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First freeway ride with my endorsement.


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Well, I passed my test and got my MC endorsements on Thurday. Decided to go out Sunday to the cemetary where my grandfather is. Well I live in Pataskala and decided to take the freeway. I took 70W to 270 to 23S. Then to go back I went up 23N to 270 to 71N to 70E and back home. Boy that was one hell of a ride. Merging with traffic doing 70+mph was interesting. I tell you what, these 250's rev high at freeway cruising, used a lil oil too. When I would stop, it was a weird feeling, my body tingling from the wind. Makes me think about getting a double bubble windscreen lol. Its also not as enjoyable as backroads due to the lack of turns and having to be VERY aware of all the crazy cages.

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The first few times on the freeway are always exciting, but you'll get sick of it really quickly. Sadly, it's a necessary evil.

Really watch yourself out there on 270, everyone out on that road IS out to kill you, especially in the late afternoon. And don't think the cops that litter the medians will take "but officer, I was merely trying to stay alive" as an excuse for running a few MPH over the speed limit.

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it's a different experience the first time. after that, it's just boring, normal riding. personally, i prefer highways for commuting. i always have been more concerned with intersections etc. and their risks than the highway "lane changer" risk.

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The tingling was due to the vibration from the 250 revving at 10,000 rpm to do 70mph. It wont tingle as bad when you move up to a bigger cc bike.

Yeah I'm itching for a bigger bike, not so much to do 140, just to have to power when i need it, and to fit my height lol. Thinking hopefully next year I can upgrade. Not anytime sooner tho, unless someone hass a 600 they'll do an even trade? Yeah right....

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I went tonight to look at another Ninja 250 for the wife up near Polaris, and since I'm still on my temps, I took back roads (actually a more direct route) to Westerville, and it was pretty much just straight roads, pretty much the same as freeway driving, with the addition of having to stop for red lights constantly! I'd love to get a bigger bike and give the Ninja to the wife, but with the price that I would pay for this 250 (if it's still there when I get the rest of the money) is tough to beat!

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Yeah I'm itching for a bigger bike, not so much to do 140, just to have to power when i need it, and to fit my height lol. Thinking hopefully next year I can upgrade. Not anytime sooner tho, unless someone hass a 600 they'll do an even trade? Yeah right....

Reasons I'm glad I didn't get a 250. The 08 Ninja 250's look SO sweet though haha.

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Congrats on your endorsement!

I broke the law for over a year and took my chances on riding the freeway and at night without an endorsement because I was lazy. I'm glad there are some people that still respect cops and the law because I don't!!!

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My first long ride was picking up my first bike (92 FZR600) which was 60 miles away. First 30 miles were back roads, next 30 highway. I hit the highway around 9, temps had dropped to the 50's. Made it home and proceeded to shiver for the next couple hours.

I remember a lot of fear (especially when I passed a semi), but that went away after a while. Now the highways are just boring.

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Congrats on your endorsement!

I broke the law for over a year and took my chances on riding the freeway and at night without an endorsement because I was lazy. I'm glad there are some people that still respect cops and the law because I don't!!!

^^ Me Too!! I haven't had time to get my endorsement yet, and I did briefly ride the freeway the other day just because I was tired of the constant stop and go...I have a 250 also, but it didn't seem too scary, definately got the whole vibration thing which was wierd.

Congrats on the endoresment +1 for doing it the legal way!!

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I just figure, if I get caught doing it illegally, and the cop is a prick, I def wont get my endorsment. Even if it wasnt my fault, ie out at night a drunk driver hits me and almost kills me, it wont be his fault cuz I shouldnt have been there in the first place. I figured do it the right way (although I have ridden at night coming home from work, didnt like it tho-I know hypocrite right?)

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