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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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-"Detonating a nuclear device will not dissipate a hurricane."


-"But, that's like, your opinion, man. I'm allowed to believe what I want, and I might be right. What do you know about hurricanes anyway..."


It's comforting to think that their votes count just as much as mine, and it's a good thing we don't vote on when and where to drip bombs...unless they vote their intellectual equal to office...


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Exactly. The conversation has since progressed and others are trying to asplain why he's a moron and he isn't getting mad but genuinely doesn't get why that's dumb. Someone even linked scientific articles. Not helping.

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Exactly. The conversation has since progressed and others are trying to asplain why he's a moron and he isn't getting mad but genuinely doesn't get why that's dumb. Someone even linked scientific articles. Not helping.
Science doesn't mean anything anymore, why would he trust those links? You could argue that his mentality is no different than any climate change denier. No amount of proof will change his mind, but he watched some YouTube vid that changed his life.


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Science doesn't mean anything anymore, why would he trust those links? You could argue that his mentality is no different than any climate change denier. No amount of proof will change his mind, but he watched some YouTube vid that changed his life.


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Did you know there is a race of giants living in the caves of Afghanistan waiting to fulfill some prophecy? It's true. Saw a yt vid where soldiers had to kill one that bit one of them in half or something and were sworn to secrecy about the entire ordeal.


...I head down some odd rabbit holes (insert quoted joke here) some nights. :lol:

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what's bullshit is you seem to think there's a blanket nationwide conspiracy theory in 2017 that the entire justice system from cops to judges to prison guards are in on together despite thousands if not more of them being people of color.


See Tim, this is really where your ignorance shines through. I never said anything about a conspiracy, didn't even infer it. If you had any experience at all with the judicial system you would know that it doesn't take a conspiracy of people to knock it off balance, it doesn't even require intent - one little fuck up can unbalance the system and the earlier that fuck up happens the more impact it will as it goes on. All it takes is an overworked system, a legacy of discrimination that is historically baked into our laws, and politicians willing to appease a constituency who wants to ignore the problem and claim that "everything is fine" when it isn't. We have all of those things currently and the system is unbalanced. The numbers show it, those in the industry in both political parties know it - it's only you who is unwilling to believe it.







It is time we smack the shit out of the bad guys and stop wasting resources worrying about the bad guys and send a message to everyone that if you fuck around in life and end up in jail, yes, you will get fucked in the ass and life will suck. Maybe it will suck more for the segment of society that

according to the BJS committed 52%+ of homicides while only making up 13% of our population. What you choose to see is whites are getting a break when in fact the rest are just earning a bit more of what they asked for by being such a proven high-risk to our society as a whole


And what if almost half of them were wrongfully convicted? I am not making that number up as an extreme, I generally don't usually like to cite it because exoneration are not comprehensive of wrongful convictions, just those discovered but since you seem to want to say 13% of the population is comitting 56% of the murders, then you have to account that 47% of wrongful conviction for those murders are against that 13% of the population:




47% percent who are innocent people that you want to smack the shit out of because you are unwilling to accept that the system is fucked along a racially biased line. 47% who are innocent that you advocate the state kill because you are one of those nutjobs that doesn't think the death penalty gets used enough.


People are people when they are good contributing members of this world we live in. ISIS terrorists, Pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc. are not worth nearly as much to our world as the innocent they harm. I do feel we need to start treating them differently. The problem with our world is again, we worry way more about the worthless turds instead of simply moving on. Yes, lock them up and throw away the key or in many cases, just simply end them and move on. Life is too precious to do otherwise.


I notice you include ISIS terrorists, even though White Supremacy is the greater domestic threat. I don't believe that is an accident or oversight. I Guess white supremacists aren't worthless turds?



my stance on it is that there's no nationwide mass conspiracy among cops, lawyers, judges, prison guards, jury member, or parole officers to simply put people of color in jail longer.


I agree there is no nationwide conspiracy. There doesn't need to be. There are plenty of flaws in the procedure of the judicial system that allow these things to go unchecked, whether they are intentional or not. And I keep mentioning intentional because this is a big one - There are plenty of actions where people think they are doing the right thing but it ends up horribly affecting one group more than any other along a racial line. During the Jim Crow days this was intentional and it is one of the reasons Disparate Impact is part of the Civil rights laws of this country - you can't draft a policy that looks neutral but in practice has a huge discriminatory effect, It's a well settled issue in civil rights law and not in dispute. After the civil war these things were intentional (and usually used for voter suppression), but these days it's usually incompetence or people who are willing to ignore disparate impact that are the greater danger. We hold our officials in the justice system to a higher standard because it is really easy to screw it up, and even with that higher standard it is still screwing it up half the time.


Yes, I do believe people who make some pretty stupid fucking choices in life that cause them to be put in the worst situations imaginable within our justice system are worth less of our resources that those that are the polar opposite of them. They themselves by their actions removed that right from their stance in our society. It's what's happened because of them, not what's happened to them, that put them there.


This is a moot point. It relies on the system being almost perfect which is 1) an impossible standard, 2) not at all supported in practice. I am not absolving people of their poor decisions, you knock over a liquor store you deserve to go to prison, but if we are talking about almost half of one racial demographic possibly being wrongfully imprisoned, you can't just say all the criminals deserve to be there because almost half of them don't.


Sadly, both sides have innocent casualties. That's nothing new; however we need to begin erroring on the side of the good people worth of living in a free society vs the ones who have proven they can't make solid life choices, regardless of the reason. Doing otherwise is a part of what is greatly slowing down the positive movement in our society.


