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Mountain Biking at Alum Creek


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I plan on getting a bike and riding that trail fairly often this summer. Anyone got recommendations for a solid bike sub 2k?


Not sure how rough Alum Creek is but I have a 5 year old hard tail Trek Superfly 3 I take on various Phoenix mountains every weekend for the last 2 years. Only paid $350 for it.


Even got hit/ran over by a car lol The bike not me, I flipped over the handle bars onto the ground. Not a scratch or bend on it on the bike or me haha


The only thing I've had to replace are the obvious - Bent wheels, busted tires/tubes.


Trek has a whole Superfly line of bikes I think the new one is the SuperFly 9 which is just a little over 2k but can be found for cheaper.

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I've been super happy with my Mongoose Canaan Elite. I picked it up used for Cheap. As for you what are you looking for? Hardtail? Of full suspension? If I got a hard tail I would look at a 29er.

As for a full suspension look for some that can lock you the rear shock. I would say look at Gary Fisher but it looks like they were bought out by Trek. Specialized are good as well. Still have my old ass ground control and as hard as I was on it its still in good shape just needs serviced. Would say find a shop take some bikes for a ride or check to see if rental is a option to feel out the bike you are looking for.

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I think they have stopped maintaining P1, but P2 is maintained and still very active. Both are still open to use. I live 2 miles from P1.


I guess there is a hidden P3 trail somewhere. Not sure how big it is or where its at but I saw a video of a group riding it or parts of it rather on youtube.

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They definitely still maintain P1; it was in great shape at the end of last year. They also extended the beginner trail across the road from P1 which might have been what you saw. It's maybe around 0.75-1 mile long now.


The trails are probably still going to be wet for a bit longer, they had closed signs posted at the trailheads a week or two ago. Check the trail conditions at ohiosingletrack.com.

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I'm going to keep my eye out for a bike. I had a single speed 29er before and it was great at alum but Ill probably end up getting a more normal bike. Maybe we can organize a CR ride in a few months.


I still have my old Trek Y-Frame somewhere..just need to weld the subframe back together. I have that Specialized Hardrock somewhere as well. Lets go, we'll bring the kayaks

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With the rain we have gotten the trails wash out a little easy but if you catch it dry they are still up kept and nice.


Fwiw check out performance bikes on sawmill for a deal, got my gt for about $400 on sale and it's been awesome

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I fucking hate reading about this stuff. My dumb ass went out and bought a "gee wiz" bike last year, because wife said she wants bikes. $2500 later, we have bikes, gear, a fucking trailer hitch and bike carrier for four. That must be so we can pretend to go biking with our other friends that thought this was a great idea. But hey, sweet MB, Bro.



11 months later, twelve fucking miles on the bike and never attached the carrier to the hitch. But hey, we have bike's. YEEEEAAAAAA!

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Joe I'm sorry to hear because biking and mb are completely different animals. I use my mb to do everything from paved riding to alum creek trail style and usually ride 20 miles or so each time out. I couldn't imagine having a bike for a year and only riding 12 miles haha better get out there and get your money worth one way or another
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I fucking hate reading about this stuff. My dumb ass went out and bought a "gee wiz" bike last year, because wife said she wants bikes. $2500 later, we have bikes, gear, a fucking trailer hitch and bike carrier for four. That must be so we can pretend to go biking with our other friends that thought this was a great idea. But hey, sweet MB, Bro.



11 months later, twelve fucking miles on the bike and never attached the carrier to the hitch. But hey, we have bike's. YEEEEAAAAAA!


This is why I stick to road cycling. MTB you have to load up the bikes to go somewhere. I can get on my road bike at home near Easton and go where ever I want. I rode to a family reunionat the Delaware dam a couple years ago, my grandmas place for a family event near Mt. Vernon.


I have friends with extra mountain bikes that let me ride their shit the few times per year I want to go, or I watch for the manufacturer's demo days.


What kind of bikes did you buy?

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I race MTB's and Road Bikes, but started off road.


I ride to Phase 1 and 2 do laps and come home all the time 20-35 miles, no problem.


COMBO (central ohio mountain biking assocaition) has been doing trail work at both Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 got a lot of love at the tail end of the season last year, it needed it. Phase two is still fun and quick, but I would say are beginner friendly and a great workout if that is what you're after.


There is also the Mohican (1 hour north) mtb trail, 23 miles of some of the best single track in the midwest, awesome trail. Maybe work your way up to this one, although you can ride shorter loops.


Chesnut ridge out in Canal Winchester, another COMBO trail, very fast, very fun, and in great shape.


Dillion State Park out east, rocky, challenging, 14-16 miles of trail.


There is a trail out by newark slips my mind, Lake Hope, Scioto Trails, AEP trails in zanesville awesome.


The thing is MTB to be is much more interesting then the road, I dont mind loading up, make it a day, its awesome. You stop thinking about anything other then staying on the bike, intense focus (as to make certain you do not hit a tree). I love the road as well, but from purely a pain perspective, I only enjoy going fast on the road, vs I can enjoy just putting around in the woods.


Berto lives over in Brown country IN. that is a trip to make, trail system is epic, great weekend to camp and ride!


Any way my only advice is if you really want to do MTB get a decent bike spend 800 or so, you wont regret it. The el cheapos just suck so hard they take any enjoyment out of it IMO with issues all the time, heavy, handle like rubbish, ect ect. Get a good helmet pedals, adn practice its a great time.


(Im biased obviously, I already have about 2000 miles in this years lol)


Also dont ride if the trail is muddy, let it dry please...It fucks it up when its soft and wet, better to just wait a day to not rut it all up...

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