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ride 06-27-09 367 miles

Uncle Punk

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I'm starting to think you guys don't like me. I'm not Jinx, have I somehow secretly been black listed. I also think you guys are giving me too much credit for riding a fast pace, the last time we did this ride I never lead the group once. (Jinx did but only for a short time.) I couldn't have passed the guy from Mansfield leading the group if I would have wanted to, I also couldn’t have gotten around the guy on the 08 1000RR Honda if I would have wanted to on the Coshocton ride. I usually help people out in the group with riding issues if I can which sometimes makes them faster or at least safer. I also never leave someone behind, which I have seen done by others and I think it’s retarded.

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Sorry, I'll miss ya. If you see this before you leave, gas stop in Millersburg, CR just across from Mickie D's has fresh pavement. Nice and twisty to the top of hill which pops out on SR 83. Then you can continue on yer regular ride.

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I'm home, ate a pizza and fell asleep. I had a great time and everything went well. (No tickets, accidents or breakdowns.)

I rode with jbctown from 83 & 82 to Millersburg. He got caught in one of the many detours on 83 and still made it by the posted starting time, I like that. We got caught in two more detours on our way to Millersburg. I told kzz21 that I thought we would be in Millersburg about 11:00, boy was I wrong and I apologize for being a half hour late. Luckily he had PMed me his cell number so we pulled over to call him at 11:00 to tell him we were on our way, thanks for understanding. The three of us rode to Coshocton where jbctown went on his own way. We had pre planned this in Millersburg. He is just getting over surgery on his hand and was experiencing some discomfort. I hope he gets back in shape and can make a complete ride to the good roads before the summer is over.

Kzz21 and I did the rest of the route until we went into Woodsfield the second time. We were going to split apart at 70 anyway so I asked him if he would mind if I stayed in Woodsfield to visit an old friend, he said he wouldn't mind and we then went on our own ways. I had a good time riding with him and knew he would make it home okay. He rides really well and safely so I never had to worry about him.

I had a very nice visit with a friend who I hadn’t seen in three years. We used to show dogs together along with her husband Kenny. Kenny died of liver cancer five years ago. Another couple and we alternated going down to their house every other weekend to help out taking care of their kennel for about six months until he died. She sold their old house, got rid of as many dogs as she could and moved into town. Since then she has gotten custody of her two grandkids ages 10 and 7. I have gone through town a few time with a bunch of people and always ended up regretting not stopping in to say hi and check in on her. I am glad I did so thanks for understanding Keith.

255 kicks ass, I love this road, so far I've only done it going from the river to 800 but I'm going to make it a point to do it the opposite direction soon. I knew about that stupid turn on 536 and even warned kzz21 about it but man I don't know how I didn't go down the last time. It was hard this time knowing about it. 83 sucks, too many detours, at least three of them. No more using 83 to get down south for a while, maybe I’ll use 60. I did 404 miles, moving time was 7:04, total trip time with visit included was 10:33, total average MPH was 38 and average moving speed was 57 MPH. Did I mention 255 is a great road?

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255 kicks ass, I love this road, so far I've only done it going from the river to 800 but I'm going to make it a point to do it the opposite direction soon.

255 is not as fun the other direction. It doesn't flow nearly as well & there are a few gotchas including a hill that will launch both wheels if you crest it over 40 mph or so.

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Nope, wasn't us I ride a ZX6RR and the other bike was a new R1. There was a guy on it going our direction riding a scooter, I think he knew the road since he never let off the gas or put his breaks on.

There were no helicopters around the Coshocton area that I am aware of unless the baby with a SAM scared them off so we have no stories of helicopter chases. Kind of an uneventful ride, I still have chicken strips on my new tires and I didn't have to wait for anyone. Great ride really, covered a lot of good roads and everyone made it home safely.

Did I mention I love 255! I think launching both tires off the road sounds like fun but I doubt I could do it, when people ask me if I lifted my front tire over a rise in the road it rarely happens to me. It’s one of the benefits or curses of riding probably the weakest 600 sport bike in the market. The next time I'm down that way if I have the time I think I'll do the loop out of Woodsfield both directions just to find out for myself how different it is.

I just figured out the miles for the loop and it is about 46 miles. Not that big of a deal on top of 404 miles, it just means leaving an hour earlier. I hate riding at dusk when all the bugs come out.

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Sorry Tod...I meant to warn you about the suck ass condition of 83 (Jinx probably told you we rode it the other weekend)....and how the detours will get you in trouble. It slipped my mind. I'm with you...I'm not interested in any part of 83 that covers the detours or construction. It sucked.

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I spoke to Jinx Friday and he didn't mention the detours, I can see him laughing now. On the way home I started up 93, I have heard it was a nice road and thought I would just head west at the first major road I knew north of the detours on 83. What a mistake that was, between 250 and 76 there were two detours on 93. I gave up on 93 and just headed across 76 until just before 83.

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93 is pretty good road, what part were you riding on? It may not be the twistiest road but beats slab anyday. Next time take 93 back up to 212 that is a ok section. Down by adamsville is ok also. we use 93 to run down into zanesville from bolivar.

Speedy, Uncle Punk was talking about the stretch north of where we usually pick it up. I have ridden that part to get to Barberton before now. He's right - it's not great. If there are detours it would be even less fun.

I would say 93 south of Beach City is a good road - varied and fun - a nice way to warm up before getting to the real challenging roads down south.

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I got on it from 250 just outside of Strasburg just south of Beach City. I was just looking for a way to avoid the detours on 83. That didn't work out too well because I hit two detours before I made it to 76, by then I was done trying not to slab it home. I didn't want to take a chance with there being more detours so I jumped on 76.

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