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So what would you do?


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So, friend of mine tells me. "Hey I bought this bike for my girl. It's a cute little "skdjlafhaklsj" (whatever) Then makes a promise to MY girl. "If she doesn't want it, I'll just give it to you. It wasn't expensive so I'm not worried about it." Then after a month or more he says he has decided to give it to my girl. She is OVERJOYED because said bike is cute small enough she won't go screaming down the road (VERY NOVICE RIDER) and is PINK.

So the days and weeks go by. He says he has to get it inspected and got new tires on it as the ASK up off 161/71 (???)

Says he'll bring it over that night, never shows. (She called friends over to be there when she got it. They drove from Johnstown to the West Side) Found out he went to a bike night. Tried to say he got pulled over. I called in a favor to find out. He never was.

Says he'll come over a night or 2 later, never shows.

Says his neighbor is going to bring it to our work. I tell him I bet it won't happen. He says he's 101% sure it will.

Never does.

SO after all this come to find out HE NEVER HAD A BIKE TO GIVE. Despite the fact he had shown pictures of it to my girl.

So now my girl is heartbroken. We even already bought her gear (about $500 total) that I have now returned and had to pay restocking fee cause I got the off the net.

Should I just ruin this guy? I mean, I've got the dirt to do it. Cause this is a long string in a pattern of repetition for this guy. Who LIES constantly. I tried to tell my girlfirend not to get her hopes up. But (sorry ladies) she's a woman and therefore emotional.

BTW, he's an OR member too.

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if i knew he had pattern of lying constantly, i wouldnt believe him in the first place.

i dont even think i would be friends with someone like that honestly.

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actually now that I have reflected on the issue, if I were you, I would dump your girlfriend for being a retard and thinking someone is going to give her a free motorcycle.


For the most part, liars are liars. It's a shame. I'd just cut ties and run.

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Shittygsxr, that would work if this guy wasn't a total douche. Cause if I dropped her she'd get hit on by him every second of the day.

BTW, He rode with you guys in the 4th of july parade.

And still doesn't have any type of license (temp or otherwise)

Oh well, i'm off to park street patio have to mc an event there. Stop by if you want.

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Shittygsxr, that would work if this guy wasn't a total douche. Cause if I dropped her she'd get hit on by him every second of the day.

BTW, He rode with you guys in the 4th of july parade.

And still doesn't have any type of license (temp or otherwise)

Oh well, i'm off to park street patio have to mc an event there. Stop by if you want.

you just answered your own question right there. I have told girls I am in med school, a real estate investor, in law school and if I were single I would tell them that I am going to give them a motorcycle.

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put an apb on a dirtbag asshole lying son of a bitch with small genitalia

i hate liars...

if you can't say the truth dont say anything or don't do it in the first place

of course there are exceptions but its still wrong to lie

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Menfolk don't do something for nothing. basically he was trying to get in your girls' drawls. As her man, I'm shocked you would approve of her accepting such a "gift" from a dewd, anyway.

With that in mind... OUT HIM TODAY.

then, WHOOP HIS ASS. not just for lying to her and crushing her dream, but for disrespecting YOU. As a man, there is no way you should tolerate that.

And tell babygirl to stop relying on someone to give her something... instead she needs to research the models, locate and purchase her own damn bike. That way it is HERS.

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So, friend of mine tells me. "Hey I bought this bike for my girl. It's a cute little "skdjlafhaklsj" (whatever) Then makes a promise to MY girl. "If she doesn't want it, I'll just give it to you. It wasn't expensive so I'm not worried about it." Then after a month or more he says he has decided to give it to my girl. She is OVERJOYED because said bike is cute small enough she won't go screaming down the road (VERY NOVICE RIDER) and is PINK.

So the days and weeks go by. He says he has to get it inspected and got new tires on it as the ASK up off 161/71 (???)

Says he'll bring it over that night, never shows. (She called friends over to be there when she got it. They drove from Johnstown to the West Side) Found out he went to a bike night. Tried to say he got pulled over. I called in a favor to find out. He never was.

Says he'll come over a night or 2 later, never shows.

Says his neighbor is going to bring it to our work. I tell him I bet it won't happen. He says he's 101% sure it will.

