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College Football Thread v11.0


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To be fair, i can see where the guy was coming from. End the play to eliminate the possibility of a turnover, then let the clock run out on the next play. However, Literally slamming your teammate to the ground probably wasnt the best way to tackle that.
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Week 3 picks


#14 Georgia Tech vs #8 Notre Dame

#18 Auburn vs #13 LSU

#15 Ole Miss vs #2 Alabama

Stanford vs #6 USC

N. Illinois vs Ohio State (66-6... THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST)

#19 BYU vs #10 UCLA




I honestly think they're trolling. I think they're looking for any reason to downplay the SEC and praise the B1G right now because they're hoping for the SEC to prove people wrong in the post-season so they can pull this giant Nelson from Simpsons "HAHA" at the end of it. They've been getting complaints for several years now about their SEC bias so I guess you saying they're flipping the script is accurate but I think their motives aren't pure. Bama wins the NC at the end of this season and they won't be able to find enough SEC dicks to put in their mouths.


Not saying I'm predicting Bama to win it all or OSU to lose it all, just saying I think that's ESPN's play right now. Throw as much praise, rational or not, on the conference they've shit on for the last 7-8 years (ie. David Pollack after the VT game saying this OSU team would be the highest scoring offense in NCAA history) and if OSU or MSU win it all... they're validated. And if an SEC team wins they come back with a "AND THAT'S WHY WE'VE BEEN SUCKING THEIR DICKS FOR ALL THESE YEARS." The only scenario where they lose is if a B1G or SEC team doesn't win it all.

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Yeah the same David Pollack who thought we shouldn't have got in the playoffs last year. Dude sucks.


Paul Finebaum was saying all this off-season that he wouldn't be surprised if no SEC team made the playoffs.


Mark Schlabach had an article on ESPN Saturday night talking about the SEC's flawed logic regarding their conference's strength.


Everything ESPN does is orchestrated and these SEC guys flipping a switch this hard is too obvious to me.

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Paul Finebaum was saying all this off-season that he wouldn't be surprised if no SEC team made the playoffs.


Mark Schlabach had an article on ESPN Saturday night talking about the SEC's flawed logic regarding their conference's strength.


Everything ESPN does is orchestrated and these SEC guys flipping a switch this hard is too obvious to me.


I would still expect a 1-loss SEC champion hype team (Alabama) to get the nod. 2-loss though, and yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC is missing this year. I HIGHLY doubt the Big XII gets left out if they have a 1-loss true champions this year, but that'll be a shitstorm in itself if we have a Baylor/TCU mix-up again. I think we run into a bit of a dilemma if we have a 1-loss MSU and an undefeated Ohio State, 2-loss SEC/Pac-12 teams, etc.

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I think ESPN does what it does for ratings. They know praising or bashing these things usually gets clicks from lots of people:


- Ohio State

- Notre Dame

- Texas

- anything discussing the SEC as a football entity


Say Ohio State sucks? Guess who is feverishly clicking - all Ohio State fans and all Ohio State haters. Say the SEC is left for dead? Look at all dem Bammers and Barners and toothless wonders clicking on dat dere lap-a-top doodads!

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Paul Finebaum was saying all this off-season that he wouldn't be surprised if no SEC team made the playoffs.


Mark Schlabach had an article on ESPN Saturday night talking about the SEC's flawed logic regarding their conference's strength.


Everything ESPN does is orchestrated and these SEC guys flipping a switch this hard is too obvious to me.


I've spent a lot of time at races this year in "SEC Country" and their general fan base is more insane than the shitty 1% of the Ohio State or meatchicken fan base.


These people cannot logic at all, most know nothing really about football, and can't spell college with auto-correct. I had an Arkansas fan tell me straight faced on saturday their team would "walk through" Ohio State, then the next day would not look at me for some reason...


Bamatards are also some of the worst, they seem to forget the Shula or NCAA got caught cheating years for some reason, not sure why.


Then you have the ND/Meatchicken fans, whose programs have not had any real meaning for years, yet they LOVE to bring up the 80's 90's more than VH-1 when speaking about how great they were.

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I've spent a lot of time at races this year in "SEC Country" and their general fan base is more insane than the shitty 1% of the Ohio State or meatchicken fan base.


These people cannot logic at all, most know nothing really about football, and can't spell college with auto-correct. I had an Arkansas fan tell me straight faced on saturday their team would "walk through" Ohio State, then the next day would not look at me for some reason...


Bamatards are also some of the worst, they seem to forget the Shula or NCAA got caught cheating years for some reason, not sure why.


Then you have the ND/Meatchicken fans, whose programs have not had any real meaning for years, yet they LOVE to bring up the 80's 90's more than VH-1 when speaking about how great they were.


Sounds about right for the most part. There are a few more than 1% when it comes to clueless osu fans though. This is coming from an osu alum too. At the end of the day, how many people in life can't use logic in daily activity? Now apply that to a fanbase....I think part of the "southern" fans getting that toothless wonder tag is that they show a lot of these clowns on tv, kind of like when shit goes down in the ghetto. Who is on tv?..haha. There are plenty of the clueless though and I love the Arkansas fan giving you shit. They have Bret "bloated asswipe" Beleima as a coach. Enough said.

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The average MOV for teams that played a Labor Day Evening game, then an FBS team that Saturday is 11 points, not including OSU. Of those teams that played an FBS team the following saturday, OSU won by the highest margin (38) and the only shutout.



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Watching GameDay.....and I see all these bamatards at Ole Miss with the signs. One saying something like "Found! 1 Ole Miss fan with all 32 teeth" I mean, have you walked outside and looked around your bama trailer park?

Also noticed alot of osu this,that, our weak schedule signs from tard nation. We are living rent free in their heads.

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