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What's your thoughts on Pres. Obama speech to students?


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Obama's education and health care aren't the only things people thought were communist. I think I see Todd's grandpa in there...

Yeah...I see him back there too - he's got his cock in your grandma's mouth. Must be hard knowing that your dad was pimping her out.

I knew if it went on long enough some asshole would start with the personal attacks. Obviously, you have no facts and nothing of value to add to the discussion when you go down that road.

Too bad you're white - I bet you could play the race card nicely.

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I knew if it went on long enough some asshole would start with the personal attacks. Obviously, you have no facts and nothing of value to add to the discussion when you go down that road.

Too bad you're white - I bet you could play the race card nicely.

:rolleyes: Yea, the 'personal attacks' JUST started with that post. You can dish it, but not take it?

I remember one way back on Page 15: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=321850&postcount=143

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Awww...you left out the best part of my post in your quote:

Yeah...I see him back there too - he's got his cock in your grandma's mouth. Must be hard knowing that your dad was pimping her out.

Too bad you're white - I bet you could play the race card nicely.

There...now I feel better.

:rolleyes: Yea, the 'personal attacks' JUST started with that post. You can dish it, but not take it?

I remember one way back on Page 15: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=321850&postcount=143

Yeah...not a personal attack. That quote was from Shakespeare and appropriate for someone blathering about race without answering the questions.

I can take plenty from people that actually have something to say. Obviously, you don't fit in that category.

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I can take plenty from people that actually have something to say. Obviously, you don't fit in that category.

Obviously. Says the guy who was worried the sky is falling over a non-partisan speech given to his ever-so-impressionable teenage son and daughter. Like everyone has been saying, if ONE speech is enough to put the snowball down the 'slippery slope' (which is a logical fallacy anyway) then you've failed as a parent. If you don't even let your kids listen to the president, how are you going to figure out how to scapegoat Obama for your parental failure then?

Problems with kids happen when you let one thing slide when your kids are at that impressionable age. You justify it, reason it out, try to be open minded and that ONE thing go by. That first thing leads to the second thing, and the third thing....the next the you know they're doing stuff you dont know about with people you don't know. I dont want to look at one of my kids in jail or in a casket and say "where did I go wrong?".

What message do you really think your kids are going to pick up? The "communist/socialist" ideals from the black guy in office that you're sooo worried about, or the message that "My daddy doesn't respect the president or anyone that disagrees with him, therefore I don't have to listen to anyone I disagree with"? You're so engrossed in the political message you're worried about your kids hearing that you're missing the forest for the trees on the other lessons you're "teaching" them.

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Obviously. Says the guy who was worried the sky is falling over a non-partisan speech given to his ever-so-impressionable teenage son and daughter. Like everyone has been saying, if ONE speech is enough to put the snowball down the 'slippery slope' (which is a logical fallacy anyway) then you've failed as a parent. If you don't even let your kids listen to the president, how are you going to figure out how to scapegoat Obama for your parental failure then?

What message do you really think your kids are going to pick up? The "communist/socialist" ideals from the black guy in office that you're sooo worried about, or the message that "My daddy doesn't respect the president or anyone that disagrees with him, therefore I don't have to listen to anyone I disagree with"? You're so engrossed in the political message you're worried about your kids hearing that you're missing the forest for the trees on the other lessons you're "teaching" them.

My opinion still stands. I have zero respect for the man because of his values. His values have been shown by his disdain for the constitution and the people he surrounds himself with. Nothing in his speech today did anything to change that - why would my opinion change?

If you want to believe that I'm a "parental failure" go ahead. I'm confident that time will prove otherwise. Your opinion of my skills have no effect on me or how I'll raise my kids.

Congrats though - you finally managed to play the race card. Enjoy your "white guilt" and "victim" status.


Why don't you get in the kitchen and fix a real meal instead of eating popcorn. You should still have some grub stubs left - its only the second week of the month.

Think he'll get the idea now?

What idea is that? That JRMiii is a shitbag? Or that Chickon2 is a racist? Or that once again, you have nothing of value to add to the discussion?

Oh....one more thing....

