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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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I have a serious question. When are we as a country going to realize that absolutely nothing will get done when politicians are more concerned with re-election than actually getting things done to improve our society? Also, I'm glad that we don't have a career politician in office. Term limits on congress or senate anytime soon?

Most of the folks who are out protesting are just looking for hand outs. Not looking to necessarily improve anything other than the lack of effort to pad their bank accounts.

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Small story time.

I have never had a lapse in health coverage since I was 18. I am 37 now. Last year I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Renal Cell Carcinoma. I had a kidney removed as well as a follow up surgery. And will be going thru immunotherapy in the coming year.


Before this past year the most I have ever had to do for health coverage was routine checkups so on so forth.

In the past year I have had over 300k in medical bills keeping me alive. (i am grateful I have insurance)


If the affordable care act is abolished and I switch jobs a new insurance company can and will refuse me. Now I dont believe that my burden and health problems should be put on anyone else. I ask for zero hand outs but what about the 18 years that I paid insurance without fault. I get it. The worlds not fair but the system is broken and Affordable care act was an attempt at reforming a broken system.


p.s. Also because the health care system is broken. A ct scan from two different hospital systems can have a range that is 2k dollars different. (if you ask them why that is you can not get someone on the phone who knows why)


I agree that the system is broken, but for the few things Obamacare offered help with it hurt many more people. Cost went up for everyone, but you take honest working people like my Father and because he works for a small business he needs to provide his own insurance. He's priced out, it costs more then his mortgage. Fucking ridiculous. Now he's taking penalties and making the hospital write off his bills anyway, what the fuck does that fix? Many people are in that boat, it's a blow to small business.

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To be honest with as many scans as ive had in past year I'm familiar with most of the machines. Have even Googled price and typical maintenenace Costs of them. I think they are amazing and what they are capable of is as well.

I understand why the variance. Its just not good that the people I'm receiving the scans from can not tell me the same. It was just an example of what is one of many things wrong with our healthcare system.



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Yet you had an awful cancer and are here, alive, in good enough health to bitch about a difference in cost of ct scans, BECAUSE of our health care system, and more importantly, the doctors that treated you.


If you have a question regarding difference in costs of ct scans, talk to the radiologist who read the scan, and he/she can talk you to death on the reasons why. Cheap, stand-alone MRI and ct scan centers typically buy outdated, shitty, old ct scanners from hospitals. They employ washed up, old as fuck radiologists to read these scans for cheap, because the radiologists suck. They are centers where scanners and radiologists go to die/retire. When you get a ct scan at the big hospital, it cost more partially to pay for the new, expensive scanner. It is what it is. People get pissed when they find out newer medical technology costs more. But it will detect and characterize any cancer/mass much better than the shitty scanner.



I haven't been too involved yet to follow the first couple days of his presidency, but I happily voted for trump. My question to all the women out marching about teen pregnancy and all that bullshit is this::::


How many of these women have volunteered in a teen pregnancy clinic, or counseled teens at risk for getting pregnant?? Don't you think it would be more effective to get out there and do something to make a difference at the root of the problem?? Teen pregnancy is a problem. Yes, it leads to many abortions. get out there and get off your ass and volunteer to counsel these teens. Imagine the difference all these hags could make if they actually did something to affect a change as opposed to just bitching. And the way to get your agenda addressed by the current president is most definitely NOT to challenge him and be adversarial.

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If the affordable care act is abolished and I switch jobs a new insurance company can and will refuse me.



I may be incorrect, but I thought you could only be denied coverage for an existing medical if you had a lapse in coverage. IE if you were switching insurance companies, the new company would still cover you condition. (Under the old system of course).


IMO thats about the only issue that that the ACA fixed. Allowing people who had lapses in coverage, and who had a preexisting condition to get insurance. Everything else it jacked up, which is what happens to 90% of things the government takes over.

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I may be incorrect, but I thought you could only be denied coverage for an existing medical if you had a lapse in coverage. IE if you were switching insurance companies, the new company would still cover you condition. (Under the old system of course).


IMO thats about the only issue that that the ACA fixed. Allowing people who had lapses in coverage, and who had a preexisting condition to get insurance. Everything else it jacked up, which is what happens to 90% of things the government takes over.

You are correct. I was lucky enough to be able to afford the cost when switching jobs. It was roughly 3 times normal rate. Took a nice chunk of savings. You do not,get a discount from work place once u switch jobs.


Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

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Yet you had an awful cancer and are here, alive, in good enough health to bitch about a difference in cost of ct scans, BECAUSE of our health care system, and more importantly, the doctors that treated you.


