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Do you genuinely enjoy your job?


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The amount of sacrifice to get to this point has been huge. I've sacrificed the true golden years of my life, meaning my late teens-mid twenties. I've sacrificed my health, both mental and physical. I've sacrificed a steady paycheck, stability, and free time. I typically work 6-7 days per week, eight or more hour days. I spend the vast majority of my time alone working, which has caused my social skills to deteriorate.


At least you weren't sucking dick for heroin (to my knowledge) so I don't think working towards the early makings of a career and gaining experience really count as sacrificing the golden years. The golden years may be the only time you're able to master such skills.

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I'm late to this party... but in short, 75% Yes, 25% no


TL;DR - I love going to work each day. Pay sucks balls. I live paycheck to paycheck. Administration is full of old men who are unwilling to understand how anything created past 1987 works.


Would I quit my job? Maybe, but fuck working corporate... no seriously... fuck that lyfe. I need to find a better high school who will pay me more... 40k Don't work for me atm.

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At least you weren't sucking dick for heroin (to my knowledge) so I don't think working towards the early makings of a career and gaining experience really count as sacrificing the golden years. The golden years may be the only time you're able to master such skills.


I agree. Alex, being able to go through the path of hard work and getting to success is something that no one will ever be able to take that experience away from you. Time and time again I see at work people who suck, have never been successful at anything, and have zero idea how to get it out of it since they have never been successful at anything. I still to this day, regret not spending more time after college to train and turn pro. I had 50 tennis courts and the keys to the facility with permission for 24 hour access. I allowed myself to get to busy tied down with running lessons and now second guess if that was the right thing to do.

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