Post all you want - this is my LAST post in this thread. Have fun...

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what's a grub stub?

In other news... that dewd's cawk must be really, really, really, really short. I haven't seen anyone THAT sensitive who wasn't wearing lace panties.

Grub stub= food stamps.:o

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Who's the profiling racist again? Pretty sure that's a dick fucking thing to say right there.

WHAT dick??? There is no DICK. Not where it's supposed to be anyway. There might be one growing out of his neck, but that's it:p

And it's coo', because for all that bullshit-ass grandstanding and posturing, all he's doing is proving me correct. He got NO WINS, so he's resorting to what he grew up with, and how he lives his life ... which is what I said from jump, that put the original lobster down his panties.

And I know I'm hitting that sensitive spot on him, and making him moan, because he said a few times that he was done with me, but he keeps coming back! Apparently I have that effect on dewds. LOLOL

Trust me, I'm not worried about it. The bullshit-talk would NEVER occur in person, I guaran-damn-tee you.

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What idea is that? That JRMiii is a shitbag? Or that Chickon2 is a racist? Or that once again, you have nothing of value to add to the discussion?

Oh....one more thing....

Post all you want - this is my LAST post in this thread. Have fun...

Aww... At least I don't think that of someone that I don't particularly agree with. I happen to thing they are good people that happen to have views the are different than mine! It's all good in my book!

Glad to see I could piss you off enough to make such comments to someone that has similar values (but is a bit more flexible) as you! I think someone needs to grow up and be open to discussion without all the name calling, or whatever it is that you call what YOU are doing.

We'll see if this IS your last post.....

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My future baby daddy Todd gave me a negative rep for saying he was penile deficient.

Now I haz a sad :(

For real, for as much as he talks about not caring about rep and other peoples opinions, he sure uses the rep button an awful lot to let other people know they've rubbed him the wrong way.

That's ironic.

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HA!! This is his neg rep for my "Well said" post:

"You wouldn't know well said if someone hit you on the head with it T43"

This guy is great!!!! He doesn't use rep as a weapon...but is clearly dishing it out. LOL. And for the record, I don't neg rep people. I think I've done it maybe once or twice for someone that was COMPLETELY out of pocket and needed to be banned.

Hi Todd!! I love you too.

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reputation_neg.gifWhat's your thoughts on... 09-07-2009 05:53 PM Time for another sip of the kool-aid - T43

reputation_neg.gifWhat's your thoughts on... 09-08-2009 02:39 PM How's your grandma? T43

I actually feel a little bad that I sunk to that level and gave two negative rebuttals to him. I've been pretty good about letting the 3 or 4 previous ones he gave me slide, but I was feeling petty today, so I sunk down to his level.

I wish he'd post the comment I left for the rebuttal neg rep after he asked how my grandma was.

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i cant believe that people are really getting worked up about some speech. its like they think he is going to have mind control glasses on and make your kids vote democrat for the rest of their lives :rolleyes:

Family_guy_-_Bill_cosby.jpg<------ obama

people dont even want their kids to HEAR what he has to say. dont even LISTEN to what he has to say at all, because we dont like him. no matter if we agree with it or not, we refuse to even hear it. way to keep your children sheltered and teach them to be closed minded.

the better procedure here is to use this time to have an open discussion with your kids about looking at both sides of a coin then making your own decision. not keep them closed off and teach them to flat out ignore any opposing viewpoint... because that will only help them in the future.

Edited by John
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i cant believe that people are really getting worked up about some speech. its like they think he is going to have mind control glasses on and make your kids vote democrat for the rest of their lives :rolleyes:

Family_guy_-_Bill_cosby.jpg<------ obama

people dont even want their kids to HEAR what he has to say. dont even LISTEN to what he has to say at all, because we dont like him. no matter if we agree with it or not, we refuse to even hear it. way to be closed minded and keep your kids sheltered.

the better procedure here is to use this time to have an open discussion with your kids about looking at both sides of a coin then making your own decision. not keep them closed off and teach them to flat out ignore any opposing viewpoint... because that will only help them in the future.

Rep for you sir.

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