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New House


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So we actually got the keys to this place back in September with Marc Stock doing our financing (another shout out). Been running absolutely bananas this year with our wedding and then this house, which we had been looking for 18 months and found our perfect place. We just love it.


5 Acres, 3600 sq ft.. 24x24 garage. 5 bedroom 3 full bath (and plenty of trees outside).


Its a split level house which we weren't keen on at first but really like it now. The walkout basement was a huge plus. We are in an area of Indiana (Brown County) which very similar to Hocking Hills. Its hilly, wooded and beautiful. Its closer to work, the only traffic I run into on my commute is a flock of 12 turkeys on the twisty backroad into town. We have a septic system but are on municipal water. All utilities are electric (which is meh). Eventually we will probably use the pond for geothermal.


Currently waiting on a survey so I can start clearing trees for a shop. Hoping for a 30x50 depending on finances.


The builder that coordinated this lives 2 doors down and owns a cabinet business. So all the cabinetry you see is hand made solid oak. So are all the baseboards and doors. You'll see we have plenty of painting to do left from the previous owners.


Didn't post pictures of all the bedrooms, because there are a lot of them (5) and they are pretty much all rectangular, and have a closet.


Oh, hai commute.











tinkerbell themed guestroom (remnants from the previous owners).





wife's sewing room/exercise room.







Master bath, not huge but we're not ones to put a lot of emphasis on the bathroom so we are happy with it.



Anytime its over 50 degrees, we eat outside. (we brought the chairs in for the winter).



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We've already had a ton of work to do on the property. The guy before us wasn't very handy so at least we have a clean slate to work with. The tile floors were incredibly dirty, the inspector told us it was dried grout on everything. There was some of that, but for the most part it was just dirt and grime. We scrubbed every single tile in the house by hand (the second half we had a stiff brush on a hand drill to help us.


Plenty of grounds work to do. had 2 trees come down on their own, pulled down 4 others after one fell on my trailer. Trying to do most of the brush work out here around trees and the pond before spring time. Avoiding the copperheads, timber rattlers, brown recluses, and poison ivy.


Also all the window sills in the basement windows were curling up/rotten/peeling. I replaced them in October with some white vinyl pieces. Looks great.


We have no decorations up. We have some framed pictures but since we got hitched we haven't had time to print what we wanted and figure out how we want to arrange it. Going to be a long process.

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Nice house Berto! The real question is though, do you still have the Bunk Beds?

Bunk beds are gone. Sucks. Though when we have guests and they have to sleep on air mattresses I make sure to make a point that we USED to have bunk beds.


Still wondering when the sister is going to call me
Going to have to come visit more. Though I hear she is recently single.


When are you gonna start carving out some trails for your rzr?

I need to talk to the neighbor, looking on google maps he does MX racing and has a circuit in his backyard. I want to ask him how folks are about riding back here. My property is EXTREMELY dense. I would probably have to go through and clear something manually before taking the RZR through. I know its dumb but i'd be worried of tearing a rubber CV boot with the amount of thorny bushes i'd have to roll over. We haven't even walked the property yet. Hoping to do that soon.


We do have ~1.5 sq miles of wilderness behind us before getting to the next house. The land is owned by people but nothing built on it. The 80 acres behind me I hear is a rich guy from indy that just likes to hunt, so thats his hunting property.


This was our first time out in the country for the hunting season. I heard another neighbor noob tubing deer. Sounded like 8 shotgun shell blasts back to back. haha.


Also Camp Atterbury is about a half mile away. Its not uncommon to be outside and hear various guns going off (its not that loud really, doesn't wake up my wife which is a light sleeper). See some interesting aircraft flying around. I swore I saw a few AC-10's this fall flying around.


Can't wait to see the 3-5 year pics. That is a great place, and you tend to do cool things for upgrades. Congrats.

Thanks dude! this house doesn't NEED much in terms of upgrades. The floors that aren't carpet are already all tile, which is one less thing for us to do. The carpet in the main areas is showing its age ad we're big proponents for wood/laminate flooring. So in a year or two I think that will be the big push.


The deck needs restained/painted, hell living out here there are so many critters trying to get in or eat your home its going to be a lot of work keeping them at bay. The deck had about 20 holes from carpenter bees so I spend a few days getting rid of those guys and sealing everything up properly. We may end up adding stairs from the deck to get down to ground level directly, but we'll see.


The roof was repaired like crap from a storm when we got it, so we put a new roof on it within a week of moving in.


We threw a fire ring in on the ground for a temporary firepit so we could enjoy the fall, but in the spring we're hoping to build a round patio and firepit with pavers. We do so many bonfires that the grass around the ring is gone and all thats left is a muddy mess.


Well done, Berto! Many happy years to you. Looks like a beautiful piece of property.

Thanks dude! We got plenty of room to grow.




Very exciting for sure. Happy New years to you all also... I will say the thing that sucks out here is the interwebs. Can't get DSL or cable. Had to go with satelite, which is datacapped. Its been a huge adjustment not to just leave my browser open and walk away. The speeds are actually pretty decent. Word is in 2016 a new satellite is going up which they may offer an unlimited package, which I would like for online gaming.

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Nothing more exciting than a new house.


you obviously have never been told "you're not the father"


No one ever danced like this at my mortgage closings


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Did you install the "Bins" in the one room or were they already there??


No we put them there. My wife's biggest hobby is to cross-stitch. It sounds lame but she does some fantastic work. I'll have to try and find some of the pics of her work. Some of them look like pictures.


Each bin has a different color floss. Each bin numbered. Its annoying to have to run 15 minutes into town when she runs out of a color for a $0.30 pack of colored string. Told her to buy every damn color and just stock it, lol. The table is hand made by one of her good friends and she uses it as a cutting/measuring table. I had a sheet of clear plexi glass cut to fit, so the table top wouldn't get all scratched up.


To Make things better this was the kid's playroom for the previous owner. They had 'chalk paint' on the wall there. So I framed it in with the bins, she uses chalk to jot down notes/measurements.







She has a really good one of a King Tut's sarcophagus thats just amazing, though I haven't taken a picture of it yet. Each piece takes her at least a year.

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No we put them there. My wife's biggest hobby is to cross-stitch. It sounds lame but she does some fantastic work. I'll have to try and find some of the pics of her work. Some of them look like pictures.










Don't knock hand skills like this- they have real impact on delays of mental issues in senior women. Those prices are beautiful.


I realize your wife is quite far from that timeframe but as a woman who comes from a family history of Alzheimer's and dementia and I do everything I can to delay it is much as possible as one of the reasons why I stick to knitting crocheting cross stitch and other mind skills that require dexterity and strategic/memory skills

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My wife loves that chalk paint. We have it on the wall by the front door. She writes welcome notes on it when we have people over. It has turned out pretty handy. She also dipped the bottoms of wine glasses, so the girls can write their name on them.


That cross stitching looks great.

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