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who wants to ride hocking hills saturday?


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Can your wife...you know..flash some...t...to let us know it's you guys? Again jk.Thats funny I don't care who u are :):)

But anyways I ride a purple(yes purple) honda shadow 1100 see ya for the ride

Haha. Sounds good, i checked your profile to see what your bike looked like. I'll be on a red Ninja. :D

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oh and for those of you not meeting at iron pony.. where we supposed to meet you guys at?

you can call my cell 614-256-3407 if we need to communicate to find our where you guys are

Dude...your still up? lol.

I just want to make sure, we'll be hitting 33 through Lancaster, and then on to 664, etc?

If that's the case. There's a speedway that will be on the left side of the road, as we're coming in towards Lancaster. Can't miss it.

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Just to make sure we are on the same page its going to be the same speedway its going to be on the left hand side beside the car lot correct.

Wha...? I have no idea wtf your talking about. jk. :D

Yeah, i know where it is. Not too many Carrol, or Lancaster riders here...so it will probably be easy to miss for everyone else, but me. I can ride lead once on 33, or whatever...so we don't miss it.

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im taking a shit right now then will be going to bed to wake up @ 7 kick seths sister outta my bed then shower and check the bike over then head up that way

nice its in writing im gonna show this to alyssa then when she starts calling you all those name Im gonna make my move for some rebound action :D

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no cops. superman went down tho on 78.

310 miles and my knees are sore.

whos superman?

anywho i had a great ride today

good meeting you all, sorry i had to dip out before 555.

thought i had some good footage on the go pro, turns out i had the damn thing set on picture mode instead of video.. so i pretty much got nothing.

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