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finally got a bike. 56k.


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Are those DOT race tires? I don't recognize the pattern.

EDIT: Ooooh Shinko . . . haven't heard anything good about those.

Depending on what you plan on doing with it I would probably ditch the extendo swingarm. If you want to go around any corners it is not helping you.

First bike right? Congratulations! You'll never forget your first love. (dang it, that sounded gay)

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I found a stock swing arm for $40 bucks online so I'm going to pick that up for when I do decide to hit turns alittle better. The tires are on there way out I am going to replace them as well I just don't know much about bike tires compared to car tires, so any recommendations would be awesome. I also need to do a full service on it (i.e. oil,plugs,wires) any recommendations on places?

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I found a stock swing arm for $40 bucks online so I'm going to pick that up for when I do decide to hit turns alittle better. The tires are on there way out I am going to replace them as well I just don't know much about bike tires compared to car tires, so any recommendations would be awesome. I also need to do a full service on it (i.e. oil,plugs,wires) any recommendations on places?

I can help ya out. Let me know when you want to get it done.

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Looks alright, congrats on the first bike.

How many miles?

Was it dragged? Airshifter, extended swingarm, etc...?

I assuming at one point and time it was. Apparently the motor has been rebuilt and currently has 6k on it. It reads 28k on the body.

I got the servicing it appears taken care of so no worries on that end. But I still do need some recommendations on tires?

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its been awhile, but i think pilot power something or others is what i ran on my old one, had no issues with them. I will be needing new tires for the bike i picked up yesterday, so i'm gonna start pricing them soon as well.

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Nice bike :) Lose the swing arm and you'll see why bikes > cars :D As for tires, you can't go wrong with Michelin Pilot Power's or Pirelli Diablo Rosso's. Anything softer/more exotic (like Corsa 3's or Power 2CT's) would be overkill and expensive.

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