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What to do with the $500 raised at the meet & greet?


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WE could get our sponsors involved and up the fundage a bit.

Radio sounds cool but I wish we had a statewide outlet. Cbus seems like such a small part.

I wouldn't do just Columbus. I'm calling Clear Channel tomorrow.

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To expand on the radio thing, how about internet radio? I know it's not the most popular, but might be cheap, and get the word FAR out.

I also think it might be a good idea to see what sponsors might want to kick in, and check the local dealerships, in all the different areas. It might go over bigger with the dealerships that offer the rider courses, as they already think there's some value in riding safe.

I do think that we need to direct it to cagers, maybe talking about sending that text causing the driver to not see the smaller motorcycle?

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We could start a street campaign where we dedicate a few hours of our time to stand on side walks in our helmets and gear to with signs that have statements reflecting motorcycle awareness.

Oh look mommy!!! those people are wearing their sweaty gear so the minivan don't hurt as bad when you hit them!!!!! :wtf:

in all seriousness---radio or hookers and go

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Being a sign guy, I'll turn away business and say that I doubt the yard signs do anything for this. Yard sales or events, yes.

In this case knowing some drivers, they would be reading the sign and hit a motorcyclist. :nono:

Casper, I think the billboard that you and I talked about would be effective in the right place.

I think radio would be the best way to go though. Just seems that it would reach the most people.

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Hookers and blow

Roman orgy with farm animals :dunno:

I used to DJ at the college radio station up here. While we couldn't technically run "commercials", we did air "sponsorship" ads, which were reasonably priced for small business participation, and that we would produce for them

I'm assuming OSU has a radio station. What about Capital, Franklin, & any others I may not know of? I know the older demographic probably don't listen to those channels, but you could perhaps cost effectively reach the 18-25 y/o segment

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Roman orgy with farm animals :dunno:

I used to DJ at the college radio station up here. While we couldn't technically run "commercials", we did air "sponsorship" ads, which were reasonably priced for small business participation, and that we would produce for them

I'm assuming OSU has a radio station. What about Capital, Franklin, & any others I may not know of? I know the older demographic probably don't listen to those channels, but you could perhaps cost effectively reach the 18-25 y/o segment

That raises an interesting point. Although I'm not particularly keen on the idea of airing these on college radio (I used to be a college radio DJ in 98, nobody listens to it) we might be able to work something out with the OSU marketing department/academics for them to produce this spot for free/cheap.

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Radio and TV stations are required by Federal law to run some amount of "Public Service Announcements" (PSA)

These are things like, wear your seatbelt, have your pets neutered, don't eat the yellow snow and any other thing they can get out there that can be even vaguely construed as "In The Public Interest".

They really don't seem to care what the content is but they do like pre-packaged 15, 30 sec announcements.

If we could make something like this and get it into the distribution channel with say "Clear Channel" it could go nation wide.


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Just to throw a different spin on this, how about instead of putting an ad out targeting cagers (that they'll probably not pay attention to anyway), we do something targeting other bikers. Tips and tricks for those bikers who may not have taken the time to learn the right way to do things.

We might not be able to stop the cagers from being stupid, but maybe we can help bikers be smarter.


Just had my roomie yell at me about "those damn bikers", some squid cut her off, she was in a truck. In her mind at the time all bikes were as one, so it was my fault she got cut off. :confused:

Perhaps that might be some nice reverse psychology. Getting the cagers empathy and pointing out that not all bikers are squids. Kinda like playing pediddle (find the car with only one headlight) when you were a kid on a long trip.

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I wouldn't do just Columbus. I'm calling Clear Channel tomorrow.

I wonder if the AMA, ABATE, and others don't already have a slew of PSA ads.

Perhaps we could get an ad that is already set up for radio airplay?

Just a thought, that and a click or two, I found this at the AMA site:

Public Service Announcements

More audio, video and print PSAs at www.ridestraight.org


Using material from this site

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For $500, I'll stand on the street corner of your choice in a bikini and hold a sign about motorcycle awareness.

I WILL get cagers attention.

SOLD!! To the man in the Speedo :lol:

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Casper, one of the directives of the Dept. of Pblic Safetys "Ride Smart" program is to "Establish partnerships within the motorcycle community".

That sounds like us right?

Also "Partnership" sounds like dollars and access. This may be a state program but it is run with Federal dollars.

My wife has some contacts with them as well.


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I also like the radio idea...

I know that's usually what i'm doing when i'm in the car...

something simple, maybe a "take a second look" campaign?

about to change lanes? take a second look

about to cross an intersection? take a second look

something along those lines.

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I don't think $500 will do much for advertising. I think the biggest think this site does for bikers is properly encourage wearing gear. That will save more lives then a 30 second spot on the radio.

Use the money for banners for cleveland, cincy and dayton. I cant believe how many member we have in those areas without even trying. I know that the site has a lot of people that are willing to help out with tools when someone is in need, but how about saving for a trailer and putting a giant ohioriders sticker on it and renting it out for a low fee.

The news came to the event for free so I think letting them know about an event and having a specific cause and they will give free advertising

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