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Spider bite yesterday and i'm going nuts today


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My wrist where it bit me is stiffining up at the bite, I have like hives or what looks like raised 1/4 round white itchy as hell bumps popping up all over now and then. My neck, cheeks, crotch area, legs, tops of my feet, elbows are oging insane. The rash comes and then goes from one spot to another. It might take hours but it just appears and disapears in multiple places. Yesterday morning it just made my knees, elbows and back itch internally, joint itch i humorously call it.. Now i want to scrape off my skin with a hand grinder. took benedryl..ehhh not sure it helps...my god my entire body itches and i can't sleep. i want to run thru briars naked...omg...maybe i'll drink some of my girls liquer, god it's all around my crotch underwear line.and now my pangus, Jesus..f\/ck spiders or whatever the hell it was. Put on my insulated flannel yesterday morning around 8 and whamo something bit me...i hate that flannel. it can goto hell....i'm burning..actually i'm going to go burn it now..it'll take my mind off this insane itching. if my breathing feels wierd i'm going to the doctor...damn mother f\/cking spiders/insect stinging thing.

Dear Spider,

Your an asshole. I realize when you saw this big object coming at you from the darknes to the light you probably freaked out.....but why not just friggin leave..hop out the end of the sleeve? There was no pressure there? I didn't squish you. I used to sometimes save your relatives and put them outside. NOT ANY MORE you creepy sum bitch. I'm going flush every last one of you crazy bastards. Not kill but flush so your friends can friggin drown to death in a heap of poo water stuck in a straight jacket of T.P. from hell..

Pissed off and itchy,

Your Eleanor

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmy god this sucks..maybe gas will stop the itching..j/c

now there are red itchy blothches on my back and shoulders some nickle sized some smaller...

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i had a spider bite on my head about 3 weeks ago and it swelled up huge and now i have this 1 inch diameter bald spot on the back of my head...

go see a doc, i never had bumps and stuff breakout all over. localized reactions are one thing, but if it's reacting systemically all around your body, i'd see the doc cause you dont know what's next, if anything.

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i want to run thru briars naked...

^^^ do this. I have a few in my back yard you can use.

seriously though, go to a doctor you goof. itching is the worst! I dont know how you could stand it. I can handle most pain, but itching is horrendous!!!

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Black Widow spiders don't have symptoms like that.

But the Brown Recluse is pretty close.

Both are found in Ohio.

Brown Recluse Spider Bite <-- link

Brown recluse spider bites don't always hurt right away. In fact, you may not know that you have been bitten until other symptoms appear. Symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite include:

  • Reddened skin followed by a blister that forms at the bite site.
  • Mild to intense pain and itching for 2 to 8 hours following the bite.
  • An open sore (ulcers) with a breakdown of tissue (necrosis) that develops a week or more following the bite. This may take months to heal.

Some people have a severe, systemic (whole-body) reaction to brown recluse spider bites, including the rapid destruction of red blood cells and anemia (hemolytic anemia). Signs and symptoms include:

  • Fever and chills.
  • Skin rash all over the body with many tiny, flat purple and red spots.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Joint pain.

Not fatal. Watch for too much dead skin around the bite. Worst case scenario is having to have skin grafts. Which is rare.

Or.... it's Spider Herpes... j/k

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Oh yeah. One more thing. The limit before mandatory seeing a Doctor for care is this:

A brown recluse bite can be serious and may require immediate medical care. Call a health professional if:

  • You have severe symptoms throughout your body.
  • An open sore and necrosis develop. Necrosis is black, dead tissue.

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A guy I work with last year got bit behind his ear by a WOLF spider he said and it got bigger and bigger. Got to the size of a tennis ball before he finally went to the doctor! It was SICK looking. He said it blurred his vision some and all that after a few days. He didn't want to go because he didn't have insurance for some reason. IDK why though because we all do. Anyway, I told him a bill is better than dying. I guess they drained the shit out of it by lancing it and then gave him some antibiotics.

If ANY of the infection spreads and gets into the blood stream you will die, simple as that.

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went to statcare this morning they gave me what ever is in a eppy pen. the rash got worse and was on fire, he put another one in me..i was cranked...with adrenal, shaking, cold, shaking like i was cold but not cold... breathing was all crazy...i wanna do it again...not really.. i'll be ok...he gave me cortizone pills to take. Still itching like crazy...thanks for a the info...it was a little scary..

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went to statcare this morning they gave me what ever is in a eppy pen. the rash got worse and was on fire, he put another one in me..i was cranked...with adrenal, shaking, cold, shaking like i was cold but not cold... breathing was all crazy...i wanna do it again...not really.. i'll be ok...he gave me cortizone pills to take. Still itching like crazy...thanks for a the info...it was a little scary..

a lil' known fact... epinephrine is the same thing as adrenaline...

the brits refer to epinephrine and norepinephrine as adrenaline and noradrenaline because its produced by the adrenal gland.

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went to statcare this morning they gave me what ever is in a eppy pen. the rash got worse and was on fire, he put another one in me..i was cranked...with adrenal, shaking, cold, shaking like i was cold but not cold... breathing was all crazy...i wanna do it again...not really.. i'll be ok...he gave me cortizone pills to take. Still itching like crazy...thanks for a the info...it was a little scary..

Smoke a doob. I hear it helps. :D

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