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My understanding at this point is that the children carved the faces into the werewood trees as representations of the gods they worshiped, (the old gods, whom most in the north worship as well).


And yes, HBO destroyed True Blood. Went from excellent to terrible and hard to watch.

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So it would seem (via the new Red Woman) that Varys had his member removed for a fire ritual...we know that the original Red Woman always used items with blood of the King for her fire rituals. Does Varys have royal blood?
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So it would seem (via the new Red Woman) that Varys had his member removed for a fire ritual...we know that the original Red Woman always used items with blood of the King for her fire rituals. Does Varys have royal blood?




Guessing not, she called him a second rate wizard (or something like that) Probably didn't know what he was doing.



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Here is the thing...people see the different priests/priestesses stating different individuals as "the prince who was promised" as being conflicting, but the dragon has 3 heads. So really, I think there will be at least 3, if not 4 leaders by the end of the series. One rider for each dragon AND Azor Ahai? Its been made pretty clear through the series that each dragon must have a rider...


And it wouldn't make sense to have the riders be people we don't yet know.


I really have no effing idea where this is going and I find it intriguing and frustrating at the same time. So may questions...


I really wanted to see more of the Children of the Forest...but it looks like that probably won't be happening now that they seemingly have been wiped out altogether...

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The head did look too small to me, but only time will tell.


I firmly believe that beheading is the only true death in the GoT universe. Everything else is temporary until the head is separated from body.


Remember, when Arya is traveling with the Hound and he fights that Beric dude (who then gets healed and takes Arya), Arya asks Beric if a man who's been beheaded can be revived and he doesn't answer.


Could be intentionally vague, but I still think that's really the only form of finality in that universe.

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I firmly believe that beheading is the only true death in the GoT universe. Everything else is temporary until the head is separated from body.


Remember, when Arya is traveling with the Hound and he fights that Beric dude (who then gets healed and takes Arya), Arya asks Beric if a man who's been beheaded can be revived and he doesn't answer.


Could be intentionally vague, but I still think that's really the only form of finality in that universe.


Interesting theory I hadn't thought of...

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