If you have a question regarding difference in costs of ct scans, talk to the radiologist who read the scan, and he/she can talk you to death on the reasons why. Cheap, stand-alone MRI and ct scan centers typically buy outdated, shitty, old ct scanners from hospitals. They employ washed up, old as fuck radiologists to read these scans for cheap, because the radiologists suck. They are centers where scanners and radiologists go to die/retire. When you get a ct scan at the big hospital, it cost more partially to pay for the new, expensive scanner. It is what it is. People get pissed when they find out newer medical technology costs more. But it will detect and characterize any cancer/mass much better than the shitty scanner.



I haven't been too involved yet to follow the first couple days of his presidency, but I happily voted for trump. My question to all the women out marching about teen pregnancy and all that bullshit is this::::


How many of these women have volunteered in a teen pregnancy clinic, or counseled teens at risk for getting pregnant?? Don't you think it would be more effective to get out there and do something to make a difference at the root of the problem?? Teen pregnancy is a problem. Yes, it leads to many abortions. get out there and get off your ass and volunteer to counsel these teens. Imagine the difference all these hags could make if they actually did something to affect a change as opposed to just bitching. And the way to get your agenda addressed by the current president is most definitely NOT to challenge him and be adversarial.

Proper term is have. It is not gone. I hopefully start IL-2 clinical trial in the next month.


Is the Wexner using cheap machines and washed up radiologists? Cause they are actually the cheaper of the two in my example? If they are please advise.


So be honest. You really think the whole system of healthcare is working perfect?



Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

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Proper term is have. It is not gone. I hopefully start IL-2 clinical trial in the next month.


Is the Wexner using cheap machines and washed up radiologists? Cause they are actually the cheaper of the two in my example? If they are please advise.


So be honest. You really think the whole system of healthcare is working perfect?



Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


no....you were correct the first time. Our entire healthcare and insurance system is broken beyond repair. The only real option you have is to not get sick. If you can pay your premiums and not get sick it works great. Anything other than that though it's a clusterfuck.

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Proper term is have. It is not gone. I hopefully start IL-2 clinical trial in the next month.


Is the Wexner using cheap machines and washed up radiologists? Cause they are actually the cheaper of the two in my example? If they are please advise.


So be honest. You really think the whole system of healthcare is working perfect?



Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


Nothing is perfect. There are so many problems with healthcare it's outrageous. But the people making all the decisions are lawyers. They have no stake in the game, and are simply not as smart as the physicians who are involved in healthcare. We have a system where people pay no money at all, yet feel world class healthcare is their god given right. I'm not saying we don't treat these patients, but there has to be a limit. Tons and tons of money is spent on dying patients. Icu stays for terminal patients who are literally being kept alive by machines for what gain? Because the family is simply not ready to let go. Lack of effective primary prevention---Obamacare fail. I could go on and on and argue for hours over this.


Good luck with the immunotherapy. You're literally at the best facility for cancer treatment

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I keep wondering when they're going to set up a march for their right to be included in the Selective Service.


Yeah I remember laughing about that a few months ago https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/us/politics/congress-women-military-draft.html?_r=0


But sss.gov says nope https://www.sss.gov/Registration/Women-And-Draft

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It's quite simple. The people marching on Saturday don't want equality, they want advantages where they deem necessary. We can't continue catering to the lowest common denominator like we have the past 8 years.


Equal Pay? The company you work for should decide what you're worth, not the government unless you work for the government.


Women's rights? Name 1 right denied


Planned Parenthood? I don't care if you want an abortion or screened for cancer or counseling, but don't make me pay for it. Save up or take out a loan and pay for it yourself.


Healthcare? Leave it up to the state to decide. If California wants to keep Obamacare let them. Just don't take money from the Federal Government to fund it. Pay for it yourself by raising state taxes. The rest of us will enjoy lower health insurance premiums by naturally creating competition again.

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Women's rights? Name 1 right denied



You would have to be a bit of a constitutional scholar to know this but Women aren't actually guaranteed rights in the constitution. The 15th Amendment makes these distinctions on behalf of race and color but there is no constitutional protection against gender discrimination.


So name a right denied? technically all of them. This is why the Equal Rights Amendment has been put before congress every year since 1923.So far it has failed to pass and opponents of this measure have said everything from it disadvantages housewives to destroys traditional gender roles. Some extremist feminists actually oppose it because they fear it might undermine special protections for pregnant women and other healthcare issues specific to women already in place. It's not a "simple" issue, and it is one that gets more complex the further from 1923 we get.


