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College Football Thread version 9.0


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Meh, he still found ways of getting his digs in, like saying it would be "surprising" for us to win the NC.


Uh, we were ranked preseason top 10. Any team that is ranked that high preseason and then goes on to play for the NC is almost by definition not surprising.


Also, Forde is a TCU apologist and, in general, a Ohio State hater. Fuck that guy.

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Meh, he still found ways of getting his digs in, like saying it would be "surprising" for us to win the NC.


Uh, we were ranked preseason top 10. Any team that is ranked that high preseason and then goes on to play for the NC is almost by definition not surprising.


Also, Forde is a TCU apologist and, in general, a Ohio State hater. Fuck that guy.


He also picked for the B1G to go 0-10 in bowl games...."expert", huh?

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Third, I have a strange feeling about this game. I was pretty confident until this morning when I woke up. I think part of my nervousness is coming from the amount of love OSU is getting on ESPN. There is seriously very little talk about Oregon and part of me thinks they are sitting back, watching this and thinkining "well, we'll just show them who we are tonight". My worst fear is Oregon coming out and dropping 50 on OSU, while OSU shits the best once again in a National Championship game.
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"According to 24/7's Ryan Bartow, 2017's No. 2 DB, Shaun Wade — from the same Jacksonville school as former OSU/Auburn and current Stanford commit Ben Edwards — just became Ohio State's second 2017 commit (behind Massillon's Danny Clark)." Kid is the #14 player in his class, 2 years til graduation, I am sure his ranking will move around before then.


I feel 2016 and 2017 will be two of Urbans best classes

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People are predicting a shoot out. When shoot outs are predicted, it usually ends up being a low scoring affair. I can see this game being like 24-14 or something just absurd like that.


Josh, I feel you on the media overemphasis. I'm with you - I usually like my team to fly beneath the radar, come in as underdogs with a clear chip on their shoulder, and then bushwhack the opponent.


However, there's another approach I like too. It's the confidence approach. This is when things are the way they seem: confident teams are confident because everyone can see they are superior. Think Miami of the 80s, Florida State in the early 1990s, Nebraska in mid-1990s, USC in early 2000s, and Alabama in late 2000s - teams that could walk the walk as much as they could talk the talk. Hopefully - HOPEFULLY - this is what we are seeing out of Ohio State.


Put it this way, after tonight we are likely to be saying:


1. Holy fuck, we were way too overconfident and that was kind of dumb to not be more focused; or


2. Holy fuck, we have one of the best teams ever at Ohio State, this team could play with anyone and beat just about anyone, we have swag for days, and we might be on the verge of some kind of run here.

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Bucks will have trouble keeping Oregon from moving the ball down field, but I think they'll hold them in the short field. Lots of field goals for the ducks.

OSU will turn the ball over a time or two, but Spence will break a few loose, and Cardale will undoubtedly have several freight train style runs. Should open up the secondary a bit for some second half bombs. Bucks TD's over ducks field goals.

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I am also concerned about the amount of respect for OSU vs. Oregon. It's totally different than what I'm used to, and I half expect it to be ESPN trolling the fuck out of us so we get confident and lose.


While I love the "looseness" of the team in media days, there is a point where you are too loose and confident (See Troy Smith NC). I like the chippy, we-want-to-prove-you-wrong OSU, and my fear is that all this positive media attention for OSU has changed their mindset. Let's win the game, then be loose.

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This team is really good, but would you put them in the same category as the 80's Hurricans, 90's Cornhuskers, 2000's Miami's, USC's, Alabamas? Maybe in a year or two they can be put in the same category as those guys, right now I am not sure. Hell part of me still questions just how good this team really is. Are they really that good or have they been lucky enough to play against weak competition outside of a few games? Just random thoughts going through my mind as I sit here picking it apart waiting on the game to start haha.


