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College Football Thread v13.0


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That was exactly the point, but sure let's compare overall carries per year instead.
Then say that. Because ALL YEAR people complained that they didn't run Elliott enough, in more than just the MSU game.




He certainly didnt look hobbled while he was in there, and then immeditely said he wished he had more carries right after the game, but whatever, impossible to know for sure.


Fuck Saban, Fuck Henry.

Again, physically impossible for your body to be 100%.
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Then say that. Because ALL YEAR people complained that they didn't run Elliott enough, in more than just the MSU game.




Again, physically impossible for your body to be 100%.


I'm not "people", I'm Rob, the only time I complained about Zeke not getting the ball was the game where he didnt, and we lost.


It's literally impossible for you to assign an abstract percentage as a factual representation of a human bodies potential to perform a physical task. This isn't a video game. Let's put that aside. He didn't NOT PERFORM at 100%, he didn't even get a chance to not perform at 100%.

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I'm not "people", I'm Rob, the only time I complained about Zeke not getting the ball was the game where he didnt, and we lost.


It's literally impossible for you to assign an abstract percentage as a factual representation of a human bodies potential to perform a physical task. This isn't a video game. Let's put that aside. He didn't NOT PERFORM at 100%, he didn't even get a chance to not perform at 100%.
He didn't get a chance because somewhere, someone shut him down. A back isnt top 10 in carries in the country if the coaches dont trust them and want to ride them. An infection bad enough to have to go to the hospital is doing to wear your body out to a degree, period. An infection bad enough that you have to go to the hospital 3 days in a row? It's absolutely impossible that his body was 100%. The much bigger issue is, why didn't they have a plan if Zeke wasn't good to go? The issue is, they most likely thought he was going to be good to go, something happened where someone pulled the plug, and they were lost on what to do.
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He didn't get a chance because somewhere, someone shut him down. A back isnt top 10 in carries in the country if the coaches dont trust them and want to ride them. An infection bad enough to have to go to the hospital is doing to wear your body out to a degree, period. An infection bad enough that you have to go to the hospital 3 days in a row? It's absolutely impossible that his body was 100%. The much bigger issue is, why didn't they have a plan if Zeke wasn't good to go? The issue is, they most likely thought he was going to be good to go, something happened where someone pulled the plug, and they were lost on what to do.


That's plausible, yet he specifically told the media he wished he had been given more touches. It's not like we saw him come up grabbing his leg or something. Why would someone, somewhere shut him down if they let him play in the first place, at all? Maybe that happened, or maybe the coaching staff blew it getting too cute. I think it's the latter, you disagree. That's fine.

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That's plausible, yet he specifically told the media he wished he had been given more touches. It's not like we saw him come up grabbing his leg or something. Why would someone, somewhere shut him down if they let him play in the first place, at all? Maybe that happened, or maybe the coaching staff blew it getting too cute. I think it's the latter, you disagree. That's fine.

An infection like that doesn't just cause pain in your leg, it's going to affect his whole body. I doubt the cut that got infected was even painful. The way he talked about it, and the way that they "made up" so fast, it really has the air about it that they shut him down, and he was pissed and felt he could play.

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An infection like that doesn't just cause pain in your leg, it's going to affect his whole body. I doubt the cut that got infected was even painful. The way he talked about it, and the way that they "made up" so fast, it really has the air about it that they shut him down, and he was pissed and felt he could play.


So now we are inventing entire narratives to coincide with our viewpoints?


Look, what you're saying isn't so ridiculous I can't imagine it being possible, I just don't think that's what happened, I think they fucked up. Coaches got moved to the box, folks were possibly getting canned, Zeke's complaining to the media. I mean if it was infection-related why wouldn't they just come out and squarely put the blame on that? "Yup, he was ill and we couldn't use him", that sounds like a damn good reason to not use him, instead Meyer said this and I quote "Zeke is a very honest guy. I couldn't disagree with him; he should have got the ball more. That wasn't the place for it." referring to his speaking to the media. Honestly though, and most importantly ... we will never know for sure.


Edit: I may be mixing up games here. Happy to see next year's squad. I think we trounce Oklahoma.

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Maybe I missed it but besides close games, I think this bowl season has lacked that one major GIF moment like Baylor's kicker last year.


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just never gets old

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Maybe I missed it but besides close games, I think this bowl season has lacked that one major GIF moment like Baylor's kicker last year.


just never gets old



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An infection like that doesn't just cause pain in your leg, it's going to affect his whole body. I doubt the cut that got infected was even painful. The way he talked about it, and the way that they "made up" so fast, it really has the air about it that they shut him down, and he was pissed and felt he could play.


The infection was likely MRSA, which can be lethal. Surprised they even let him play.

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