Never does.

SO after all this come to find out HE NEVER HAD A BIKE TO GIVE. Despite the fact he had shown pictures of it to my girl.

So now my girl is heartbroken. We even already bought her gear (about $500 total) that I have now returned and had to pay restocking fee cause I got the off the net.

Should I just ruin this guy? I mean, I've got the dirt to do it. Cause this is a long string in a pattern of repetition for this guy. Who LIES constantly. I tried to tell my girlfirend not to get her hopes up. But (sorry ladies) she's a woman and therefore emotional.

BTW, he's an OR member too.

Why bother?

Yeah everyone will know this dudes full o crap, what you may not realize is his people skills kung-fu is much better than yours which is why you're home following him around and he's living life. You can blow him up and let everyone know how this drama has gone, but in the end you'll pay in so many ways you'll wish you'd never have brought it up.

Trust me, I've been fired and worse in life dealing with douchebags like that

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it was none other than


I understand that according to the rules on here we're really not supposed to talk bad directly about other members. But oh well. I'd be happy to show anyone the evidence. I think he did it all just to look benevolent. But in all honestly I think he looks like a total fool. She wouldn't have a thing to do with him regardless of what he promised or would buy her.

Sadly, I have to work with him because he is the DJ on the patio at Screamin' Willies (shameless plug) Where I have been a DJ for almost 9 years. So Richard when you read this.

Go shove it up your exhaust, after a loooooooong ride.

and if you don't read this. Well, you won't see the storm coming.

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:woo: Makes me want to find out were this Screamin willies place is just to see the chick fight...:bitchfight:

The Strom is a comen "djisle" hope you brought your rain coat to work tonight..:villagers:

it was none other than


I understand that according to the rules on here we're really not supposed to talk bad directly about other members. But oh well. I'd be happy to show anyone the evidence. I think he did it all just to look benevolent. But in all honestly I think he looks like a total fool. She wouldn't have a thing to do with him regardless of what he promised or would buy her.

Sadly, I have to work with him because he is the DJ on the patio at Screamin' Willies (shameless plug) Where I have been a DJ for almost 9 years. So Richard when you read this.

Go shove it up your exhaust, after a loooooooong ride.

and if you don't read this. Well, you won't see the storm coming.

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Menfolk don't do something for nothing. basically he was trying to get in your girls' drawls. As her man, I'm shocked you would approve of her accepting such a "gift" from a dewd, anyway.

With that in mind... OUT HIM TODAY.

then, WHOOP HIS ASS. not just for lying to her and crushing her dream, but for disrespecting YOU. As a man, there is no way you should tolerate that.

And tell babygirl to stop relying on someone to give her something... instead she needs to research the models, locate and purchase her own damn bike. That way it is HERS.

So you're telling me. If you were offered a bike for free. You'd turn it down? I doubt it really. Not being a prick but come on. if you got offered a bike for free I'm pretty sure you'd be on it like a fat kid on birthday cake.

Actually she really WAS Looking at the Blast and He just happened to say he bought one for his girlfriend and she didnt want it. Now though she's more interested in a Ninja 250. She likes the sleeker look. Now just to find one with enough pink on it. Oh the humanity.

As far as whoopin his ass. *sweet, innocent voice*I would never do anything like that.

I'l have friends do it so I can watch and laugh as I eat popcorn and down a High Life.

If I do it.

It wouldn't be pretty and he knows that.

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So you're telling me. If you were offered a bike for free. You'd turn it down? I doubt it really. Not being a prick but come on. if you got offered a bike for free I'm pretty sure you'd be on it like a fat kid on birthday cake.

Oh dont get me wrong, I'd be THRILLED. but... highly skeptical. Unless it was a friend I know and trust. I just know that very few people give up something in return for nothing. Especially if your girl is any kind of hot. He wanted an "in." The imaginary bike was his ticket.

As far as whoopin his ass. *sweet, innocent voice*I would never do anything like that.

I'l have friends do it so I can watch and laugh as I eat popcorn and down a High Life.

If I do it.

It wouldn't be pretty and he knows that.

LOL! Love that plausible deniability!!

*whoop his monkey ASS*:flingpoo:

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