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College Football Thread v12.0


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11W is really disappointing me this week. Multiple times they have cited an ORC for Fleeing and Evading when JT was charged with a ordinance that falls under Starting and Backing. The fleeing and evading is an M1 and VERY easily can be bumped to a felony. I have messaged them with links to everything and even posted publicly today. They are still reporting the same charge and many national media outlets are quoting them. Sad
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I am having some confusion as to where 2921.331 is coming from. He was charged with city Ord 2131.13 http://www.fcmcclerk.com/localrules/pdf/Rule13Sched05_04.pdf which is ORC 4511.38 Rules for starting and backing vehicles.




It's City of Columbus vs Him. They charged him under City codes, which 2131.13(A) is just a 2 point moving violation, which ties to the ORC I posted. They posted an ORC that ties to 6 points and is an M1 at minimum and very easily a felony. The ORC posted has nothing to do with his case. Just wanted to bring it up because this article is being shared around the internet and the ORC in the article is a very very different violation than he was cited for. The OVI portion is the same.


Case No. 2015 TR C 183137



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I am having some confusion as to where 2921.331 is coming from. He was charged with city Ord 2131.13 http://www.fcmcclerk.com/localrules/pdf/Rule13Sched05_04.pdf which is ORC 4511.38 Rules for starting and backing vehicles.




It's City of Columbus vs Him. They charged him under City codes, which 2131.13(A) is just a 2 point moving violation, which ties to the ORC I posted. They posted an ORC that ties to 6 points and is an M1 at minimum and very easily a felony. The ORC posted has nothing to do with his case. Just wanted to bring it up because this article is being shared around the internet and the ORC in the article is a very very different violation than he was cited for. The OVI portion is the same.


Case No. 2015 TR C 183137





Am I the only one who doesn't Give a FUCK? :dumb:


You've definitely already spent about 10x more time on this than you should have. Kid made an idiot kid mistake and is being disciplined by both his coach&school and the state.

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Am I the only one who doesn't Give a FUCK? :dumb:


You've definitely already spent about 10x more time on this than you should have. Kid made an idiot kid mistake and is being disciplined by both his coach&school and the state.


I spent like 30 seconds on it. Thats how stupid of a mistake it is. There is no reason that we shouldn't hold any and all media accountable for what they report

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The ORC that they are quoting is clearly incorrect unless he failed to comply with a lawful order which is a lesser charge of fleeing and eluding. To become a felony it must create substantial risk of injury or death such as a high speed pursuit through a neighborhood. Clearly, someone is reaching and/or not understanding the charges.
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The ORC that they are quoting is clearly incorrect unless he failed to comply with a lawful order which is a lesser charge of fleeing and eluding. To become a felony it must create substantial risk of injury or death such as a high speed pursuit through a neighborhood. Clearly, someone is reaching and/or not understanding the charges.


I honestly think the ORC is the closest thing to the city ordinance # they could find and ran with it.

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Also high fiving myself, for doing exactly what people are supposed to do. I also pay my taxes, keep up with my bills, wash my hands after I use the restroom, manage to keep myself from actually strangling the folks I work with, refuse to have sex with women who tell me "no"....any other normal things that I should be congratulating myself for, that you apparently think are odd?


:lol: and ditto.


I find it odd that you list being able to restrain yourself from murdering, or raping someone, in the same conversation as a discussion about young people making common young people mistakes. If you hang your hat on showing such incredible restraint, more power to you.


LOL. He didn't say that in jest. At all. Congrats, super sleuth. You've deciphered the case.


Occasional .08ers aren't out there killing innocent drivers and themselves at alarming numbers, that's just where we've set the legal limit, because we have to set it somewhere. I'm not advocating that one should drive around the limit, but my pitchfork isn't out over it.


My family has lost 2 people who never took a sip of alcohol in their life to drunk drivers who both lived. I don't care what the limit is. If you drink, don't drive. YMMV.


Hmm. So you have zero tolerance for drinking and driving.

Is that because you did it, blacked out/crashed your car while drunk? And that's the reason you have no tolerance? I guess when you reach perfection you can pass judgment. Instead, you became a Bama fan who likes to dance and has zero tolerance for things you have done in the past.


While I have drank in excess in the past, I never drove. No, I'm not perfect. Far from it. But I have a zero tolerance policy for myself and those around me if I can help it for reasons listed above. R.I.P. uncle Kevin (who my brother is named after) and grandma. Neither of who ever drank.