So the good people worth living who the system wrongfully puts into prison aren't worth our time?


The Judaical system is rife with problems, many of which do affect people along a racial bias. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that, identifying the root causes, and working to improve the system. To ignore it and just say it's "their fault" when you mean a specific race of people is both callow and ignorant.

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Yep, DJ presumes you can't be poor and yellow


Racist AF.


Oh, you absolutely can be. In fact, "yellow" is probably one of the worlds most prevalent poor colors (how many of the more than 1 billion folks in China qualify as "poor"?).


I simplified the question as much as possible, because "CR". If those were your two options, which would you choose?

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DJ, which would you choose? What makes you want to ask that question?


Because my choice - since I am being asked this specific question from a friend - would honestly to look you in the eye (if we were face-to-face), call that loaded question a B.S. racial positioning tool, and refuse to answer it.

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I would choose to be white, easy.


Look, I'm not asking the question so that I can then point and say "See, you ARE a racist!" (I'll let Geeto fight that particular battle, I'm not interested in pointing fingers at individual on CR, when the bigger issue is systemic). I'm trying to illustrate that, if my assumption is correct, most if not everyone who answered that question honestly would say "white". That doesn't make you a racist, it makes you aware. I believe "woke" is the term that the kids are using these days. I'm postulating that, while economic status IS a common and major component in discriminatory behavior, all things being equal, race is still the main factor.


It's a loaded question, but not in the way you thought.

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One more question for CR, and then I'm out.


If you had to be born poor, would you prefer to be born poor and white, or poor and black?


would make no difference so long as my family was strong and parents made good choices like the ones I've had. I also think "racism" as we know it has less to do with simply skin color as it has to cutlure or how one lives their life. I think we're selling people on all sides short if we truly think that it is still that way. maybe back in the 50's or maybe today among turds like Neo's but in everyday America, no.


I have a nephew who was born black back in 76 and while not living below the poverty level, both parents were still in the Airforce with no college under their belt....at that time. I have a niece and nephew born yellow in 01 and 06 one of which was born while both parents were so poor they lived in an office building they rented not even a house. Their race has had no impact for the negative on them.


FWIW everyone noted above have done extremely well for themselves.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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One more question for CR, and then I'm out.


If you had to be born poor, would you prefer to be born poor and white, or poor and black?


actually it doesn't matter as much going forward. Thanks to the influence of the drug dealing hip hop culture that reward uneducation and standing on the street corner, race matters less due to a social influence from blacks own community.

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So is this a political thread or an inequality thread? There will always be prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, and otherwise general ungrounded hatred in people against others who aren't like them, whether it's skin color, religious shit, or whatever. It can't be fixed, and nobody will ever change the minds of others


Agreed, hatred is still being taught and passed down in the white community if it's not black people, it's Mexicans if it's not Mexicans it's "Muslims". Trump has racists brave has hell since his campaign and election.


I have experienced it first hand on multiple occasions. Never in my 35 years of life have I been called a ^^^^^^ or had my life threaten until recently. This is not a coincidence. The only positive out of these experiences is that I know now I have 1-punch knockout power. (First time ever throwing a legit punch in a fight)

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actually it doesn't matter as much going forward. Thanks to the influence of the drug dealing hip hop culture that reward uneducation and standing on the street corner, race matters less due to a social influence from blacks own community.




you can't actually believe this can you? Or more importantly do you really think this is exclusive to black culture? You and I must not listen to the same Rock and Roll songs because I am certain Rock and Roll rewards exactly the same shit, and has been since the 60's. Have you listened to heavy metal at all in the last 30 years?


Also "hip-hop" culture isn't exclusively black, and it isn't predominantly violent. Most of it is Pop music.


This is some seriously backwards old man "get off my lawn" shit.

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The only positive out of these experiences is that I know now I have 1-punch knockout power. (First time ever throwing a legit punch in a fight)


Srs question, as I've never had to throw a defensive/offensive punch in my life either (I tassled with family, fraternity brothers, etc...)


Do you go uppercut to the jaw, punch to break the nose, or go for the jawbone/temple/ear? I'd like to know where to connect if I also want to 1-punch my way out of a situation...

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Srs question, as I've never had to throw a defensive/offensive punch in my life either (I tassled with family, fraternity brothers, etc...)


Do you go uppercut to the jaw, punch to break the nose, or go for the jawbone/temple/ear? I'd like to know where to connect if I also want to 1-punch my way out of a situation...


The Chin. Boxers call it "the button". there is a junction of three nerves behind the jaw (just below your ear) that if there is sudden contact made by the jaw moving backwards quickly your brain will trigger a loss of consciousness as a defensive measure.


You don't need an uppercut, but it helps because of the power, but a simple but direct jab will do it. It is also one of the most difficult parts for someone to hit in a fight because of people's instinct to protect their face.


don't take my word for it, there are plenty of vids on youtube of boxers getting lucky and hitting the button and their opponents passing the fuck out.


Hitting someone on the nose can sometimes blind them and cause their eyes to water but they will not lose consciousness and may flail wildly. Same with hitting them in the throat with the edge of your hand, you'll knock the wind out of them but may not stop.


The best defense is to not be in that situation in the first place. If it is completely unavoidable, most people without fight training will try to just run in close and pound on you like a coconut, keeping them at a distance is key so don't be stationary.

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