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F-you h1n1


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So I work in a school, and we've got the H1N1!!! Not that every school now a day doesn't, but it sucks. I've never seen such craziness on the sickness. It's not just H1N1, it's all the other crazy flu's going around. I'm sooooo getting H1N1 :mad: Wife works at a school with confirmed cases as well.

So to all the little germs out there F-YOU!!!!! I'm totally going to be pissed if my student's illnesses kill me. Who would ride my motorcycle then?

Sorry I just had to rant...I'm getting sick :(

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welcome to my world... fun at the hospitals everyday is an adventure makes me wanna spray lysol down my throat (kills 99.9% of germs even flu!) jk btw.. that would really hurt

hmmm, maybe I'll just start spraying lysol down the kids throats :)...wait I don't think I'm supposed to say things like that.

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Same here. Confirmed 2nd hand exposure. Co-workers have been informed they were exposed. We'll see what happens. It's 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 for picking it up from close contact. Or so the CDC says. Close contact would be closer than 6 feet when somebody coughs or sneezes that has it. So there it is, spread out, six feet gap between everybody.

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Purell is on allocation. The importers can't get enough...Alcohol is impossible to get.

Hope you stay well.

Really? Glad I got backups and emergency stocks...

I bet the anti-germ kleenex and everything else will be gone soon.

And the masks, that may or may not work.

Today's funny... so they put up those anti-germ hand cleaners in all the hallways. The ones that go off automatically when you put your hand under it. So this girl sits down in the hallway under one of them, and it goes off on her head... I saw her walking around looking for something to get it off her hair.

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Today's funny... so they put up those anti-germ hand cleaners in all the hallways. The ones that go off automatically when you put your hand under it. So this girl sits down in the hallway under one of them, and it goes off on her head... I saw her walking around looking for something to get it off her hair.

lo fucking l :lol::bukkake-1:

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Really? Glad I got backups and emergency stocks...

I bet the anti-germ kleenex and everything else will be gone soon.

And the masks, that may or may not work.

Today's funny... so they put up those anti-germ hand cleaners in all the hallways. The ones that go off automatically when you put your hand under it. So this girl sits down in the hallway under one of them, and it goes off on her head... I saw her walking around looking for something to get it off her hair.

Ahahahahahahahha, that's awesome!

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