The key to this game is going to be stopping Mariotta, they have been successful of doing that against the last 2 Heisman finalist, hopefully they are once again tonight. Unlike Alabama, I feel we will know very early in this game just what kind of game its going to end up being. If Oregon comes out lighting it up and torching OSU, then prepare for a long night. Hopefully OSU stops Oregon on their first series and takes it down to score. Setting the tone early will be huge for both teams.

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I am also concerned about the amount of respect for OSU vs. Oregon. It's totally different than what I'm used to, and I half expect it to be ESPN trolling the fuck out of us so we get confident and lose.


While I love the "looseness" of the team in media days, there is a point where you are too loose and confident (See Troy Smith NC). I like the chippy, we-want-to-prove-you-wrong OSU, and my fear is that all this positive media attention for OSU has changed their mindset. Let's win the game, then be loose.


Troy Smith wasn't loose, he was comatose/nonexistent/fat from too many donuts and strip clubs and the Heisman circuit.


I get what you're saying. In retrospect, Ohio State was waaaaay overconfident after the Michigan win in 2006 and before the Florida game. They were literally popping champagne and smoking cigars after the Michigan win. That tells you all you need to know what their mindset was.


I haven't seen any of that type of stuff from current players. Of course, our hindsight is always going to be 20/20: after the game, either we'll "know" they were overconfident or were just knowledgeable about their ability to whip ass.

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This team is really good, but would you put them in the same category as the 80's Hurricans, 90's Cornhuskers, 2000's Miami's, USC's, Alabamas? Maybe in a year or two they can be put in the same category as those guys, right now I am not sure. Hell part of me still questions just how good this team really is. Are they really that good or have they been lucky enough to play against weak competition outside of a few games? Just random thoughts going through my mind as I sit here picking it apart waiting on the game to start haha.


No, no, no - I'm definitely not saying they are in the same category of those teams. Not even close to them, really. Rather, I was just talking about the confidence that those teams have and how that translated into them being really good (or it being reflective of how good they were). Meaning, sometimes when teams act confident and loose it's because they are good and know it and don't have a problem showing it.

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2006 tOSU would wipe the floor with this team too, IMO. We're good, but I don't think this is a dynasty-level greatness we're seeing. Not yet.



The 2006 Ohio State team would get beat about the same by this year's Ohio State team as they did by Florida's 2006 team. This Ohio State team is essentially Florida's 2006 team, only with a better running back.

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I do like the confidence, I just hope it doesn't transition to arrogance. That is a fine line to toe, especially for 18-22 year old kids who are being told nothing but how great they are. I hope Urban and staff have been reminding the team all week, that those same people praising them, were the same ones tearing them apart all season long. Basically, letting them know not to buy into the false hype surrounding them right now by the media.


The 06 team for many people including myself stands out I think basically because of the star power and the "what if" surrounding it. Look at that squad and it's sickening knowing that they couldn't get the job done. As for Smith, aside from getting fat on the donut circuit as Tilley made mention of, there is also a long standing rumor that he and Gonzo got into an altercation minutes before the game. The story goes, Smith was banging Gonzo's gf behind his back and it all came to light at the very wrong time. Now how true that story is, well I don't think many people really know, but it's out there.


Kind of contradicting myself for a minute, if this team wins tonight, then maybe you can put them up there with the all time great teams (single season, not era's). The qb situation, the youth movement (11 or 22 starters are freshman/sophmores), the off the field issues (Rod Smith, Noah Spence).


Also, last night watching the Broncos/Colts game I realized that Jonathan Newsome who was once a Buckeye was playing in the game and forced a fumble. He transferred out and ended up at Ball State.

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More good news/praise for Ohio State (which means more jinxing them for tonight's game!):






-Ohio State football program most valuable in nation at $1.2 billion

-Michigan #2

-Texas (who was #1) is #3

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More good news/praise for Ohio State (which means more jinxing them for tonight's game!):






-Ohio State football program most valuable in nation at $1.2 billion

-Michigan #2

-Texas (who was #1) is #3


No Roll Cryd in there?

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