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To ride or not to ride...


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that is the question... Im off tomorrow but I have an interview in Columbus at 2pm.. would it be professional to ride up to Columbus for the interview? Guess my hair would be kinda whack and maybe shirt a little wrinkled but I dont want to miss out on the beautiful day...thoughts?

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Sorry dude, your first impression is key for an interview. Look as good as you can possible look. So helmet hair and wrinkly shirt are a no no. If you can find a way to do both more power to ya, but one super slab highway ride isn't worth hurting your chances of getting the job. Of course it also depends on the interviewer, if he rides you score points. That's quite the gamble.

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Sorry dude, your first impression is key for an interview. Look as good as you can possible look. So helmet hair and wrinkly shirt are a no no. If you can find a way to do both more power to ya, but one super slab highway ride isn't worth hurting your chances of getting the job. Of course it also depends on the interviewer, if he rides you score points. That's quite the gamble.

yeah this is true...its not for a "new" job just so I can transfer within the company but I understand what your saying and it does make sense

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Sorry dude, your first impression is key for an interview. Look as good as you can possible look. So helmet hair and wrinkly shirt are a no no...

+1 Cage it.

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yeah all my friends are gonna be at work or i would lol

gas station or some fast food rest room... I think thats what he was getting at.

Personally I would ride, but my hair is 1/8 of an inch long so it doesn't mess and I wouldn't fuss too much about the shirt having a wrinkle or two

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yeah i actually have really really short hair as well atleast after tomorrow morning i will lol been like 2 weeks since the last cut i agree with what others where saying tho about what if they had bad vibes off a motorcyle etc etc of course i could leave my gear outside...

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i would ride. just leave your helmet on the bike. and just make sure that fro is strait when you get there your shirt shouldn't wrinkle that bad. if you sit in a car for an hour just think how wrinkled the back of your shirt is gonna b. Us bank has a large enough parking lot that they wouldn't even see you pull in.

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might be too little too late, but.....

When I've ridden to interviews or important meetings I would take a shirt to cleaners/laundry service and have it heavy starched, folded, and bagged. (same way they come in the store when folded) Pack that shirt in your bag along w/your sport coat/suit coat. Once on site, swap out clothing in burger king bathroom.

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