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What Christmas song,movie & cartoon must you see for it to be Christmas


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Christmas Story (all day on Christmas over and over again)


Christmas Vacation any time I catch it before Christmas.


ELF any time it's on TV and I catch it.


Arthur Christmas (somewhat newer, great modern animation movie especially for the kids)


bing crosby christmas on Vinyl if you can for Christmas music. :)

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Die Hard.


Why? Because played out Christmas crap gets old. Same shitty movies since I was a kid at least watching Hans Gruber fall out of the Nakatomi tower is a great ending to a decent action movie.


Like others who posted above I'm pretty over Christmas, enjoy making my daughter happy and seeing my parents, every other relative I really liked is dead.

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The Pouges: Fairytale of New York


I am not a religious person because I grew up in a mixed household, celebrated a lot of holidays including xmas, and couldn't care less about the religious story that is attached to xmas. In my opinion people completely miss the message anyway, and then make traditions out of missing the message.


Also, the materialism and commercialization of the holiday has pretty much fucked it's original message into the ground.


If you strip out all the bullshit all you are left with is good will and charity toward one another (in the original definitions of those words: "kindness and tolerance in judging others" and "friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude"). You don't need a manger scene, or a pagent, or a nicely wrapped Amazon Echo to have that - you need good old fashioned human interaction to help grow empathy, esp since it seems to be in short supply these days. And we shouldn't be doing it only once a year - it should be all year and Christmas just serves as a time to renew our spirit.


It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and the swirl of the presents, and the food, and the gifts, and forget why we do this at all and have it start to feel like an obligation rather than a connection. Listening to that song several times a year reminds me that there are always people having a shitty xmas, and I should be working more towards making that happen less in anything I do with this season.


It kind of bookends nicely with "a charlie brown Christmas", which is something that I and my wife both had as traditions from our childhood and has the positive message that Fairytale of NY is missing. If FTONY doesn't bum you out enough - there is always Tom Wait's Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis. Empathize with the sadness then remember there is something you can do about it.


Remember the forgotten people of this world are not the lower middle class voters in America wearing red hats, they are the people at the bottom and fringes of society. People whose circumstances and society pushed them in to dark corners. Very few people speak for them if ever - but in this season it's nice to remember their struggle and find the Christmas spirit: Good will and Charity toward our fellow human beings. And Merry Christmas everyone.

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LolI mean... can you really though...


...yes. You literally can. I have seen one Christmas movie thus far and heard maybe 3 songs. I'm slowly ramping up to Christmas. lol


Also it's not Xmas without me constantly hating on Trans Siberian Orchestra. Fuck that shit.


I like TSO but I grew up around music/musicians. That being said, I prefer August Burns Red.


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