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Rear ended today


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Glad your okay but keep that under your hat as a trump card if the insurance adjuster tries to be cheap! I would imagine that an impact hard enough to kick you out of the seat onto the guys hood will cause you physical issues later and probably resulted in a comprimised frame on the bike. Just CYA with the insurance guys, they are out for themselves you should be too!

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First off, I hope all goes well for you and your bike, Clifton d00d.

You guys can pick up a brakelight modulator for cheap off eBay. Search for RearAlert. They're only like $15. Comes with crimp and tap connectors and a ziptie.

I wired up a lot more rear lighting on my Ninja 250. Put two dual-filament sockets in the unused brakelight pods, fused each bulb filament (6 freeking fuses, why? Because I don't want water shorting out a socket and taking out all of the tail lighting), and wired up the RearAlert to the center tail bulb brake filament. The wiring harness took quite a while to solder together and heatshrink, but at least I know it's done right. Put in 2135LL bulbs, 28.5 watts brake/8.3W running. Very noticable.

I'm not sure if I want to clip the mode wire on the RearAlert to always blinking. Right now it just does 5 blinks then goes solid. I was thinking it might annoy the crap out of someone behind me, but since I usually am holding myself in the friction zone anyway, and only tap the brakes to make the lights light up when I see a car in the mirror coming up behind me, why not?

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