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So what would you do?


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whats up with everyone wanting handouts these days!? first free healthcare, then cellphones, now motorcycles!?

and free ASS WHOOPIN'S

WHOOP his natural ASS Lunatik. He is trying to test your gangsta, bru... you can't let that shit ride.

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Ain't nothin gangsta here. He'll get his, don't you worry that. Mama didn't raise her boy to take things lyin down. She raised him on moonshine.

And no, but I have met the HIgh life driver guy and he's cool as hell. I'm a lot more pale.

P.S. In response to everyone saying my girl or I were "expecting a handout" or whatever. If someone says, "Hey I'm gonna give you a free ______" You expect them to hold up their word. Especially when you tell them to their face. I know how you are, don't fuck this up.

Oh, and for those who are wondering. Screamin' Willes is located on the East side of Columbus. Used to be Club Dance, Big Easy, East Dallas, Atlantis. YEah all the same place with the same owners.


It's at the corner or Brice & Livingston

Cage fights (Too late to sign up me vs djisle I asked) Friday 8/9/09

Jay Demarcus (Rascal Flatts) Thursday 8/13/09

Billy Currington (REALLY short country singer) Friday 8/21/09

Eric Church (Drinks like a fish) Friday 10/23/09

David Allan Coe (Racist Prick, In a good way) Friday 11/20/09

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this is the day when dude said that he was bringing the bike over so other dude sat around and waited then dude didnt come over and instead went to bike night. Then dude found out that dude lied about breaking down and instead of bringing the bike dude went to bike night.

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The same guy that ordered wings last night and then couldn't pay for them? Good on you Mr Anderson for picking those up, I know you got karma coming back your way.

I just met the guy yesterday and he wanted me to buy him a beer which is no big deal because I buy beer for friends all the time. I would have probably sent one your way later that night had it not been for your 10 beers, 24 shots, xx whatever, and then riding home story. Of course you were also leaving around the time I finally sat down to order. Anway, here comes the drama lama.

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Yeah, same guy, aggressively hitting me up for beer. Oh and when I got my Guiness at the bar the conversation went something like this.

DJ: You got a beer? I thought you were getting me one? (there was some mention of this before the ride up)

Me: This isn't beer it's chocolate milk

DJ: Oh I thought you were getting a beer

Me: . . . no, it's really beer


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Then I proceed to come back to the table later that night and the waiter brings Mr Anderson the bill for DJ's wings.

Me: Awww dude he made you buy his wings

Anderson: He said he didn't have the money to pay for them

Me: Maybe he shouldn't have ordered them

Anderson: I like doing nice things, it'll come around

Me: Alright bro, but I should've warned you he was trying that with me all night.

Anderson is a nice guy, sort of an easy target :nono:

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honestly, who cares?

so he offered you a free bike, and didn't provide...you're not out anything...

yeah it's a shiddy move, but it's not like he stole anything from you.

and as far as worrying about him hitting on your g/f...so what?

I invite any and all people to hit on my g/f...if she goes for it, she didn't want to be with me anyway...you 2 have fun together.

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So magz, how do I taste? :p



all the blasts i've seen for sale were between a grand and 5 grand...I don't care how generous I feel, I'm not giving someone a $1000 to $5000 gift unless:

A: we're related, and this is a major milestone celebration (my little sister's wedding gift was pricey)

B: We're having sex (from what I hear, engagement rings are expensive)

other than that...i might spend a hundred bucks on you for a birthday if we're really good friends...

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The same guy that ordered wings last night and then couldn't pay for them? Good on you Mr Anderson for picking those up, I know you got karma coming back your way.

I just met the guy yesterday and he wanted me to buy him a beer which is no big deal because I buy beer for friends all the time. I would have probably sent one your way later that night had it not been for your 10 beers, 24 shots, xx whatever, and then riding home story. Of course you were also leaving around the time I finally sat down to order. Anway, here comes the drama lama.

that's funny, something similar was said to me at BWR last week. I ended up picking up his wings, then RC51 picked up my tab at the last second (I got him at the first meet and greet).

Well, fool me once and all that.

In all honesty though, you should have waited until you had either bike or title in hand before you started splurging on gear. I know, I know, your girl was all into it, and I can totally understand that. However, if you had your doubts on getting this thing at all, I don't understand why you would drop 500 bucks on an idea.

That being said, I'm going to sit back and see how this one unfolds. I've got a pot of popcorn all ready to go.

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like someone said, if it's known he's got a pattern of lying.. then sounds like its way past due of you stop being "friends" with him.

so he offered you a free bike, and didn't provide...you're not out anything...

actually.. $500 on bike gear. (first post)

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