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Christian Sportbike Ride #5 ***8/8/2009***


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We are open for suggestions on where to go for the next ride coming up in less than 4 weeks. As usual, we launch at 9:30 from Calvary Chapel on Livingston and Brice on the east side on the second Saturday of the month.

This month we shot up to Coshocton and experienced some severe roads challenging us and causing some butt-puckering moments. The ride up was great and the ride back was in a terrential downpour which gave us an "opportunity" to test our severe rain riding techniques and explore our confidence level in our tires!!! All worked well in both cases. Round trip, it was about 170 clicks.

The month before we shot down to the far southeast (not Asia but close). That day discovered some great roads not normally seen as the total trip was around 300 clicks, on sportbikes, in one day, and most of it twisty in the region. That makes for a good long sore butt and back ride.

Next month is open for now. We have not really hit northwest or southwest Ohio due to a perception, or reality, that there are not really any good twisty roads around there that can "add up" to a good ride's worth to fill up a day - and, ones that you don't have to ride 100 miles from Columbus to find.:eek:

That being said, anyone have any ideas? There is always the ride to Hocking/McArthur and back up giving us 190 miles with 30 or so each way getting to and from the good roads. We will take suggestions and post up a route soon.

Thoughts, anyone, anyone, Buehler?

PhilS (07 Bandit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone:

In July the group hit the Coshocton area which was outstanding and we will go back again. The couple hours of hard driving rain on the trek home to Columbus was a bit exciting as well. It’s amazing how much water leathers can hold!! Good news, we now know how well we can trust our tires in puddles. J It’s all good!

For August, we figured we would hit up Hocking Hills to McArthur and back focusing on 328 southbound and 278 northbound.

We can do the split group again if that worked out well – OR – we can just stop at every stop sign and intersection like we did on our last ride which worked great.

Leg one goes from the church at 9:30 and goes 100 miles to McArthur then back up to Nelsonville for lunch. It says 3 hours, but let's get serious with us riding......more like 2 hours 58 minutes!!!! The ride north of Nelsonville in to the National Forest area is very nice, or guys can bug off on 33 to go home for whatever reason.

See you at the ride – August 8, Calvary Chapel on Livingston Ave, 9AM for a 9:30AM launch.

Later - Phil

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Niiiiiiiiiice! I am excited to get to ride with you guys again and I will definitely be there next weekend. I went on the June ride and had a great time! I loved how organized everything was and the "fast group" was a perfect pace for me. Everyone had fun but didn't get too cocky or stupid. I vote for the Hocking area! Can't beat it. :)

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So if we wake up tomorrow and the weather is nasty most of the day, is it still on or will it be rescheduled?

weather wont be nasty but no we dont reschedule sombody if not all will be there we always do it the 2nd saturday of every month as some people that ride with us do not have email and such so everybody just knows to be there at 9 every 2nd saturday

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it was pretty good , smaller turn out this time for some reason but all good no rain but alot od areas has wet roads so a normal pace had to be kept but we got to some dry sections too and were able to let em loose for a while , you can try for the next one

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