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College Football Thread v7.0


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Isn't Peterson at Washington now? It will be interesting to see what he can do with them in a few years time.


Retarded, though. Dude really could have had a job at a much better school than Washington.


Yeah and Boise is still 10-2 this season, while Washington went 8-5 I believe.

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My bad, I thought Oklahoma had lost the conference championship game that year and still made it in to the NCG. Regardless, there was a 1 loss team in there ahead of undefeated Auburn. So to say FSU would for sure be in the NCG is not 100% fact. It does make for a good conversation/argument however.


Wait, maybe you're right about Oklahoma? I did a quick search for final 2004 BCS rankings and it showed USC, Oklahoma, and Utah all being undefeated.

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No, that's exactly what I was referring to - teams that weren't in the Power 5 that won consistently, like Boise.



Ah, yes. Didn't they spank Wisky in the Rose Bowl a few years back? Sigh. C'mon, B1G. Stop losing bowl games to inferior opponents.

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UAB just dropped their football program.


Peterson wanted a real chance to win a title, something he couldn't do at Boise. He knows the northwest/west so Washington is a good fit. Not many other options in the PAC-12

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Why did someone have to bring up Boise State? Now we have to go through all of this again with Josh. For fuck's sake...


LOL, I regret even adding them to my original comment. Should have just left it out and should have known Josh would key in on it.

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Hey real quick- out of those 17 drive's for Cardale, what was the result for them? Looks like 5 of the last 6 were scores, but how about overall? Those are reassuring stats, ha!


We know he can tackle after an INT

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Hey real quick- out of those 17 drive's for Cardale, what was the result for them? Looks like 5 of the last 6 were scores, but how about overall? Those are reassuring stats, ha!


Going backwards from the end of the Michigan game...


Ran the clock out

Zeke 44 yd TD run

Ran the clock out

Pass complete but fumbled

Passing TD

Jalin Marshall 30 yd TD run


Passing TD

Ran the clock out

Cardale fumble (probably a bad pitch by him)

Ran the clock out

Turnover on downs

Ran the clock out

Curtis Samuel 3 yd TD run

Curtis Samuel 1 yd TD run

Brionte Dunn fumble


Ran the clock out


That's 18 drives... not sure if I counted one twice or whoever came up with that stat missed one or if I fucked something up but there you go.

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I've noticed that all the Buckeyes kind of do a double take after he gets blasted, as if they are all like, "Who the fuck just blew that dude up?" Like I sense they want to cheer but know they can't because they just had a turnover.


Also, 27 brakes guy is great. Errrt.

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No there wasn't. Oklahoma and USC were both undefeated that year.


You're right, my bad. They blamed Auburns strength of schedule as the reason they were left out. You know you guys love discussing Boise with me, it's been almost a year I believe since we last talked about them hahaha.


That INT was over ruled as an incomplete pass, so the kid got destroyed for nothing haha.

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AAAAaaand Hoke is fired.




Also love that this article contain this little barb at the end of it;


"In a stunning coincidence, Hoke's ouster comes on the same day that it was announced that his predecessor in Ann Arbor, Rich Rodriguez was announced as the Pac-12 coach of the year"


Next lamb to the slaughter?

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