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What's your thoughts on Pres. Obama speech to students?


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I take it no one here remembers Bush back in 91' doing a speech for kids in school to watch?

Here, let me remind you:





You can look at this however you want, but I see it 2 ways, for one the democrats are a bunch of hypocrites for throwing a hissy fit back in the day but saying everything is ok now and it is acceptable. Also the republicans are hypocrites for saying it was ok back in the day but its all brainwashing and socialist agendas nows.

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the better procedure here is to use this time to have an open discussion with your kids about looking at both sides of a coin then making your own decision. not keep them closed off and teach them to flat out ignore any opposing viewpoint... because that will only help them in the future.

Exactly. Very well said. You can't decide what you are for or against unless you listen to both sides.

I have two view of politics/politicians.

One, you win elections by getting your side excited so they vote for you en-mass while you pull a good chunk of the independents. But getting your base out to vote is the most important part.

Two, Politicians do things for one reason and one reason only, to get re-elected.

The rage from the right was just a motivating exercise to keep the base fired up and ready to vote to accomplish item number one above.

For the record, since I have not seen it reported on the news. The newscasters keep saying that Bush One gave a speech to children. That is very true, but I have yet to hear one newscaster mention the fact that the Dems went bat crap crazy at the time just like the Repubs did this time. Not saying that excuses the Repub's behavior on this, just pointing out that they are all the same.

In fact, the Dems held congressional hearings about Bush One's speech trying to say the cost was a violation of the law. He was using government funds to preach a political message.

They are all the same. Except Paris Hilton. She should have won.

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HA!! This is his neg rep for my "Well said" post:

"You wouldn't know well said if someone hit you on the head with it T43"

This guy is great!!!! He doesn't use rep as a weapon...but is clearly dishing it out. LOL. And for the record, I don't neg rep people. I think I've done it maybe once or twice for someone that was COMPLETELY out of pocket and needed to be banned.

Hi Todd!! I love you too.

I think I'll go see what kind of rep I've gotten, which I rarely pay much attention to. Honest!

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With all the rep Todd is dishing out, an astute observer might choose to give him a title that would provide a succinct synopsis of his repping activities. By maybe taking a shortened prefix form of the word 'negative' and adding the suffix '-er' which would designate a person or thing with some unique characteristic or circumstance. Said title for Todd, would provide a level of irony to this thread.

If ya'll think I'm gonna say it - you're crazy.

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With all the rep Todd is dishing out, an astute observer might choose to give him a title that would provide a succinct synopsis of his repping activities. By maybe taking a shortened prefix form of the word 'negative' and adding the suffix '-er' which would designate a person or thing with some unique characteristic or circumstance. Said title for Todd, would provide a level of irony to this thread.

If ya'll think I'm gonna say it - you're crazy.

Holy cow man! :lol: :lol:

I just can't stop :lol:


(I'd rep ya for that, but you have enough already!)

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With all the rep Todd is dishing out, an astute observer might choose to give him a title that would provide a succinct synopsis of his repping activities. By maybe taking a shortened prefix form of the word 'negative' and adding the suffix '-er' which would designate a person or thing with some unique characteristic or circumstance. Said title for Todd, would provide a level of irony to this thread.

If ya'll think I'm gonna say it - you're crazy.

Did you spend a lot of time on that or did it just come to you?

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With all the rep Todd is dishing out, an astute observer might choose to give him a title that would provide a succinct synopsis of his repping activities. By maybe taking a shortened prefix form of the word 'negative' and adding the suffix '-er' which would designate a person or thing with some unique characteristic or circumstance. Said title for Todd, would provide a level of irony to this thread.

If ya'll think I'm gonna say it - you're crazy.

that's IT!! I am officially dead and buried!!! BWAHAHAHAH

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i'd get in on the action, but this has crossed far from "snarky, yet, still tongue in cheek comments" to "the next time i see you, i'm gonna choke a bish" zone. and i am way to fucking friendly for that shit, dawg.

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