Now, there are specific discrimination laws that include gender discrimination protections, but the difference between these an others is that if there is a constitutional objection to them it becomes a matter of the court to decide to whether the word "Men" or "person" means to include women or not. From this perspective you can see why a republican philosophy of "original intent" and textual reading (which often seeks to read "men" as men the gender - as in all men are created equal) can be problematic.


If it were in the constitution it would be settled and issues like selective service and military would go away. Until then any gender protection to women in federal law is exposed to whatever party is in control at the moment.

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You would have to be a bit of a constitutional scholar to know this but Women aren't actually guaranteed rights in the constitution. The 15th Amendment makes these distinctions on behalf of race and color but there is no constitutional protection against gender discrimination.


So name a right denied? technically all of them. This is why the Equal Rights Amendment has been put before congress every year since 1923.So far it has failed to pass and opponents of this measure have said everything from it disadvantages housewives to destroys traditional gender roles. Some extremist feminists actually oppose it because they fear it might undermine special protections for pregnant women and other healthcare issues specific to women already in place. It's not a "simple" issue, and it is one that gets more complex the further from 1923 we get.


Now, there are specific discrimination laws that include gender discrimination protections, but the difference between these an others is that if there is a constitutional objection to them it becomes a matter of the court to decide to whether the word "Men" or "person" means to include women or not. From this perspective you can see why a republican philosophy of "original intent" and textual reading (which often seeks to read "men" as men the gender - as in all men are created equal) can be problematic.


If it were in the constitution it would be settled and issues like selective service and military would go away. Until then any gender protection to women in federal law is exposed to whatever party is in control at the moment.



So what rights do men have that women don't in this country and what are in jeopardy with Trump's presidency based on what he's said since that's all we have to go off of currently?

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So what rights do men have that women don't in this country and what are in jeopardy with Trump's presidency based on what he's said since that's all we have to go off of currently?


Constitutional protection. Think of it this way, when a man brings a suit for an unconstitutional action the court's question is "was the activity in violation of the constitutional amendment?", but when a woman brings the same suit for the same activity the question than becomes "is the individual intended to be protected by this constitutional amendment?".


For some areas of federal law case law has settled this issue, but there are lots of areas where the courts have not made a determination or a challenge has not made it to a high enough court yet.


Think about this hypothetical for a second - a woman and a man could bright identical suits for say 2nd amendment rights violations, and the outcomes could be different based on their genders and whether the judge presiding thinks women should own guns or not. (BTW this is just an example - I don't know if the 2nd has been settled as to gender equality or not but I bet it has).


now most of the major issues (e.g. employment) have sort of been settled by case law, but even that can change via legislation if you can get a congress that is really really anti-gender equality.

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Constitutional protection. Think of it this way, when a man brings a suit for an unconstitutional action the court's question is "was the activity in violation of the constitutional amendment?", but when a woman brings the same suit for the same activity the question than becomes "is the individual intended to be protected by this constitutional amendment?".


For some areas of federal law case law has settled this issue, but there are lots of areas where the courts have not made a determination or a challenge has not made it to a high enough court yet.


Think about this hypothetical for a second - a woman and a man could bright identical suits for say 2nd amendment rights violations, and the outcomes could be different based on their genders and whether the judge presiding thinks women should own guns or not. (BTW this is just an example - I don't know if the 2nd has been settled as to gender equality or not but I bet it has).


now most of the major issues (e.g. employment) have sort of been settled by case law, but even that can change via legislation if you can get a congress that is really really anti-gender equality.


So this is what they were marching for? Got it thanks.

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So this is what they were marching for? Got it thanks.


yes, among other things like protection of the federal laws that pertain to them which some current republican politicians have made noise about repealing.

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So based on your logic all of the people marching are constitutional scholars?


no, and how you get there took some logic acrobatics.


Although this has been a highly publicized in many women's rights organizations, yes there were probably people there who were there for protection of abortion rights or equal pay and not aware of this issue either. Doesn't mean it doesn't affect them though.

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no, and how you get there took some logic acrobatics.


Although this has been a highly publicized in many women's rights organizations, yes there were probably people there who were there for protection of abortion rights or equal pay and not aware of this issue either. Doesn't mean it doesn't affect them though.


In reference to my question about what rights women are denied...


"You would have to be a bit of a constitutional scholar to know this."



So it's my responsibility to pay for Jane X to get an abortion? The government should dictate what a company thinks you're worth?

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