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Where do you park?


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Depends. Most of the time, just close as possible spot. I try to park out toward the end of the spot, so that cages can see the bike and not pull in on top of it. Seeing that Ohio has such a large number of bikes (I heard that we're #2 per capita on number of registered bikes) shouldn't more places have bike parking spots?

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I park WAY in the 'back 40' in lots.

Walking never killed anyone, and it's just that much more exercise I get in a day.

Plus, no one dings my truck because no one else parks out there, and thus no shopping carts/other crap make their way out there either.

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I try to avoid lines and sidewalks. Usually I try to park to the back where the cars start to thin out and like jporter, towards the front so cages can see it. I also park at an angle to avoid them trying to squeeze in. All depends on the circumstances.

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  JRMMiii said:
I park WAY in the 'back 40' in lots.

Walking never killed anyone, and it's just that much more exercise I get in a day.

Plus, no one dings my truck because no one else parks out there, and thus no shopping carts/other crap make their way out there either.

+1. I usually park as far away from people as I can, on the bike or in the truck.

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i park close and usually in motorcycle parking spots like walmart has so i don't sinky. and i'm getting pissed at the number of trikes that i have seen taking up the whole motorcycle parking spot. no kickstand means GTFO

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At home it's garaged. When I'm out in the city, in the back or somewhere shady. If possible in camera view but I don't go out of my way to find a camera. Most of the time when I'm out doing my daily stuff it's parked at a park or the side of the road.

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  Likwid said:
Parking spot as close as possible, crossed lines, far away spot, sidewalk, other?

People get pissed no matter where you park it seems.

I have not had this problem yet. I park next to all the motorcycles at work.

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At wal mart, I started parking the bike out back by the tire dept. entrance, its concrete and shady in the evening and then at the bank I try to park in front of the ATM because the camera points at the bike and it makes me feel better about leaving my gear sit there for the 2 minutes I'm inside. Other than those 2 places, I dont park much anywhere else except my own garage. I cant afford my own mexican pit crew so I just do what I can to get by..... :)

Edited by Rod38um
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Used to park on the sidewalk at work until they bitched. Then they put mc parking in the farthest spaces from the building. Now mind you, I'm a chick (actually most of the riders at work are) and I get off work in the middle of the night. We never use them, just park close as we can.

They have mc parking at WallyWorld?

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where ever the fuck i want!

srsly tho i just park out of the way on the sidewalk. just dont block the walk or a door and no one will have any room to bitch.

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  John said:
where ever the fuck i want!

srsly tho i just park out of the way on the sidewalk. just dont block the walk or a door and no one will have any room to bitch.

I also park on the sidewalk. Is this okay. Cops just look at it when they drive by.

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