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How do YOU unwind after the day?


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Just curious to see how everybody likes to unwind after a typical day. What do you find relaxing and like to do when have free time to yourself?


I have two small kids and wife, a full time career corporate job along with a nearly full time side business ( where there is ALWAYS more stuff to do ) so free time is usually the one commodity I can't seem to hardly get any of as going solid usually from 6 AM to 9 to 10 PM and then have thirty mins to one hour downtime before bed but usually at that point, I'm slightly cross eyed and brain dead and don't want to do much mentally wise.


I know TV / Netflix is most folks escape but aside from the TV, what do you like to do to unwind?


Maybe we can all get some mutual idea's from each other on new realistic methods of unwinding that you find effective and enjoy


( I know, I know, most of CR will respond with a response along the lines of "hookers and blow brah".... :-)

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  Franchi said:

( I know, I know, most of CR will respond with a response along the lines of "hookers and blow brah".... :-)


  Wagner said:
I like to smoke crack, drink PBR, and beat hookers to end my day.


I rest my case. And only took 3 mins to get that response too! Ha!

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I too use that one little hour to just chill with wife at the TV and drink bourbon.


That's typically it. Sometime we will have neighbors over for 'porch night' and we just chill out there and play cards ect...Downside to that is I'm guaranteed up an hour or two later than usual so it takes a toll on the following day.

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Most of my free time has been working on projects that I need to finish. As of recent was buffing the car for a photo shoot (pics soon to come). Also have a playset that needs a floor put in. A jeep halfway through an engine swap. Never ending yard work. The list is quite lengthy. But when all else fails, nothing beats busting out the smoker to make something delicious......and of course cocaine and hookers.....
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I spend about an hour every night either playing Xbox or watching Netflix. I'm normally at work 8-5 and then the gym and usually a rental property, so I don't get home until 8/9 each night. By then I just want to go to sleep but use that hour to wind down. I make the most of my weekends though.
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I go home and see my wife and 2 girls. I'll be stressed till the minute I get put of my vehicle but I make sure to leave it at the door. I don't want my girls seeing me stressed over work. I want them to be excited to see me and ready to play. And I want to be able to play with them and focus on them.
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Most nights I'm home with the wife and baby playing on the floor or making dinner. I enjoy cooking a lot so we take turns with that. Once my kid's in bed, we usually watch one of the many shows we have DVRed because we don't want them while our daughter is awake. I also try to read a lot, so I either have a book or a car magazine next to me. I'm actually starting to read a Dave Ramsey book.


Also, if it's warm enough, I'll force everyone to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Keeps us from getting any fatter, plus the dog loves it.

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Key for me is to set my own hours and stick to it. Simliar to paying myself first. When I'm not traveling for work and am home, I'm done by 5pm at the latest and that's not really negotiable. I have a great employer and they value that too.


I have time with family to wind down and with the wife we usually enjoy a glass of wine or a drink. Mornings are mine and mine alone. I wake from 5-6am and until 7am when the family is up, it's my personal alone time. I may surf, workout, watch a movie even, etc.

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Coke as soon as I walk in the door. I know it's not good for me but I can't live without it. I go through withdrawals on the days I don't. I get home, put my stuff in the office and either go to the kitchen or bedroom and boom: Coke time. I can't explain the rush of excitement, calm and nostalgia it induces all at once.


Frank the Tank explains it best.



I find it goes good with Cheez-its, Cheddar Pringles...pretty much anything with fake cheese sprinkled on. If you want to take in up to another level, regular Lay's & Hellava Good French Onion Dip. If you want to completely blow your socks off, nothing beats an old fashioned Hershey's milk chocolate bar, the BIG kind where you can break off like 20 rectangles. Hershey & a nice cold Coca-Cola. Nothing better.


That's how I wind down after work.

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I normally just take my phone plug it in to charger and try to stay away from it once I get home. Just disconnect for a period of time, its very refreshing. Play with my two boys and work/clean around the house and be active in my family, I find its best for me. Once they get to bed 7-8 ish I normally will try and then sneak into the office and do some work again until 9 ish and hit the hay; back at it 5am. 8-10 hours a week I train (gym and cycling), so some evening I sneak in on my trainer for 60-90 minutes and zone out.
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Brian, wait until Miles gets older. Around grade school, the events add up after you get home from work. :)


After doing whatever is needed as scheduled by my wife, my time happens after kids go to bed around 9pm. Will try to get together with friends locally or go downtown (I still love 16-Bit) or I'll watch YT (subbed to Motor Trend, TheSmokingTire, etc...) or listen to Spotify as I do stuff around the house or garage. 3-4 days a week I work out around 11ish.


Aside from whatever wife is watching when I go to bed around midnight, I hardly watch any "TV" or movies these days. No gaming aside from old-school arcades. With winter coming up, I'll probably step up my movie/Amazon/Netflix watching.

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Teaching 35 very different ability kids 7 courses a day plus writing IEPs, grading, and general teaching stuff...can make me go cross-eyed. So I unwind with my drive home. Traffic never makes me angry and just gives me time to reflect and take in the scenery then a shower as soon as I get home. Instant relaxation
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I enjoy shooting and try to go about once a week. After the kids are in bed I reload. On weekends if I have free time I cast my own boolits and power coat them. If I counted my time I wouldn’t really save money but it’s therapeutic, detail oriented and satisfying to take a bunch of raw components and turn it into something fun.
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Unwind? What's that?


The most relaxing part of my day is hanging out with my wife and little boy after work, but I do typically have some typ of project to work on that helps take my mind off of work or stress. I enjoy working with my hands, so I tend to constantly be looking for something to repair or improve. We just bought a new house and have a girl due in May, so my project list doesn't have any end in sight. Lol

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