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Any of you cater?


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And want to come to Charleston WV to do so? Coonskin park... Aug 29th...

I still don't have food for my wedding :(

I was waiting for a woman to get back to me and am getting nervous. I want it cheap and BBQ style. We're having a short and sweet wedding.

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I don't know about down there but there are BBQ joints here that will cater.. i.e. cityBBQ, Jp's, I think even the Pig Iron does.... If all else fails I'd be willing to bet there is a Mom n' Pop joint down there you could find quick if ya did a search on the interwebs....

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Not to dump on this otherwise beautiful thread...but i think i speak for all men...when i ask this. Wtf is the point of marriage....? Think about it. If you've done it right...you have already been in a relationship...for sometime. You love each other...you do all the normal, same things before marriage. So...why go and mess it up? What changes? 5, 10, 15, 20 thousand dollars down the drain....for a couple RINGS...and a piece of PAPER? Really? Nothing changes...except for materialistic items. If your argument that people know your off the market, is it really that hard to tell someone that you are?

I know women just LOVE to stand in a church all day, getting dressed up...having people cater to their every wim, and desire...and then cry when your saying your vows...and saying i do. But...for 30,000$ is it really worth it? Come on now. It's not even the money, but yet that and any big ticket items...plays a HUGE factor..in divorce. Most of the time the WOMAN getting most of the nice stuff.

For men...it's just not worth it! Run! Run! Run! :D

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I'm really not into spending lots of money on a wedding....nor standing in a church all dressed up (getting married in a garden pavillion)....I guess it is that you love that person so much......

I don't know you NightRider.....but have you just not found that special someone?...............maybe you should stop running.:grin:

But, you are right....everyone has their opinion of marriage.

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  Viewfromthebackseat said:
I'm really not into spending lots of money on a wedding....nor standing in a church all dressed up (getting married in a garden pavillion)....I guess it is that you love that person so much......

I don't know you NightRider.....but have you just not found that special someone?...............maybe you should stop running.:grin:

But, you are right....everyone has their opinion of marriage.

Sure...i understand loving someone so much, and wanting to take it to the ultimate step. The deathlock of marriage. Jk. In my opinion, you need to be 187% sure...that it's gonna work out. That this is the person...you want to wake up to...every morning. Make a life with, have kids with, etc. Unfortunately...alot of the time...it doesn't work out. Women change when they become married, men become bored with what they have...and cheat. And...now what? You end up with a messy divorce...try to decide who gets what, legal fees, wasted time. When...if you weren't married in the 1st place, just ending it would have been so much more simple.

I met someone...and she brokededdd my heart....jk. (yeah...i meant you, you know who you are) :p

Like i said, if you've been with someone for a year, 2 yrs, 9 yrs...whatever...you guys love each other (at you least you hope, and should) why mess it up? Why put yourself through that? Why try to fix...or improve something that's already good?

I have no problem if anyone else wants to get married. That's your decision, and i'll be happy for you. At this time, i just don't think it's a wise decision. I'm still young...so maybe my opinion will change in time. Probably not.

To the op and backseat, congrats! I'm happy for you guys, and wish you nothing but the best. :D

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Im cool with marriage, IF I can find a normal vagina possessing person. I dont think there are too many out there in the world. Most women are nutzs! Um, but none on this forum of course! :D

Congrats on finding Mr. Right and goodluck with everything!!!

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  yotaman88210 said:
Im cool with marriage, IF I can find a normal vagina possessing person. I dont think there are too many out there in the world. Most women are nutzs! Um, but none on this forum of course! :D

Congrats on finding Mr. Right and goodluck with everything!!!


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have you checked your local bbq joints to see if they cater?

hrm, that mess of breaking up then having to split up your stuff happens even if you're not married... I lost all of my gaming systems in a split after 5 years... probably only like $800 worth of stuff, buuut still.

You shouldn't NOT get married out of fear of losing your stuff... that's weird.

On the same note though, I don't know if I believe in marriage either. lol.

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