, it's Tressel...at UM....what the FUCK!

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No, I wouldn't either, but because there were only 2 spots that mattered in the BCS, how good that team is doesn't really matter. NO BCS was going to leave out the ONLY undefeated team in the country, who is also a power 5 champ, for a 1 loss anyone. Even if it's the 85 Bears.


Also, I would love/hate Tress coaching at TTUN. Love, because that rivalry would be legit again RIGHT NOW. Hate, because, well, it's Tressel...at UM....what the FUCK!


Auburn says hello....

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