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Need riding Boots by 8am tommrow.


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lol i usually just ride in regular shoes.. Ive been riding on my temps for sooo long i just decided to get my real endorsement but i need to have boots above my ankles and gloves and what not. I have had my helmet in jacket but never bought boots or gloves.

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Little bit last minute huh. I ride with work boots, titanium toe. You should always where PPE like Mel said, boots, gloves, jacket, helmet. But I mean if you think tennis shoes will protect your feet well enough, that cool. I mean you do have two feet so if you lose one, you got a backup. :rulez:

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  Bluezx6r said:
lol i usually just ride in regular shoes.. Ive been riding on my temps for sooo long i just decided to get my real endorsement but i need to have boots above my ankles and gloves and what not. I have had my helmet in jacket but never bought boots or gloves.

ATGATT!!! All The Gear, All The Time!

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