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College Football thread 2021/22

Otis Nice

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Wasn't a pretty win however we were the first team to beat Nebraska by 2 scores.


I looked it all up after the game and a lot of folks were talking about how "bad" Stroud did in a game where he threw for over 400 yards and 2 TDs and put up a 134.5 QBR while also contributing to Smith-Njigba breaking David Boston's record (y'all remember him? Of course you do.) because he threw 2 INT's.


Of the top ten teams (as of this past week) Neb had a FAR better pass defense than all of them except UGA (#2) and UC (#1). That includes OSU obv. Three of the top ten weren't even in the top 130 pass defenses IIRC. 'Bama, MSU, Oregon, and the lot weren't close. The next closest was, like, 24 spots lower than Neb.


No, it wasn't pretty by OSU fans expectations, but we went into their stadium and handled business.


IDGAF who gets triggered by the fact that I use the term "we" while talkimbout sports

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that WE didnt help at home vs oregon. try harder. nice titties matter




Sorry that you don't agree with facts and stats I guess.


I'm not truly sorry. I'm just saying that so you don't get triggered about this too.


The funniest part is in CB yesterday you talked trash about Stroud vs. Neb then when I presented evidence you went silent and now, here in this thread, you're changing it to how OSU lost to Oregon. Another swing and amish. Try harder. :lolguy:

Edited by Otis Nice
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If I was Oklahoma I'd be losing it. Also wouldn't be surprised if they are purposely fucking these up just so more people/schools/etc. bitch to put pressure to make the 12 team happen. It's just more money for everyone I honestly don't know why they don't just go into a room say yes lets do it, and lets do it next year.


Why fucking wait everyone knows its going to happen?

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If I was Oklahoma I'd be losing it. Also wouldn't be surprised if they are purposely fucking these up just so more people/schools/etc. bitch to put pressure to make the 12 team happen. It's just more money for everyone I honestly don't know why they don't just go into a room say yes lets do it, and lets do it next year.


Why fucking wait everyone knows its going to happen?


I think it would go to 16 and the issue is the length of the schedule


We are already playing championship games into January , they would have to make some serious changes for the future as a lot of schedules are already set for years to come outside of the bowl games


They should have changed it after the first year or 2 and we could actually have a bracket playoff by now

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I think it would go to 16 and the issue is the length of the schedule


We are already playing championship games into January , they would have to make some serious changes for the future as a lot of schedules are already set for years to come outside of the bowl games


They should have changed it after the first year or 2 and we could actually have a bracket playoff by now


You are correct changes will have to be made. These "poor" colleges will have to add in some additional games to make millions more dollars likely 10's of millions for some year after year. I feel so bad for them to have to do the work to schedule these extra games... :lolguy:


There are only excuses. It's going to be a 12 game playoff within the next few years or at least announced but they should just stop the bullshit and announce it and make it happen.


I mean the covid year made it clear that it's completely acceptable to just make up shit and rules on the fly. So just push the 12 team playoff through and get it overwith. Should be that simple and noone is ever gonna complain about more money.

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If they expand the playoff, it shouldn't be more than six teams total. At the end of the year, is there ever more than a half dozen teams you can justify as national champion worthy? And a 6-team playoff would reward #1 and #2 with a well deserved first round bye.


The more we expand, the less the regular season will matter. But of course it will expand to 12 or 16 teams because $$$$$

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Oh I completely agree. I think 6-8 max is perfect honestly. 12 is to much but they have basically all but announced that is going to be the number.


I think 6 or 8 would be amazing it keeps the regular season super important. Keep the format basically the same. No given bids, stay away from what a lot of this talk about conference champs get in and winner of the group of five. Forget that.


Put the best 6-8 teams in and it would be perfect. Sure the one team left out at #9 will complain but that will happen no matter what number you stop at. 6 to 8 feels like you get the best teams in every year without leaving any major team out for sure. I feel like 12 is getting a bit diluted. You will see quite a bit of 2 loss teams and for sure 3 loss teams in there from time to time.


But if you max out at 6-8 you night see 2 loss team sneak in at best. 6-8 lets you cover all the conference champions, lets the group of 5 have a bid to get in at least, and lets strong conferences (SEC/Big10 East) etc. get multiple bids in most years. Go for it. 6-8 is where its at!


I personally like 6. Top two seeds get first round byes. Next two (3-4) host home playoff games against 5 and 6.


That format would still make the regular season super important as obviously the 1-4 would have huge advantages (aka going undefeated/winning conference for most teams)

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6 teams. Power 5 champs and a wild card (perhaps a team like Cincy this year). That removes the bias/human element largely. My only issue with, "put the best 6-8 teams in" is it still allows bias and payoffs. It allows the lulzy AP preseason b.s. to creep in and affect decisions.


There is no reason 'Bama should be top 4 right now. If they beat UGA and win the division they get in. If not they'd be out under this set up. 'Bama has beaten nobody and lost to an unranked team and is in the top 4 while others have played better and are undefeated and are on the outside looking in.


Handle your conference and you're in. Period. It's really that simple. That in and of itself (the entire seasons worth of conference games) WOULD be the "first round" of the playoffs. The conf championships kick it all off.


Quit letting money and biased folks decide how good a team is and GTFO of here with the "eye test". That's 100% opinion based.

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