And you can go ahead and count me amongst this group of folks. There were a group of us that used to go out on a fairly regular basis. I called them the "beer snobs". Typically the evening would consist of a few beers, dinner, good conversation, and maybe some cards or something. No one ever got out of hand, no one really even ever got tipsy. After a while, one of the main members of this group moved away from the rest of us. One night he went out with some of his new friends, doing the same thing that we used to do. On his way home, he drifted left of center in a construction zone, hit another vehicle head on, killing one of the occupants. He then spent a portion of his life in prison, and will spend the rest of his life dealing with that regret. This is a dude that none of us had never even seen tipsy before.


My point is this, whats done is done. The punishment for JT, in my opinion, is warranted and fair. However, also in my opinion, drinking and getting behind the wheel is NEVER justified. Regardless of how many you have had, and regardless of how far you may or may not be going. Nowadays, Uber has made it so easy to avoid, that it is especially unjustifiable.


This, with the caveat that cabs, buses, shoes, and real friends have ALWAYS made this possible.


You may not be saying it, but *I* am. Drinking and driving is WRONG. If you choose to do it, you are making a selfish, foolish decision and risking not only your own life, but the lives of everyone around you. This is one area where belief really has nothing to do with it.


I have a hard time believing that you actually don't care at all that someone with a license to operate heavy machinery at high speed might do so while under the influence. Especially if you happen to be next to them on the freeway with your family.


I <3 DJ.


To summarize:


1) Don't drink and drive.

2) Punishment handed down by coach without being prompted is great in my eyes.

3) The end. Let's move on.

4) LOL at ranking, but happy we're not "#1".

5) Back to the fool's ball everyone.

6) DJ, will you internet marry me?

7) Vote yes on stuff and no on things...are polls still open?


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Such an odd recruitment the past few months with him


Yeah, dude seems like a bit of a head case? I dunno. Best of luck to him, though.


6) DJ, will you internet marry me?


Sorry bro, I'm not into married guys. I am totally ok with you having a crush on me, though...

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Sorry bro, I'm not into married guys. I am totally ok with you having a crush on me, though...




Funny people say Ohio State's schedule is easy, look at Clemson's


While I tend to agree, according to everything I have found Clemson's SOS is higher that tOSU's.


...whatever that means.

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Clemson has a very high quality win against Notre Dame. A team the committee sees as top 5.


OSU's highest quality win would probably be against Penn State.


LSU, also ahead of OSU, has a win over the committee's 10th ranked team, Florida.


But going down the stretch, OSU could pick up wins against top 10 teams Michigan State and Iowa. Also, if Michigan keeps winning and teams ahead of them lose they could be top 10 by the time OSU plays them.


No matter what, OSU wins out and they're in. Simple enough.

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Anyone else find it odd he Walker posted this minutes after the AP announced that issue 3 had lost in Ohio? lol

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I don't get how Ohio st is ranked higher then Michigan st. Atleast sparty has some quality wins.


After last year, do you really? Serious question.


I get that it's a different team, chemistry, effectiveness, etc, but I'm shocked we dropped.

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You don't rank a team based on what they did last year. You base in what they are doing this year. Sure pre season they get the nod but we are eight weeks into play and OSU hasn't beat anyone except penn st and they were on the brink in a few games they have played this season.
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You don't rank a team based on what they did last year. You base in what they are doing this year. Sure pre season they get the nod but we are eight weeks into play and OSU hasn't beat anyone except penn st and they were on the brink in a few games they have played this season.


Didnt alabama just barely beat an unranked team by 6 points 2 weeks ago?


5 points, my bad.

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You don't rank a team based on what they did last year. You base in what they are doing this year. Sure pre season they get the nod but we are eight weeks into play and OSU hasn't beat anyone except penn st and they were on the brink in a few games they have played this season.


That's the funny thing about the SEC. They bank on "history" to get them good rankings each year, then they drop like flies throughout the season. "Quality losses" I get, but when that preseason rank of 6 drops to a 20, the quality certainly reflects reality towards the end, and not the beginning.


Didnt alabama just barely beat an unranked team by 6 points 2 weeks ago?


5 points, my bad.



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I just don't see how bama is 4 and Florida is 10? Makes no freaking sense. And ND is no. 5 really?


Yeah, if any 1-loss SEC team deserved to be in the top 4 (not sure any did) it should have been Florida. Their loss was on the road to the committee's #2 team. Bama's was at home to the committee's #18 team. Pretty simple.

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